Be sure to share this message with your friends!
January 2, 2008
January 2, 2008
Ephesians 4: invites us to "put off concerning the former conversations, be renewed in a part of your mind and put on the new man that God has created"
I am sure for many of you standing before a mirror today after Thanksgiving eats, all the Christmas fudge and candy you realize in deed you have put on a new man! But that is not exactly what the scripture is implying.
None the less this is that time of the year when we make all those affirmations and statements known as the "New Year's Resolution". To become a New you, the new man!
All the power to you---"you go girl"--- do your thing...but..while you are at it, if you find you are wavering just a bit----you might recall God did not ask you to repeat the incident you slipped in confirming. Each effort is achieved moment by moment, only change your mind!
In fact just a part of your mind "to put on the new man", like the part you may be having trouble adjusting to by changing your ways. Down through the eons the message remains the same, "Take the resolution to prayer and meditation, then hear what you are listening to" before you act in a positive manor--- after all God wants to give you the kingdom---accept it.

Many of you have asked us how you can support this fellowship. We have always taken the position all things come in time. Now, it is time!
On February 3rd we are moving into an even larger, newer facility in an area of greater possibilities for the presentation of truth. This new location gives us greater visibility and enables us to not only continue our homeless ministry and our women's ministry and have the space to expand our children's ministry, it opens opportunity to pursue additional community service projects. This attractive store front will allow us to safely conduct evening and weekend classes on topics to include sign language, the Oneness Blessing, Reiki,and various teachings of wayshowers.
We require chairs, sound system and some office equipment to accomplish this mission. To do this, New Day Unity Fellowship appreciates your spiritual and financial support in any amount to further this ministry. Donations may be sent by check or money order to New Day Unity Fellowship, Inc.; P.O. Box 891; Odessa, Florida 33556; or by credit card to support our move .
On February 3rd we are moving into an even larger, newer facility in an area of greater possibilities for the presentation of truth. This new location gives us greater visibility and enables us to not only continue our homeless ministry and our women's ministry and have the space to expand our children's ministry, it opens opportunity to pursue additional community service projects. This attractive store front will allow us to safely conduct evening and weekend classes on topics to include sign language, the Oneness Blessing, Reiki,and various teachings of wayshowers.
We require chairs, sound system and some office equipment to accomplish this mission. To do this, New Day Unity Fellowship appreciates your spiritual and financial support in any amount to further this ministry. Donations may be sent by check or money order to New Day Unity Fellowship, Inc.; P.O. Box 891; Odessa, Florida 33556; or by credit card to support our move .

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