Practical Christianity for Positive Living

“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans.” 12:2
A few years ago I drove a taxi, Yes, I can tell you all kinds of taxi cab confessions, but no! I will not, to many experiences to go there, however, there was one that helped cement me upon my spiritual path several years ago.
It occurred as I was driving at a brisk rate around the air port in my cab one hot humid shirt soaking Florida day.
I was pretty much in my own world right after fixing a flat tire and putting up with an inspection from the taxi commission. In addition you have to understand that one must change lanes to suddenly go west on one highway or end up on another ave. going north west through the city or make the toll road entrance ramp or continue to the extreme right, avoiding on coming traffic from the air port just so you can go around to the other end of the airport!
Whew!, Sound scary? You betcha! Very tricky at times, so can you guess the number of accidents in that area daily? A bunch!
Anyway back to the incident at hand, all of a sudden this character nearly ran me over with his speeding car. ….To make a long story short not much intelligence was displayed on behalf of either of us, so when we both pulled to the side of the road and this big guy got out of his car to come back to “discuss” the display of mutual ignorance with me, I surprised him by coming out of my door screaming all kinds of superlatives and waving a tire iron---he jumped into his car and sped off missing part of a tail light.. then I realized just how stupid that was---and I prayed!
Recently a similar set of circumstances were reenacted while coming around that same airport only this time I knew the young man was giving me a sign that was actually pointing the one and only way to reach a state of mental bless.---heaven!
I certainly was experiencing a renewing of my mind for I could only think “bless them that curse you”. . .Math 5:44.
No tire tool this time! No pulling over to the side of the road!
Rather I just sent him love and light, I found myself looking at the root of the problem to discover just why he might be angry, how to over come it and truly change any action on my behalf.
Maybe I am realizing it is better not to focus upon the thorns of life, rather to stop and smell the scent of the earth about you, pause and watch a cloud just float by, look at a tree, listen to a bird chirp see, hear the roar of incoming waves or realize the pure joy the laughter of a child can bring and just count your blessings that you are a child of God.
Thank you God!
“In God We Trust” is stamped upon all of our currency and especially noting all those pennies that are cast out onto the ground at any 7-11, Walmarts, Cosco, Home Depot well just about everywhere. As we are told in scripture to “render upon Caesar what is Caesar’s due”, some members of N.D.U.F. are now picking up those pennies and depositing them into a designated jar as we come into the church. At the end of the month Fred and Danny will roll them and add those coins restored to purpose to our growing Building Fund.
Sound silly, well during one year Fred collected over $100 worth of pennies off the ground, now take that amount per each member of our growing congregation----I’ll let you do the math. It also aids in exercise – monetary and physical.
We hope to see you at our next breakfast Saturday July 21, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
In June we made “Joy Jars”. Everyone brought their own jar decorated with the Joy sticker, some with butterflies. They received an inspirational thought from the teachings of Abraham and a packet of “Angel Slips” with daily tasks for inspiration, fun, fellowship and sharing. Each person was encouraged to add their own slips of paper with an inspirational thought or quote or joke or story to provide their own daily joy.

We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<
Sept. 5th Wednesday night Study Group will begin, based upon the book “Spiritual Development” authorship: Richard and Jan Potter. To order a new or used book from Amazon go to this link:
Amazon.com: Used and New: Spiritual Development For Beginners: A Simple Guide to Leading a Purpose-Filled Life (For Beginners)
All are welcome. Love donation only.

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