Tuesday, October 28, 2008

F.R.O.G. Notes and More

October 29, 2008


With the explosion of video phone, space travel, even digital TVs, all that hoopla, it is so easy to join those that prefer to close their minds to the fact there might be something more out there more than just their egos....some believe just---what is --is, or it is just their fate---or someone else is totally responsible for their plight---

Well maybe things are just not as they really appear in society today:

For instance, the great star of Bethlehem----Super nova never before, nor since seen that bright, but, astrology will verify occurred during that blessed time in man's history.

Medically why is it we circumcise males? If it was the sign of the covenant between Abraham and God, then how come the Egyptians and other cultures around the world were doing it thousands of years prior to the story in Genesis 17?

Bread from Heaven! Preposterous! In the Wilderness! Well right there is your first clue---"wilderness",,,,ever hear of a tree that grows abundantly in the Sinai region just short of the Jordan River ----it is called "Tamarisk". Botanist from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem have confirmed the "Bread of Heaven" is still found to this day in the Sinai and sold in the local markets.

Oh;and I would like to mention "Manna" is translated from the Hebrew word "man-hu", and it loosely means "What is this Stuff"

Look up sperm whales in the Mediterranean some time and figure out with your own free will if the Jonah story could just possibly happen-----(hint) has to do with--air pockets, Up chucking, hurl, upset stomach, barfing, projectile emission, whale beaching....and documentation.

Do all these miraculous story's of the bible apply to this day and age?----well do they?

I can see perseverance, faith, listening to what God is telling you when you pray, Not accepting everything we see on the surface as the absolute truth. On top of all the other scientific revelations.

I ask you is the power of God lessened because the method to accomplish something due to the intellectual understanding of that time period does not seem to fit into your modern vocabulary?

These appear to be hard times right now, maybe we should re-look at some of the things being said in that book called the bible--What people do not realize or refuse to recognize is that modern science, we so revere today--- IS--- finding a lot of what the bible says has a basis in scientific fact---it is not all fable--not all a tale of folklore---not a bunch of nonsense accumulated through many centuries by the Jews.

We can hide our heads in the sand, denying thousands of years of belief, all ways relying on others to make their change for us, or we can take it day by day into prayer, meditation and listen to what the universe is saying to us and react in preparation for the change that "The Creator" tells us is coming. Those that are survivalist from some event will tell you they were listening to the "gut feeling" --but--where did that feeling, that inner information come from?

If you are Certain in your mind just what God promised to do and understand what principle was actually used to accomplish the promise----then you know there is no fear over the events of these fast unfolding times in the history of mankind.

Ask your self what is the hidden meaning written in the oldest book of records around? Maybe this is an ancient language barrier, how will they call things we do now in the future-----------I do not understand all the rapper's music ---do you?

Take a car instead of a camel through the eye of a needle! Hey!, explain, with out pictures, a snow mobile to some one living in the deep bush of South Africa----that should be fun. Would they think you are talking nonsense, smoking to much "wacky backy", telling a fable?

Just a thought!!!!

Blessings fred

Be not afraid of growing slowly;
be afraid only of standing still.
- Italian proverb

Dear Readers,

We are into our third year now with many great things on the horizon to bring even more focus upon the many avenues, roads or paths to the one power the one presence in the universe God. We are constantly looking for ways to improve this fellowship, your fellowship no matter where you are located or in your journey! This fellowship does not belong to Kat nor I nor Luis, rather YOU. This is your home and we have had visitors from South Carolina, Iowa and California now based upon this understanding. We feel we are attempting to be a bridge between the metaphysical and traditional communities. It is our pledge to continue along these lines as we are guided by the one creator of us all.

We are here to pray with you at any time, if you can not come to the center feel free to call 813-574-7028 or send your prayer to our e-mail or post office box and it will be prayed over by our ministers and if you should indicate placed into our secure prayer box and prayed over by our entire congregation for thirty days.

