Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Be sure to share this message with your friends!
July 25, 2007

they have made me a keeper of the vineyards, but, my own vineyard I have not kept” Song of Solomon 1:6

Your soul cries out that You want balance in your life!

You are a child of God—you accept it—others recognize it.
It is admirable that you attempt to walk the talk daily through prayer-meditation-and your actions.

Actions! How many actions?

For whom?

Stop for a second and look into the mirror of your life, are you all ways on the go? Constantly working to ensure everyone else is happy!
Dragging home at all hours every night, for a few moments of unrestful sleep.

Still hearing the wolves snapping at the door are you?.

All from Spending so much time on the projects of other people.

Stop! Put your brakes on! Take a deep breath.

Ask yourself if the wine of life is to be sweet, are you getting nourishment from your own vineyards?

You will by putting God first in all you do!

Then set some time for just You, enjoy a sunset, do your nails, sip coffee and eat cinnamon toast, all alone, all yours!

Followed by designated time set aside for those who rely on you.
Don’t be bashful now again take some time for your self, talk uninterrupted on the phone with a friend or hold the hand of your most significant other. You would be surprised how rejuvenating either one of those simple little acts can be during times of stress.

Finally, at end the day, while soaking in a hot bath, a steamy shower or just sipping tea, while staring out the window as the sun sinks behind the landscape take a few moments of praise for gaining the wisdom to make the right choices that day.

As you bring a balanced schedule to your life you will realize now that is living!

Those around you will adjust, believe me or ask any doctor or lawyer, and they will become happy for you, they will become happy because of you.

The best part is that as you bring your universe into balance you will become refreshed emotionally, physically and spiritually enabling you to give to others even more effectively.

But YOU must be the one to take the first step!


Don't forget July 29, 2007 is the fifth Sunday of July, we encourage you to bring school supplies for underprivileged children to be distributed through a local school.

A few weeks ago we started putting the “Magic” back into the penny, to all of you who have dropped those reclaimed pennies from the chest of mother earth, WE THANK YOU. I have a hunch you are going to be surprised by the end of the month over how that simple little act of picking up a carelessly tossed copper coin can add up .….and to those that have yet to join those of us with our noses to the ground as we walk out of 7-11, grocery stores or malls, please feel free to assist us with putting the magic back into the penny as each and every coin is going towards the growing building fund.
Just bring them in any amount, any Sunday and toss them into the special jar,,,,Danny as been successfully shanghaied, along with Fred to roll them at the end of the month. (P.S. you betcha we will take rolled coins too)


Would you like to share a chuckle, a giggle and possibly some really good belly laughs? Make plans to join us for a matinee of "Menopause, the Musical" When we get 12 women to join together to attend on August 12, 2007 at 2:00 PM we will qualify for a group rate, please email back with your response or call Kat at 813-546-1461 to let her know you are joining the group.

Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday August 18, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the second chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.

In June we made “Joy Jars”. Everyone brought their own jar decorated with the Joy sticker, some with butterflies. They received an inspirational thought from the teachings of Abraham and a packet of “Angel Slips” with daily tasks for inspiration, fun, fellowship and sharing. Each person was encouraged to add their own slips of paper with an inspirational thought or quote or joke or story to provide their own daily joy.

This past week three new slips were added a bible verse, a quote, and a prayer. When you come to the Women's Ministry breakfast in August please bring 10 copies of a quote, a verse, or a prayer for everyone's Joy Jars.

Joy stickers and angels slips are available for the asking, you have to provide the jar.

We look forward to seeing you in our future.



Kat >^. .^<
Quote of the week: Cats are like potato chips, you can't have just one

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 18th

When a person watches a sunset and feels no joy, then something is wrong.

It just seems to me that since 911 so many of us today are living above the reality of the terrorist threat, we all know it is impossible to live in a state of complete relaxation, I grant you, but, we why is it we must attempt to grab all we can prior to the end. End of what? Do you think anything is going to leave the planet with you in the best of times?…I have yet to see a u-haul follow a hearse. (Kat's Grandfather had his plan to turn his 200 acre farm into a cemetery. That plan was foiled by the government, wrong zoning)

The greatest peace effort you can do is send love, light and positive energy out to those that are bent on destruction. Start with “ME” to put trust in those that do their jobs for the safety of all of us and put your faith in God! Through daily prayer, meditation, listening and reacting to the divine words sent through your hearts. Then we shall over come. Psalm 23:4 “fear not for I am with you”

IT is one thing to allow one’s heart to heal its wounds slowly, but, it is quite another to sit all day in deep thought over possible fear of life. Be wise but enjoy life, slow down, take a breath world!!!

