Wednesday Messages Compliments of
Practical Christianity for Positive Living

Wednesday ~ Feb 21, 2007
Pardon me while I ask----
Is your world a little frustrating right at this moment, today, this week?
Things kinda rough around the edges?
You are contemplating changing your name to Job!
Sorry you really can’t even compare to that biblical name. Yet---
You just know that the legacy you have been handed down from your family is a total liability!
The answer to all your problems is so very simple. It really is no great secret!
You have just got to turn from thinking you are a victim of this world and going with the flow of society, to becoming a “gimper”—one who always does just a shade more then what is required of them rather it be at work-home-as a father or a mother, a brother or a sister, maybe at school or church. Been called many things, have you? But never a “gimper”. Well open your eyes, it is a new day!
In Exodus 34:6-7, we see it stated, “the lord God is merciful-gracious-long suffering (that is tolerant of our error, immorality and injustice) and yet, is not hesitant to give us abundance in goodness and truth.”
Incredible! Isn't it?
The very nature of the one power-the one presence in all the universe-GOD- IS to give to US so much abundance that it overflows into our very lives!
I grant you nothing is for free, yet the Universal Creator requires so little in return for all that will be given unto us….So---
To change the direction you are now traveling -------change your consciousness. Millions are being made as we speak over this very principle that has been around since the beginning of time, we just have not been listening. Science has proven that thought vibrations can change the direction of an object---a positive thought is 100% more positive they any negative thought! And you know what? A positive thought is a form of praise to God!
We know when we send out praise we open a hole in the universe and when a hole is open it must be filled, and God can only send Good, because God is Good, so we begin to fill with his goodness.
God’s bounty is only limited by us!
It is not who you are or what your parents decided must be your legacy nor what you were “fated” to be that counts! Rather----
What you think about the most is what will appear as your life!
You know what you want ---claim it!
You know what you want to be---claim it!
Believe the Father in Heaven will give it to you rightfully as his son or daughter and ---claim it!
Through Praise towards your fellow man, Prayer to God, and listen in meditation.
There is no such thing as a hopeless situation!
YOU are the master of your own thoughts, take them to harmony with the universe and stand by for change!
Fred & Kat >^. .^<>
BTY (Blessings to YOU) Kat >^. .^<

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