September 24, 2008
The Football season is on the gridiron --- touch down! Go Bulls!!
The Rays baseball team has a spot in the play offs----"Take me out to the ballgame!"
For you "hockey pucks" there is that dreaded goalie to get around or that one more dunked ball in the basket of the wooden court. Buckle up the shin guards you soccer fans! it is the time to sweat for victory!!!
Great athletes are made not born, they must forget about everything else but training, being focused and eating a balanced diet.
You are just as much a athlete as those running up and down any fields of play, only You are an athlete of the universal God. We must have a balanced diet of work, family, play and spirituality.
We must forget the great deceivers that keep us separated by convincing us we need to be "building 'something' together" or "if you can do it we can help" , the only thing we need "rolled back" Sunday is our awareness that we can jog or ride a bike or attend a game before or after the religious service of your choice.
"We Are Supporting the Green" they proudly proclaim over the tv screens, I wonder if they closed for one day how many trees would be saved?
How much oxygen put back into the air? How much healing the ozone might take place? How many family's may not have to go through the challenge of a loved one lost due to stress or drugs? How much of an oil shortage would there be if we spent a day with the family instead of driving for work?
Just what "Green" does the blue, the orange, the big red dot support?
We hear so much about change these days, but,we must realize the real "change" has to start inside you....Who said we need to focus upon with lines drawn in the sand? I thought this was one country. We are all one. Why study the migration habits of rats from outer space ------ did I miss the cure of AIDS, CANCER, POVERTY in the United States?
Just like the athletes of the world honored as gods, we are the athletes of your one creator, one power in the universe, God, and this inner connection.
We have to change our thinking to include time to refocus on our families, find balanced time for all the abundance brought to us.
We can!!!! By keeping ourselves focused through prayer-meditation-listening and reacting in a way positive to the universal laws. It will be remarkable the number of points we will score high in your personal life game with your ability to handle the rest of your daily challenges, trials and tribulations.
Now is the time to focus on your inner workout!
Amrit Yoga held a weekend seminar held at the Hindu Temple of South Florida in Tampa. Participants enjoyed lecture, yoga, meditation and wonderful cuisine