I am happy to announce that we have now added "Pay Pal" to www.newdayunityfellowship.blogspot.com in request of those of you who have expressed a desire to have another method to send a donation.Let us go on record right now and state, we thank you for your donation in any amount that will keep this ministry actively putting out the word of truth.

contact Fred at 813-748-7095
(go to left side of page scroll down to videos and more you will be glad you did)


Abraham Law of Attraction Meet-Up Friday, November 7, 2008 7:00 PM


We love to hear from our readers, but so many only tell us when we see them or talk to them on the phone, Send us your comments to share with the rest of this fast growing network. Feel free to look at the ever changing blogspot and send us your comments and suggestions on how we can improve it for you. This fellowship is God's fellowship for all those who embrace it.

Oneness Blessing in English is available Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM
Oneness Blessing will also be available in Espanol Miercoles a las 7PM (that's Wedneday at 7PM for those who do not read Spanish) and Sundays at noon!
Announcing the Ananda Mandala on Second Fridays beginning November 14, 2008 at 7:00 PM
Jai Bagwan!

Psychic Fair November 8, 2008
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Readings, Reflexology, Psychometry, Reiki and more

"anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness" 1 John

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

At all times Fully rely on God


utilize www.mychurchdonations.com to send a donation in any amount.
or our blogsite has "pay pal" thank you.


If you would like to be removed from our weekly email message please reply with REMOVE in the subject line.

If you received this as a forward and would like to be included in our mailing list, which we share with no one else,
please send an e-mail to NewDayUnity@aol.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
We love you.

We honor you. We bless you.

We recognize the Christ within you.
God Blesses You!!!!


P.O. Box 260013,
Tampa, FL 33685-0013

(813) 574-7028

Sunday Celebration held at 10 am, 8012 West Waters Ave



Abraham Law of Attraction Meet-Up Friday, November 7, 2008 7:00 PM
Psychic Fair November 8, 2008 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Announcing the Ananda Mandala on Second Fridays beginning November 14, 2008 at 7:00 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22, 2008


Everyone attending the 10 am celebration this past Sunday was given a little purple bracelet as they entered the fellowship.

Oh No! Not another one of those rubber band things!….. We got pink ones for breast cancer, yellow for cancer, green ones, camouflaged ones for our troops, OD ones for WWII, red/white/blue stirped ones for patriot events---- red ones for the Bucs and blue ones for the Colts ….super bright yellowish green for "What Would Jesus Do",, a dull blue one for "Fully Rely On God"—Frog it!------In fact I think at last count I had about 15 to 20 different colored bracelets to remind me of something---- that some one--- wanted me to remember…..but I have forgotten just what they all mean..

Well Bingo! You are in Florida!—Not Kansas Toto! This one is purple, the highest spiritual color. And can make a immediate, I mean immediate, effect on change in your life. You can bring Joy into your heart.

This bracelet was started by a little church out in Lee Summit Missouri about two years ago and at last count had given out over two million of the things the world over,----yes-- it is the same one as seen on Opra Winfrey!!!

Yet the concept of this item of reminder actually started in Genesis 3, this is the chapter where by Adam eats of the fruit of the tree that God told him and Eve to leave alone.

If you will recall God is walking along the path in Eden calling out for Adam and Eve, when He finds them they are dressed in fig leaves and they go through all that why stuff back an forth with their parent creator. Adam offers as an excuse; Eve made him eat the fruit! Adam passed the buck!,,, ,he complained to a higher authority that some other entity was effecting him--but--the fact remains HE ate the fruit and ignored the consequences for it. Adam, as a representative of who we are, did not accept responsibility for his free will decision.

What did Eve say? " well, uh,"( twirling her bare toe in the dust) "you see God it was that pretty serpent that made me eat the fruit!"

And what did the serpent say-------Nothing! Not A Thing!!

As a child growing up in Iowa with my 4 brothers and sister, I am sure our mother would of loved to have had one of these bracelets……to cope with the raising of all six of us.

More then once I know she heard one of us say, ,Sam made me do it,,,,,, Joe made me do it or Bill made me do it, or Jene made us all do it! We couldn’t pick on Cindy she was the only girl and the baby so mom would never have believed that. And though we called Bill the “slow one” no body even today would believe that.

Not me of course I was just to perfect! I can give self quoted references!!!!!!!!

OK! So you won't believe that one----I tried!

