Wednesday, April 30, 2008

APRIL 30, 2008

As we stand and ponder over the vision board started 20 months ago, we realize that those collective inspirations added to the display by the original group have all been fulfilled in this new spiritual home and even greater as God promised.

Each week more new ideas and opportunities for spiritual growth are beginning to make their appearances here, affording a diverse view of God's domain Earth.
The first words of any who enter the vestibule is how much warmth and love energy is in the place. Why even the flower shop down the road remarks we are in such a visible place and how inviting it is when they look through the front windows.

Though we have made many friends, seen and heard miraculous things working toward our vision and sustaining this current location. There remains one perplexing challenge---- people, and with out people the circle is broken for continuing the New Day Journey to get the word out to the spiritually hungry.

Currently, we are experiencing some struggle in our ease and as a result we seek the underlying message. No matter how enlightened or spiritual you may be, the necessities of life must be paid for with cash or bartered with goods. If you are not able to barter for rent, then cash must be obtained through alternate bartering methods. Services have been provided and energy has been transferred, however, it has not reached a level of parity. and is proving to be taxing on other systems.

No salaries are being paid and no funding has been available for ink, paper or the Internet to keep the newsletter and blog going.

We have for some time placed a simple punch on the top of the weekly message for any who wish to support this ministry but who are too far away, limited by work or have other pressing engagements not allowing them to attend the Sunday celebration. We all know what we put out into the universe will come back to us ten fold. Money is really only a means of energy flow from one level to another.....we at New Day look at your donations as God's money to be used in the direction of continuing this ministry. We ask that you search your heart without any reluctance nor trepidation, we do not define any amount only what "you give from the heart" with the assurance this is a tax deductible donation to assist in continuing to touch and enrich people's lives.

If you have a suggestion, we are definitely open to assistance

You are blessed.

Spiritual Cinema Thursday

May 8, 2008

7:00 PM

"Moses Code"

Spiritual Cinema Sunday

May 18, 2008

10:00 AM


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

APRIL 23, 2008
Happy Earth Day,,,,,,yes, I know officially it was yesterday, but, as I was observing the absolute waste from a major company that professes to be "in the Green", I could not help but think if 1/3 of that wood just thrown into the compactor, was recycled---- how many trees would we save? How many homeless across the world could have a pressed wood roof over their heads? How many lives could be spared from being out of the changing weather patterns? How many icebergs might not be melting as fast as they are due to the defoliation and global warming? All because of greed that a limited few are influencing so many so that the limited can get all they can prior to the end times! The times we hear so much about, and indeed the times "they are a changin" can not deny that, but, you know I read in the Urantia Book once where by Jesus is reported to have said something to the effect of
"To one who believes in God, what does it matter if things on earth crash."

It truly is exciting, a new earth is developing, now if we can bring man into a oneness of thought of God, by what ever name you wish to call him/her, can you just imagine how we could establish a new heaven right here on earth...if we only used the combined talents of mankind worldwide.
It is up to us to put a stop to this situation brewing on earth, true growth of mankind is not by the number of toys any one nation has! Many of our leaders have demonstrated We are at a time where an enlarged vocabulary is not defining character. Comparing Home Depot with Chick File and you will see Where enhanced desperate productivity does not indicate solid moral growth. Real education is indicated by enhancement of ideals for increased human value of the life and environment advancement upon this earth as humanity journeys through the various stages of civilization.
One step could be instead of going to buy stuff just one Sunday, stuff that will actually attribute to the destruction of the planet, if we could shop wisely on Saturday and used Sunday to go to the church of our choice. Can you see the true buying power you have when you buy a future for your kids by being involved in what they are doing. The true strength there is with family ties made possible by doing "stuff" together. If you want to build something, try building a stronger family unit, go fly a kite like they did in"Mary Poppins", sit and fish, read a book to the family, have a picnic in the back yard,....think of the gas you'd save, the release of control over "your" life the big business wizards have over you...... man my imagination can go on and on.
There only seems to be one answer to all this dilemma; prayer, meditation, positive reaction and realizing we are all one on this planet, despite the depth of our pocketbook or hair style, color of skin or the area we live in. We can just throw up our hands and say that is the way it is, Fred's another crack pot, or we can put out into the universe positive prayer affirmations for divine direction to all the conscientious leadership the world over. No matter where you are pause at 7:30 PM est standard time on any Tuesday and just say a heart felt positive affirmation. . .it will only take a second--a second or two---
can you imagine the power sent into the heavens?

Or at least that was part of my thoughts for this earth day just prior to midnight and transmitting time.

