Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Part of the Christmastime is presents! Yeah! Big ones! small ones, and teeeny tiny little bitty ones in a stocking hung by the fireplace... OOOOH, Yeah!
But some of the best gifts in the world do not come wrapped up in shiny paper. The gift of friends and family , whether it is the family we were born into or one the universe has provided for us. How do you wrap up love, hugs, laughter and the gift of time spent with loved ones whether born of blood or gathered through your years?
How about camaraderie, harmony, peace and personal prayer? They come to us in various ways during the year, each gift we receive to be treasured for sure, but, how glorious it will be if we will just let it this abundance flow through us to share with others every day throughout the year.
His name is Emmanuel, "God is with you " for ALL men, amen.
fred & kat >^. .^<

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
DECEMBER 12, 2007
"Abide in my love" John 15:9
As you light the 3rd candle of the Advent this Sunday and stare into the flame let us be reminded of that love within our own biological bubble radiating out to all those around us.
Let us all so recall John 14, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you" In order for us to enjoy the flickering flame of love radiating to unite with those children of God within other countries, we have to first establish the peace within. To do so we must remember what comes out of our mouth goes directly to our ears and causes impulses to our body for some sort of activity. With prayer peace comes over you and only sounds of tolerance, love and respect are demonstrated.
Indeed let us rejoice in the time of the year with love flowing out from individual to individual, following that one shinning star in life all around the earth not only just the next few days,,,,,but for days and months beyond
fred & kat >^. .^<

Thursday, December 06, 2007
DECEMBER 5, 2007
Welcome I would like to remind you of our logo.

Please notice the rising sun above a beach with a palm tree. The sun reflects into the stream which flows into New Day Unity Fellowship.
You will also note a butterfly.
Some believe butterflies do not have a long life span, but they believe in error. The butterfly goes through much to become the creature of beauty that it is. It can remain dormant in its pupal/larvae stage even in so much time to survive winters to become a butterfly Adult butterflies can live up to nearly a year.
Humans on average take 266 days to produce a newborn child. Patience wins as eager parents await the birth of their children.
The birthing process also has its drama. Not always so easy and sometimes long and painful, the birth process doesn't always happen as expected.
If we are waiting on a hamster, we will see its young in 16.5 days, a ground squirrel in 28 days or a chipmunk in 31.
But what if you are an elephant do you stomp your feet in impatience? Does an elephant give up because butterflies evolve, children are born? An elephant still waits and those chipmunks and hamsters keep adding up under their feet.
Elephants must wait and average of 645 days for the birth of their young.
Now you are probably wondering what all this talk of birth and transformation is all about.
Time. Patience. Faith. Do we have these three things? Are we willing to give these three things in the birth process of our Fellowship? And your pursuits, you may substitute any other word for Fellowship.
I don’t know about you, but New Day Unity Fellowship is an idea that is bigger than a butterfly, it is bigger than any one of us, I believe it is even bigger than any elephant and if it takes 645 days to bring forth an elephant then I have patience and I have faith and God willing the time to wait upon this miracle we call New Day Unity Fellowship.
fred & kat >^. .^<

NOVEMBER 28, 2007
"No thank you, I ate today, there are those over there worse off then me!"
This was a very unselfish remark from one of the 32 people that the team from New Day encountered Saturday....look at this closely---what a message! How many of us know what day it is by the fact we ate this particular day or not. This person only owned a cardboard box and a small bag of personal treasures yet the interest shown to her as a child of god, went right to her heart. Out of concern for the others around her, she would relinquish the offering of food so that others might eat. Much more of this day could be elaborated upon, but the simple act of this homeless lady said it all of Hebrews 13:16 "do not forget, do good and to share "
The soft stuffed animals are starting to come in now, what a joy, I feel like I am in the middle of a fuzzy warehouse of love. Just knowing all these creatures will be bringing a spark of joy to some yet unknown child this year as they stay in the Haley House of the Tampa VA Hospital. Just fills me with such emotion of gratitude! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you God, for this opportunity to possibly ease the tension of The children seeing their mommies or daddies for the first time after the parent has returned from Iraq or Afghanistan in a wounded state,
Being a veteran, a VA Hospital Chaplain's assistant, I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad recovering in a hospital. The parent in a condition other than the image the day the soldier parent left home as they deployed overseas. In some cases this will be of a traumatic mind setting event for the young child, so it is, that, I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for your donations from your heart to some unknown child....Fred
P.S. Unlike previous conflicts, a number of these maimed returning vets are mothers, daughters and grandmothers. For just $1.07 at Dollar Tree a nine inch,super soft bundle of comfort to a child coping with what they are seeing, can be purchased ---thank you...
If you would like to participate but too far away, send your new bear or soft stuffed animal to our mailing address P.O. Box 891, Odessa, Florida 33556 or bring them any Sunday to service or if you so indicate send a check or money order clearly marked a donation for the use of the purchase of a soft stuffed animal for these families. We have a committee who will go out to get those animals in your name....and your contribution will be duly noted for your tax purposes.
SOUP IS ON!!!!! The team that distributed the soup Saturday was backed by the efforts of many of the members of the fellowship. It would take too many pages to list you all and I am sure I would forget someone,,,(I am just not that good a typist) none the less, thank you all.....two things we found most requested were more of the daily words, and water...the water we will budget for, but, if any of you have any old daily words let us know. I will pick them up locally or please mail them to our post office box and we will ensure they are distributed with each monthly soup distribution.
We will be distributing soup once a month until April when the trend is for the homeless children of God to go back north.
This project requires 8 ounce cups or soup bowls with lids and plastic spoons, we will most graciously accept any donations to assist this endeavor.
December 2, 2007, following the Sunday Celebration Service a meeting will be held for the ratification of leadership of New Day Unity Fellowship,,,,this will only occur by those in attendance, nominations for three two year board members and one position for one year will be accepted at that time. Election will occur on December 9 for terms to become effective January 1, 2008.
Your participation will ensure the success of this fellowship.
A SPECIAL EVENT is to occur December 15th The program of variety and music sharing will start promptly at 7p.m. warming your heart with the powerful tones of Rachel followed by the famed recording star Dwain Briggs appearing at 730 p.m. Tickets are available for a 10.00 donation prior to the concert ....10.00 donation at will call or a 15.00 donation at the door the night of the event.....don't miss this event you will leave amazed at the musical talent this young man was blessed with by the creator of us all.
Feel free to go to for a sample of his music....this young man's voice will delight you, reaching inner points you never thought possible.
* * * * * Don't forget your banks of abundance Last Sunday. of month * * * * *
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
send to
"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks ahead!
P.O. Box 891,
Join us for our encouraging service this weekend. Enjoy an inspiring time of worship, prayer, and a message from the Bible that applys to today's societyRemember to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to come with you.