Regardless it was Adam that started it off for all of us by refusing to accept the responsibility for his actions, by shifting the blame, by complaining! He complained that someone else did it to him…….Eve followed suit and the ole ego—that devil of us all---just didn't say a thing, simply because------ the ego has no complaints as long as everything goes it’s way,, as long as it has accomplished what it wanted for immediate gratification of the body. Doesn't matter if you're are man nor woman, it applies the same!

No matter how we cloth ourselves in other self justifying ways, ( in some fig leaves are just not enough) no matter how we try to hide ourselves in excuses for our actions, when we are called out, we are naked before the truth! We are responsible for our own actions before the one power the one presence in the universe God. Just becauseWe colored pictures in church with out knowing what they stood for, in short we listened to the ego---that serpent---- the devil in disguise, We bought into the egotistic idea that we were exempt from the law of the universe, because our ego tells us it is all ways the other guy doing this, after all we went to church----- once!

Folks----You created an error; Now accept it and make the changes in your life. Don’t set around and complain and let it ruin your life….. take it to prayer and find an alternate route, something has seen more in you then your ego does. Open up to the universal direction coming your way,,,,,all it takes is a little prayer, meditation and listening then reacting.

Do not be afraid to live---- just live by the grace of God, if you drift and error, change your mind and you will change your ways. Don't beat yourself up over the error, over and over again, change your mind and you will change your ways---for--give-- prayer is "for" yourself first by "giving" it to the universe

So many times we have heard heard that alcohol or drugs made some perpetrator do something, NO! You drank the alcohol. You smoke or took the drugs-- that the law of nature said: when you do so much of this-- you will cause this effect. It is simple---you can not complain against the hops of the field. They are doing what God intended them to do----make alcohol---it was your free will to abuse their use.

Don’t complain about it, pay your fine, do the time and drink less! Or get a designated driver!

Look at the past for your complaints and to the future for your solutions.

God’s interest is where you are going from now on, not your complaint of where you been. The creator is all forgiving! Yes! Of those that take a step in a different direction! It is easy just to float down stream--it is harder to swim upstream to redemption but if "You" want to change something ------

do something!…..It all starts with you! A little prayer, meditation and listening before you react will go a long ways to accepting and knowing what the effects of your decision will be……

You want lower gas prices! Read up on all the new ways to increase gas mileage. Stop driving as much, don’t buy every teenager a new car when they hit 16--- school buses work----- public transportation works---bicycles work---shoe leather works even better------car pools bond people together---make a grocery list and get all those needed items that is possible at one time.

----spend time with the family instead of shopping on Sunday for "stuff" that is not going to last the tests of time. If you can do something church can really help!

Really build something, Memories! Memories are eternal---no matter the times we face. Memories last when you are gone.

Some of the fondest memories of my brothers and I when we are together was of our Grandfather, his cigars, his two baseball games going on, one on tv another on the radio and playing cards with us---all at the same time I might ad. But I can not tell you one Christmas gift I bought for any of my brothers when we were kids----but we remember the family outings. The swimming--picnics--ice skating---trips to visit relatives. What are yours?

When we are not clouding our minds with complaints of a situation we are being open and receptive to God’s fountain head of good ideas to come through to direct us with a solution and suddenly what was , a complaint-------- becomes a ray of sunlight---- a joy in our heart ---the vision to a blind man.

Suddenly we are expressing the happiness of God through—His-- perfect idea---YOU—man kind. Joy and gladness are strength-giving, especially when reinforced by a simple prayer-----“thank you God”

Thank you God for me realizing I am just complaining,,,,, finding fault with what ever--- blaming someone else for my error.

Luke 1 tells us, “my soul magnifies the lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God-- my savior”

In so many of our songs we sing how He has raised us up, raised us up over the mountains—raised us upon His shoulders etc. etc. but that can only come about by refusing to complain---- by ceasing to block the good coming to you---most of you reading this message remember the song “Good Vibrations”,,,,, well vibrate with prayer-----by praising the universal creator and adjusting our ways.-------we are magnifying that which WE were made in the image of…. GOD

Simply put a complaint free person is a magnification of the laws of a peaceful, content universe and your very body--- your very spirit--- your very being will be happy with this universal change of mind this change of attitude---


The Cake by Cory's Bakery of Clearwater Florida topped off the two year celebration of the fellowship.

It was truly yummy!

Thank you to all who helped celebrate the Fellowship's Birthday!

