Be sure to share this message with your friends!
OCTOBER 10, 2007
OCTOBER 10, 2007
John 10:10 "I have come so that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"
Do not resist life passing through you because that is the breath of God-----that is God----that is God flowing through you. The very fact of your existence prove the existence of life and energy itself....your very existence demonstrates the presence of God!
So if God is Life! God is life in action through you.
Then as I see it, the best way to say "thank you God" is by letting go of wishing things to be different then they way they are right---- NOW!
A full life is enjoying what is happening right now, that is living!
Just be that child of life, that joy to the heavens--that praise to the father by enjoying life NOW!
In the words of Wayne Gretzky the famous hockey player:
"You miss 100% of the shots you never take"
Do not resist life passing through you because that is the breath of God-----that is God----that is God flowing through you. The very fact of your existence prove the existence of life and energy itself....your very existence demonstrates the presence of God!
So if God is Life! God is life in action through you.
Then as I see it, the best way to say "thank you God" is by letting go of wishing things to be different then they way they are right---- NOW!
A full life is enjoying what is happening right now, that is living!
Just be that child of life, that joy to the heavens--that praise to the father by enjoying life NOW!
In the words of Wayne Gretzky the famous hockey player:
"You miss 100% of the shots you never take"
We are looking for volunteers to assist us with the monthly soup ministry to the large influx of street people that will be here very shortly due to the changing weather up north. Send us an email. This project will require 8 ounce cups with lids and plastic spoons. All donations of time, talent or treasure will be appreciated.
PENNY PICKERS!! This month we had 14.50 in pennies picked up for the building fund, thank each and every one of you who participates in this endeavor . blessings---happy picking---NDUF
Gozar de nuestro servicio español en 12 del mediodía cada domingo. Luis está mirando adelante a verte allí.
They are here!
The "purple wrist bands" joining millions the world over to strive for a complaint free world...What started in Kansas City MO as a simple project, has now reached world wide proportions including an appearance on the Oprah Show. Our first batch of 300 lasted but two weeks. For directions on how to use the wristband go to http://ccunitykc.org/Complaint_Free_Instructions.htm
Our supply of purple bracelets will be available each Sunday during the 10 am celebration.
Any complaints?
SPECIAL EVENT to occur the first part of December. Tickets will go on sale for another concert with famed recording star Dwain Briggs.... details coming soon....don't miss this event. 
Feel free to go to www.dwainbriggs.com for a sample of his music....this young man's voice will delight you, reaching inner points you never thought possible.
Advanced tickets 10.00 each, at the door night of event 15.00 each.
Sunday school for all ages begins October 7 at 9:00 AM.
Children will take nose counts-- by Mr. Fred
Adults will begin the first part of a series exploring the manuscript, "Happier Then God" , by Neale Donald Walsch,to be released in book form this coming March.

October 14th the first birthday celebration of New Day following the service.
"The Masonic family has extended an invitation to their "all you can eat" spaghetti dinner on November 4 immediately following services. Cost is $6.00 per person.

Comments are welcome and always appreciated.

Feel free to go to www.dwainbriggs.com for a sample of his music....this young man's voice will delight you, reaching inner points you never thought possible.
Advanced tickets 10.00 each, at the door night of event 15.00 each.
Sunday school for all ages begins October 7 at 9:00 AM.
Children will take nose counts-- by Mr. Fred
Adults will begin the first part of a series exploring the manuscript, "Happier Then God" , by Neale Donald Walsch,to be released in book form this coming March.

October 14th the first birthday celebration of New Day following the service.
"The Masonic family has extended an invitation to their "all you can eat" spaghetti dinner on November 4 immediately following services. Cost is $6.00 per person.

Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
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