If we remain strong in our faith with the one power-- the one presence-- in the universe, then the strongest sword cannot scar the real surface of us.
Gals. 6:8 “for he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting”



A couple of weeks ago we started putting the “Magic” back into the penny, to all of you who have dropped those reclaimed pennies from the chest of mother earth, WE THANK YOU. I have a hunch you are going to be surprised by the end of the month over how that simple little act of picking up a carelessly tossed copper coin can add up .….and to those that have yet to join those of us with our noses to the ground as we walk out of 7-11, grocery stores or malls, please feel free to assist us with putting the magic back into the penny as each and every coin is going towards the growing building fund.
Just bring them in any amount, any Sunday and toss them into the special jar,,,,Danny as been successfully shanghaied, along with Fred to roll them at the end of the month. (P.S. you betcha we will take rolled coins too)


Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday July 21, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.

In June we made “Joy Jars”. Everyone brought their own jar decorated with the Joy sticker, some with butterflies. They received an inspirational thought from the teachings of Abraham and a packet of “Angel Slips” with daily tasks for inspiration, fun, fellowship and sharing. Each person was encouraged to add their own slips of paper with an inspirational thought or quote or joke or story to provide their own daily joy.

Joy stickers and angels slips are available for the asking, you have to provide the jar.

We look forward to seeing you in our future.



Kat >^. .^<>

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Practical Christianity for Positive Living

July 11, 2007

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans.” 12:2

A few years ago I drove a taxi, Yes, I can tell you all kinds of taxi cab confessions, but no! I will not, to many experiences to go there, however, there was one that helped cement me upon my spiritual path several years ago.
It occurred as I was driving at a brisk rate around the air port in my cab one hot humid shirt soaking Florida day.

I was pretty much in my own world right after fixing a flat tire and putting up with an inspection from the taxi commission. In addition you have to understand that one must change lanes to suddenly go west on one highway or end up on another ave. going north west through the city or make the toll road entrance ramp or continue to the extreme right, avoiding on coming traffic from the air port just so you can go around to the other end of the airport!

Whew!, Sound scary? You betcha! Very tricky at times, so can you guess the number of accidents in that area daily? A bunch!

Anyway back to the incident at hand, all of a sudden this character nearly ran me over with his speeding car. ….To make a long story short not much intelligence was displayed on behalf of either of us, so when we both pulled to the side of the road and this big guy got out of his car to come back to “discuss” the display of mutual ignorance with me, I surprised him by coming out of my door screaming all kinds of superlatives and waving a tire iron---he jumped into his car and sped off missing part of a tail light.. then I realized just how stupid that was---and I prayed!

Recently a similar set of circumstances were reenacted while coming around that same airport only this time I knew the young man was giving me a sign that was actually pointing the one and only way to reach a state of mental bless.---heaven!

I certainly was experiencing a renewing of my mind for I could only think “bless them that curse you”. . .Math 5:44.

No tire tool this time! No pulling over to the side of the road!
Rather I just sent him love and light, I found myself looking at the root of the problem to discover just why he might be angry, how to over come it and truly change any action on my behalf.

Maybe I am realizing it is better not to focus upon the thorns of life, rather to stop and smell the scent of the earth about you, pause and watch a cloud just float by, look at a tree, listen to a bird chirp see, hear the roar of incoming waves or realize the pure joy the laughter of a child can bring and just count your blessings that you are a child of God.

Thank you God!


“In God We Trust” is stamped upon all of our currency and especially noting all those pennies that are cast out onto the ground at any 7-11, Walmarts, Cosco, Home Depot well just about everywhere. As we are told in scripture to “render upon Caesar what is Caesar’s due”, some members of N.D.U.F. are now picking up those pennies and depositing them into a designated jar as we come into the church. At the end of the month Fred and Danny will roll them and add those coins restored to purpose to our growing Building Fund.