Our closing circle surrounded the room, what a blessing.

Be not afraid of growing slowly;
be afraid only of standing still.

- Italian proverb

Numerology with Todd
Fridays at 7:00 PM
Suggested Love Offering of $10.00


Musicians are still wanted within the walls of New Day Unity Fellowship. Come play for us!
Be instrumental in building a vibrant music program


"It appears to me that in an orderly way, you allow those in the fellowship who have a testimonial to ad to the message to speak out---I liked that "--Sam from South Carolina (visiting)

"You have such a variety of people and ages here, yet they all feel so loved and they all come together to mold this fellowship into something wonderful" ---Joe from Iowa

"I am from California and your message was just what I needed,I came with my mother and I am glad I did." unk.

"I can not help but like the way you are a bridge from the traditional to the metaphysical and back, I wish I lived closer I would be here every weekend----everyone makes you feel so loved and welcome." Ronda

We love to hear from our readers, feel free to look at the ever changing blogspot and send us your comments and suggestions on how we can improve it for you. This fellowship is God's fellowship for all those who embrace it.

Oneness Blessing is available Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM
We send our best wishes for a safe journey to Pastor Luis as he returns from India this week.
Upon his return, Oneness Blessing will also be available in Espanol Miercoles a las 7PM (that's Wedneday at 7PM for those who do not read Spanish) and Sundays at noon!
Jai Bagwan!

Psychic Fair
Saturday, November 8, 2008
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Stay Tuned for Details

"anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness" 1 John

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
At all times Fully rely on God F.R.O.G.

utilize www.mychurchdonations.com to send a donation in any amount or now you may use PayPal!

Monday, October 20, 2008

October 15, 2008


2 Corinthians 4 “What is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal”

There are days when I have to remember that everything I do in my tasks, my errands and my duties is short lived. Not a reality, for reality would be eternal and the eternal things are unseen.

As I focus on them by faith, this reaching for the Christ within first-- I have the pleasures of the universe in my heart and the love of God in my works, the spring of personal peace in my walk.

With the times we are experiencing now--- of economic uncertainty—the election---the job situation and why---- even raising children---there are definitely people out there on the edge, caught up in the whirlpool of worry.

Worry can destroy a good relationship, it prevents honest conversation, intimacy, a loss of trust. If we are in the worry mind set, there is no room for God, for personal peace. If we have no inner peace then we find we are selfish and want to wallow in our misery ! We get confused! We think we are helping others by sacrificing our own enjoyment for life.

Our ego convinces us we are benefiting others by worrying over meeting all the needs and facing the goblins that face the ones we love. Yet, Actually we are closing off our own growth! Our own universal flow.

More then once I have heard, “ I had such a good time at New Day, I need to do that more often”!

I have one question? Why don’t you.

Do you remember the story in Luke 10 about Jesus and his disciples stopping at the home of Mary and Martha to visit and to eat. Martha scurried around getting things ready for the meal, and she became agitated because Mary just sat at Jesus feet listening to what He said. Martha asked Jesus “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me” and Jesus replied:

“Martha –Martha—you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed, Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her”

Martha was willingly meeting the needs and performing the tasks—doing the job—a good job to be exact – for the company in her house, worrying over her sister and all the needs of their guests, except ----her own. She did not have God in her heart, ,, she did not “seek ye first the kingdom of God.” she was not at her own personal peace.

There are a lot of us out there that are like "Martha’s", we are geared toward getting things done, earning money, believing the job on Sundays is loyalty to a company, the most important thing in our lives-----because we have bought into the need to build something. We are worrying about the needs our family just can not get along with out! Can't they? Do they really have a "seen" need or maybe the real need is "unseen"?

How about just having love and bonding as a family? Do we need to buy into the lie that a company is supporting the green,,,, ? Are we really seeking the Christ within or are we trying to fool ourselves even of the lie we have bought into. Are we Martha or Mary?

But what of the children?

Proverbs 22: instructs us how to raise a child, “Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old enough they will not depart from it.”

We can only love them---care for them---try to pass our own experience to them—pray for them and wait with the patience of Job, while we continue to express the tolerance of Jesus the Christ for them---Watch them as they go through this or that stage so they can blossom in life.----With faith we only believe they will pass on your fine God directed teachings to their off spring----uh!~ that is Your grandchildren!

