August 15, 2007

Most people want to do this project or reach that goal or maybe have this job or that career. As you talk to them about it, you realize that all they can see is a mountain in their way. The “I can’t” is sung the loudest of the tunes, they think their simple, little efforts will not even dent that mountain.
Recently I saw on tv a young man not quite the teenager yet that had defied the odds.
The young man turned a deaf ear to all those negative singers and went out to successfully climb Kilimanjaro.
How? One foot in front of the other, step after step from the bottom to the summit.
Why? He described it as an over whelming inner urge to do it.
I prefer to think it was the creator of the universe using this boy to show all of us that no matter how big our problem appears,--- nor how high frustration towers over us. No matter how rocky our road, or challenging our climb may be from where we are now to where we want to be-----all we need to do is put down one step after the other and move in a focused direction------ That first step is prayer! Then mediate! Then listen and hear! Finally bring that foot forward again with the forth step.
Suddenly you are not over there----you are over here!
After all the mountain was formed one bit of matter at a time.
Louis is at the final phase of his training now, and will be returning this week end, the first Spanish service will be at 12 noon August 26 if you know of anyone who might be interested please pass the word . The official launch date is still September 9, however, this gives our new graduate some extra practice to work out the bugs.
NEW DAY SINGERS: exciting details coming soon
Boy Scouts keep coming up to help me cross the parking lots of the Walgreen drug store, the grocery stores and restaurants do to the fact I am all ways traveling my head slightly angled towards the ground, that one eye open to spot that penny, dime, nickel and yes even two dollar bills this week they think I am a challenged individual needing assistance. Thank you for the basket of pennies that came in this past week for the building fund, every one of those pennies and coins is deeply appreciated and accounted for towards the building fund.
If you would like to make a donation to the building fund you may do so at www.mychurchdonations.com. The instructions for New Day Unity Fellowship are very easy to follow and you can designate ministry, tithe, building fund or for any purpose you so feel in your heart.--- or just click on the spot at the top of the newsletter.
Just bring them in any amount, any Sunday and toss them into the special jar,,,,Danny as been successfully shanghaied, along with Fred to roll them at the end of the month. (P.S. you betcha we will take rolled coins too)
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday August 18, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the second chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
Alert!!! Alert!!!! We didn't get enough people to make a group to see "Menopause, the Musical" this past week. The good news is the musical has been extended until the end of September, so we can share a chuckle, a giggle and possibly some really good belly laughs on September 23, 2007 at 2:00 PM. Make your plans to join us for a matinee of "Menopause, the Musical" on that date. All it takes is for 12 women to join together to attend to qualify for a group rate, please email back with your response by August 22 or call Kat at 813-546-1461 to let her know you are joining the group. Invite your friends to join us, the more the merrier and we will save money on our ticket price.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<>
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
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