Sound silly, well during one year Fred collected over $100 worth of pennies off the ground, now take that amount per each member of our growing congregation----I’ll let you do the math. It also aids in exercise – monetary and physical.


We hope to see you at our next breakfast Saturday July 21, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.

In June we made “Joy Jars”. Everyone brought their own jar decorated with the Joy sticker, some with butterflies. They received an inspirational thought from the teachings of Abraham and a packet of “Angel Slips” with daily tasks for inspiration, fun, fellowship and sharing. Each person was encouraged to add their own slips of paper with an inspirational thought or quote or joke or story to provide their own daily joy.

Joy stickers and angels slips are available for the asking, you have to provide the jar.

We look forward to seeing you in our future.



Kat >^. .^<

Sept. 5th Wednesday night Study Group will begin, based upon the book “Spiritual Development” authorship: Richard and Jan Potter. To order a new or used book from Amazon go to this link:
Amazon.com: Used and New: Spiritual Development For Beginners: A Simple Guide to Leading a Purpose-Filled Life (For Beginners)
All are welcome. Love donation only.

Be sure to share this message with your friends!

Comments are welcome and always appreciated.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

July 4, 2007


To some people this is the day Will Smith took on the Aliens and won! To some it is another great opportunity for sales profit, and unfortunately for some they do not have a clue. (One only needs to watch Jay Leno to get that feeling)
In reality is was the day where by the 2nd Continental Congress ratified a partisan document justifying the American Revolution.(1775-1783) (Wikipedia)
Celebration of The Declaration of Independence from British rule on July 4th 1776 by some of the colonies, actually came about after the war was in full gear. Despite popular Hollywood versions not everyone in the American colonies wanted to follow the first rebel colony and separate from the mother England.

It took another hundred plus years for America “to hold these truths that all men are created equal” though man is slow to learn, God knew within his eyes that all of His children are created equal and “they are endowed by the creator with certain rights”

Heb. 10 tells us “Do not cast away your confidence for it will be richly rewarded”

We must remember that just because God gives us the great promise, it does not mean it will automatically come to pass in your lifetime. You have to do Your part to develop a restoration mentality by holding those things in mind, expecting and believing they will produce a like kind. The universe is trying to align with you to increase and enlarge your vision of life, be strong willed, determined, use the obstacles in your life as stepping stones that take you to higher spirituality and earthly blessings. See your self successful and affirm it through, Prayer, Meditation, Listening and Reacting to the Lord (the Universal truths of life.)


“In God We Trust” is stamped upon all of our currency and especially noting all those pennies that are cast out onto the ground at any 7-11, Walmarts, Cosco, Home Depot well just about everywhere. As we are told in scripture to “render upon Caesar what is Caesar’s due”, some members of N.D.U.F. are now picking up those pennies and depositing them into a designated jar as we come into the church. At the end of the month Fred and Danny will roll them and add those coins restored to purpose to our growing Building Fund.
Sound silly, well during one year Fred collected over $100 worth of pennies off the ground, now take that amount per each member of our growing congregation----I’ll let you do the math. It also aids in exercise – monetary and physical.


We hope to see you at our next breakfast Saturday July 21, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.

In June we made “Joy Jars”. Everyone brought their own jar decorated with the Joy sticker, some with butterflies. They received an inspirational thought from the teachings of Abraham and a packet of “Angel Slips” with daily tasks for inspiration, fun, fellowship and sharing. Each person was encouraged to add their own slips of paper with an inspirational thought or quote or joke or story to provide their own daily joy.

Joy stickers and angels slips are available for the asking, you have to provide the jar.

We look forward to seeing you in our future.



Kat >^. .^<

Special Tribute to our "music man" Danny
Join him in our Sunday Service.

We honor you, We bless you,
We behold the Christ within you.
God Bless You!


Sept. 5th Wednesday night Study Group will begin, based upon the book “Spiritual Development” authorship: Richard and Jan Potter. To order a new or used book from Amazon go to this link:
Amazon.com: Used and New: Spiritual Development For Beginners: A Simple Guide to Leading a Purpose-Filled Life (For Beginners)
All are welcome. Love donation only.

Be sure to share this message with your friends!

Comments are welcome and always appreciated.