You have got to relinquish them to the law of the universe, ,,,,, the lord,,,, the cause and effect.

We learn when we stub our toes.

As a parent you have shown the way of prayer, meditation and listening and now it is their voyage upon the seas of life—it is their experience to come into that alignment with the one power the one presence in the universe ----God!

So many times as we travel through life-- on all facets of life-- we go through a destructive process by worrying about the wrong things and not appreciating what we do have.

Mark 4:19 tells us, “the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth—desires for other things come in and choke the very word of God, making it unfruitful”

In other words we are not saying you should not be wealthy, nor irresponsible! We are saying if you worry all the time on where any of this daily life is coming from, where your spouse is going or what path your child “might” be on, then you actually block what good is coming your way!

Actually you are struggling to establish a belief in the "seen" -----only; Guess what?

You will receive just what you are worrying about---you put it out in the universe and the universe only gives you good, so with all your thought on the worry, well it must be a good thing.----Lets pile it on----Enjoy it!

Does it mean that we must be paupers to be spiritual?

Does this mean that if we have worldly goods we will spend time burning in Hell?


Our possessions do not matter to the creator of us all!----- It is our attitude towards these possessions that does matter!

Children are not possessions they are a fruit of the womb.,,,,, a result of the law of the universe, we must love them-- enjoy them--guide them and release them but honor the path of them.

If we believe our possessions, our jobs, our social status, make us important, we put our trust in them, we are worshipping a false God and we will all ways be disappointed in the long run.

But if we remember that everything comes from the universe, we give praise, we keep our focus on God, our vibrations are in alignment with the universal song, and we live a life that is relinquished to the good of God.

We must remember to keep our attitude toward earthy possessions in check,---work is a method----the Oneness Blessing is a method---Yoga is a method---church is a method---the New Day Fellowship is a method-- to aid us in our alignment with our true importance----- alignment with the one power in the universe….God!

It is for us to appreciate what we have and enjoy the life being offered to us……enjoy our children making the word of God fruitful-----and when it is up to the children to begin their spiritual life path and find that enjoyment of life they will not depart from the ways.

So as these times get a little thinner, as the children seem to push all your right buttons,

Do not lose heart, go within, to your own mountain, your own peaceful valley, that one special spot with prayer and meditation. Ask for guidance from the father, then listen and react accordingly---
though outwardly we may appear to be wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day with the light and strength to endure and be worry free.

Blessings fred

October 08, 2008



ISAIAH 11, "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat,

the calf and young lion, and a little child shall lead them."

New Day Unity Fellowship expresses its heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in our recent Estate Sale. Connie and Sandy were superstars!!! They priced the items, they sold the items and packed up the items. Start to finish, we are grateful for these "go to" girls! We could not have done all of this without the help of Victor, Chris, Twyla, Mary Catherine and Angela. Most of all we thank Pam for the shade and the free entertainment. We enjoyed the ever attentive squirrels with their watchful eyes in the burgeoning branches of her oak tree and in her yard when times were slow. The sale was a huge success.

New Day Unity Fellowship is two!

We also extend our thanks for your attendance and showing support for our many programs. You help keep the doors open, the rent and electricity paid. No salaries are paid are paid by these funds.

Thanks go to Luis, Fred and Kat for their two years of service to this fellowship.

God Bless You!

Be not afraid of growing slowly;
be afraid only of standing still.

- Italian proverb

October 01, 2008

A Time for corn stocks piled high and pumpkins in the fields. Pumpkin pies and whip cream....mmmmm. mmmmm. The hint of nippy jack frost waking up. Going to be a cold 60 degrees here in Florida this year I tell you!

The time when scary things wander the streets with green, purple, red or yellow glow sticks in there hands, or scary noises that go bump in the night,,,,, strangely though those scary things seem a lot more less scary when offered some trick or treat candy, and the things going bump in the night?---- well---- you city folks check your flower pots and you farmers check your out houses......

A great time of the year, a fun time, a play time,....for our own personal universe to see.


You are a child of God--we know who the real you is !

"For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal", 2 Corinthians

Now, Where did I put that old George Washington wig?

Blessings- Fred.