February 20, 2008
PSALMS 55:14 "we took sweet counsel together, and walked
Here are some of the photos of Your new place!
blessings fred
February 24 th, is Abundance Sunday,please bring your abundance boxes to celebration
Oneness Blessing
7:00 PM
every Tuesday
8012 W Waters
Tampa FL 33615
Oneness Blessing is a non=denominational benediction; a unique and specific blessings, it is the transfer of Divine Energy, which over time is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient. There is no monetary requirement, though love donations are greatly appreciated. For those unable to attend due to a specific challenge or over a great distance from the NDUF simply send a photo via e-mail to: newdayunity@aol.com and one of us in service to the lord, Fred, Louis or Kat will take the photo with us to the prayer blessing and insure your loved one recieves the blessing. For further information contact. https://www.onenessmovement.org/index.cfm?
Yoga is just waiting on you to sign up and indicate the time most appropriate for you,,we are considering Saturday mornings......let us know via e-mail or sign up at Sunday celebration.
Abraham Hicks Meetup
First Friday each month
7:00 PM
Great discussions
meet like minded people
S.C.I.O. (Quantum Biofeedback)
Quantum Biofeedback, using the EPFX-SCIO device, is a state-of-the-art software program that balances stressors found on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It considers a person’s reactivity to over 10,000 items in the software matrix and, based on the items/programs chosen, balances those stressors with a neutralizing homeopathic frequency. The EPFX-SCIO system is FDA approved and has been in the U.S. for over 25 years.
Brenda Brinn is a Certified Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Certified Homeo-Therapeutics Consultant. She carries a line of Dr. Recommends Homeopathic Remedies, which is the brand included in the EPFX-SCIO matrix.
Brenda is offering introductory sessions at New Day Unity on the first and third Thursday evenings from 7-9 pm, beginning in March. Homeopathic remedies will also be available. She will be offering a 15 minute session for a love offering to New Day Unity (one session per person, please). Her normal fee is $100 for a wholistic one-hour session and can be scheduled by calling her at 813-786-6311.
Do you purchase things on through the Internet?
Go to
click on New Day Unity Fellowship, Inc.
and shop your favorite store. Each store listed shows the amount they donate to your favorite church for their building fund and community projects.
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