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November 7, 2007
The next time anyone makes you feel you are not much taller then the travel velocity gnome---pause for a moment and let a warm smile come over your face as you recall: YOU come from a long line of champions! Their D.N.A. is your DNA!
Your Father brought into existence all the stars of the galaxy's--in fact all the galaxy's if you please kind sir/mam--- simply by his word.
Moses parted the sea---that is great faith----David defeated Goliath-the power of love to overcome fear.
Why Samson toppled buildings--demonstrating great inter strength flowing through your veins. To say nothing of Nehemiah going against all odds to rebuild those walls anyway, that certainly explains your determination and persistence.
Who can over look Queen Ester putting her life on the line--demonstrating that sacrifice and heroism is not limited jut to you men, bringing that into perspective I know of a woman in Iowa that took over and runs a construction company--She is a true heroic queen I can relate to.
So what about these times? Well Jessie Owens showed the "Master Race" we are all equal at the Olympic games. Ghandi demonstrated that man can coexist with out senseless bloodshed. and Mother Theresa--the frail lady in the blue habit proving there is great prosperity among all the squalor...
No, do not feel any less of any other human being, just send love and light to them and smile, you are a Child of God with the total free will to accept or ignore the perception of you others may have. You know who you are!
* * * * * Don't forget your banks of abundance Last Sunday. of month * * * * *
* * * * * Don't forget your banks of abundance Last Sunday. of month * * * * *
November 15th-- We will begin to collect the bears of love to be blessed by this congregation and donated to the Haley House and the Fisher House for the family's of wounded veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Not just at Christmas, indeed the hardest time, but during the whole year....
If you would like to participate but to far away, send your new bear or soft stuffed animal to our mailing address P.O. Box 891, Odessa, Florida 33556 or bring them any Sunday to service or if you so indicate send a check or money order clearly marked a donation for the use of the purchase of a soft stuffed animal for these familys, we have ladies who will go out and get those animals....and your contribution will be duly noted for your tax purpouses.
Being a veteran, a VA Hospital Chaplain's assistant, I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad recovering in a hospital. The parent in a condition other than the image the day the soldier parent left as they deployed overseas. In some cases this will be of a traumatic mind setting event for the young child, so it is, that, I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for your donations from the heart...
If you would like to participate but to far away, send your new bear or soft stuffed animal to our mailing address P.O. Box 891, Odessa, Florida 33556 or bring them any Sunday to service or if you so indicate send a check or money order clearly marked a donation for the use of the purchase of a soft stuffed animal for these familys, we have ladies who will go out and get those animals....and your contribution will be duly noted for your tax purpouses.
Being a veteran, a VA Hospital Chaplain's assistant, I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad recovering in a hospital. The parent in a condition other than the image the day the soldier parent left as they deployed overseas. In some cases this will be of a traumatic mind setting event for the young child, so it is, that, I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for your donations from the heart...
P.S. My book shelves are starting to fill up with stuffed animals, I am beginning to feel like I live in a stuffed zoo.....thank you so much I am thrilled!
Due to the changing weather up north the monthly soup ministry to the street people of Tampa Florida.will begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving. (November the 24 th )
We will be distributing soup until April when the trend is for the homeless children of God to go back north.
This project will require 8 ounce cups or soup bowls with lids and plastic spoons, we will most graciously accept any donations to assist this endeavor.
A SPECIAL EVENT is to occur December 15th at 730p.m. Tickets are available for a 10.00 donation prior to the concert with famed recording star Dwain Briggs.... 15.00 donation at the door the night of the event.....don't miss this event.
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