"I lift up mine eyes to the hills, where does my help come to me?"
Two days ago more than 50,000 received lay-offs from their jobs, with the possibility of more every day. These are tough times, no getting around it.
In the military they have a chant "when the going gets tough, the tough get going" if you take that to times like this, you will automatically take your mind to a higher thought, a motivating phrase, a prayer perhaps and your outcome will be even greater.
"My help comes from the lord, who created the heavens and the earth"
The lord, the very law of the universe that governs your being is right inside you, connected through the Christ, the divine connection, from the one who created thought in man, the heavens and earth, your help coming is the Holy Spirit moving through you. We only need to turn inward with prayer meditation and listen, then move as we are directed.
It is just like a rambling brook, we float along bouncing off daily rocks of tribulations swirling whirlpools of trial, each water fall, each rapid moving us ever forward into one experience after another but always in the same direction---toward the main source---God.
As long as we stay on the innertube, stay in the canoe of faith and worship to God we will never be idle in the stagnant waters of lack of hope and despair. Our "mountains" just become "stepping stones" to greater things in store for us.
Blessings fred

And now a thought from Kat:
Today, the Magic Penny song started rolling around my head and for those you who know the song, no pun was intended, but our Creator does have a magnificent sense of humor. Then I started thinking about how first instinct when times are bad is to "tighten your belt" and do without, deny yourself pleasures and wants, but this is not how the Universe works. Greed aside, because we are all very tired of greed in everything, spend your money, buy your products, but as you do this bless the transaction. As you bless your transaction, realize the trail that was made to get you your end product and realize you are blessing all those people and possibly enabling them to keep their jobs and spend their money and possibly help you even more. When I thought about this thought, I felt so good. I hope you do too.

JOIN US AT 12 NOON THANKSGIVING DAY at the fellowship center and eat food full of love. THIS IS NOT A SPIRITUAL SERVICE---BUT IT WILL BE A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE TO FEEL ALL THE GENUINE LOVE AROUND YOU as you laugh, eat, play cards, How about just chatting with some one or watch a movie or just come and enjoy --make a new friend.
Bring a dish, or cold green tea, or chips, or most of all just your self to be open to a good time.
Just so you will know, Christmas Day, NDUF will have an 11 am Celebration meditation , no service just an hour meditation interrupted every 15 minutes with a prayer to celebrate the birth of Christ within us all.
This is your fellowship no matter where you are located in this country or where your are in your life journey! If you are in the area do stop in and let us know how much you have enjoyed the variety in the newsletter being sent every week, pick up a calender, have a cup of coffee with us, pray or ask us to join you in prayer
There is a pastor on site every weekday from 11am to 2pm
We are here to pray with you at any time, if you cannot come to the center feel free to call 813-574-7028 or send your prayer to our e-mail or post office box and it will be prayed over by our ministers and if you should indicate, your prayer will be placed into our secure prayer box and prayed over by our entire congregation for thirty days.