You are blessed. Fred

Join Lenka--Yoga Shakti, Saturday mornings, at 9:30 am until 11 am to experience the unique yoga class that restores spiritual depth in the practice of Hatha Yoga!
Regardless of age or flexibility, Amrit Yoga allows everyone to experience the real depth of yoga by meditative inward focus promoting happiness, longevity, relieving stress, therefore enhancing every aspect of your life.
You are literally taking care of your health while you are healthy.
Bring your mat, towel and water.
Love donation at the door only

Cinema Sunday
April 27, 2008
"You Can Heal Your Life"
10:00 AM

Just a question, this week:
If God is everything, has created everything, knows everything, has everything-- if god is the all in the all, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end of all things, the unmoved mover, the principle, the omnipresence, omnipotent, omniscience, most holy, most high, mother- father-god, supreme creator, the very fountain head of all we are;
What is God without?
What is left for God to want or need?
"I think" no matter which way you look at it, no matter how your try to twist it around the answer keeps coming up ----------only your belief in God.
blessings fred


Join Lenka--Yoga Shakti, Saturday mornings starting this Saturday April 19 th, at 9:30 am until 11am to experience the unique yoga class that restores spiritual depth in the practice of Hatha Yoga!
Regardless of age or flexibility, Amrit Yoga allows everyone to experience the real depth of yoga by meditative inward focus promoting happiness, longevity, relieving stress, therefore enhancing every aspect of your life.
You are literally taking care of your health while you are healthy.
Bring your mat, towel and water.
Love donation at the door only

Cinema Sunday
April 27, 2008
"Heal Your Life"
10:00 AM

What, well go to http://www.freerice.com/ and with each word you improve on -----20 grains of rice are sent to aid the starving in third world countries through the U.N. Try it--- turns out to be fun!
Thousands of grains have been donated to the UN now by some of our beloved readers. Join us!

We are asking everyone to bring canned goods to N.D.U.F. The collection box will be inside the main door as you come in. We will deliver what we collect to Metropolitan Ministries to assist in feeding the homeless.
thank you.
Upcoming Events:


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

APRIL 09, 2008

"EHYEH ASHER EHYEH"------"I AM that I AM" a constant remaking of every order of creation, life, ~Exodus 3

One only need to gaze at the images of the cosmos which the Hubble telescope is generating back to earth to be in awe of the nature of God. I can only ponder, why is it in our world today there are those who are testing God?

Can the limited minds of man be so vain as to believe God only exists within man's three dimensional conception of the universe immediately around him?

I am of the belief when we open our eyes, our ears,our minds, if we release ourselves from all the vain endeavors of this illusion we call society, if we see above the insignificant dim of man's daily living, there are universes of wonder and testimony to the one power the one presence in all these universes---God.

Universes full of love powered emanations and thresholds that man is being divinely guided to experience, through this journey we call life, this path from planetary ego driven riches to co-existing with mankind in spiritual eternal prosperity.
blessings fred


NEW EXCITEMENT: Interested in expanding your communication skills?

On April 13th Michelle an associate of The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services will be instructing an eight week course to meet every Sunday, at 1:30 pm, at the New Day Center. Her cost is $ 7.00 per session, she will provide all the training materials. Tell your friends, open to all who are interested .
for information call 813-574-7028

What, well go to www.freerice.com and with each word you improve on -----20 grains of rice are sent to aid the starving in third world countries through the U.N. Try it--- turns out to be fun.

Special Note: Recently we received a phone call from a little town in Iowa from one of our beloved readers, she played the game at
www.freerice.com ten minutes and found it quite fun. She reported as a result of her word knowledge 50 thousand grains of rice were sent in to the United Nations to feed the hungry.

Ann from Lutz, went to the web site and has reported she contributed 10 thousand grains in just a few minutes! Thank you Ann and Lou Ann and all of you who are sending in your input on the News letter and the site...Blessings Fred and Kat

On the Local Scene--project HOPE-the Nehemiah Action
With repression evident in the economy we have noticed an increase in the number of first time hungry homeless on our streets. We are sending
representatives to show support from New Day before a City Council meeting Monday Evening April 6th in support of efforts by Larry and project HOPE. HOPE's goal is to provide some medical care and fair price housing to those on our streets.
Late Note: There were over a thousand people packing this well planed and announced meeting place with representatives from many church's, civic organizations and concerned parties in attendance, yet only two council men found the time

We are asking everyone to bring canned goods to N.D.U.F. The collection box will be inside the main door as you come in. We will deliver what we collect to Metropolitan Ministries to assist in feeding the homeless.
thank you.
Upcoming Events:



Oneness Blessing
7:00 PM
every Tuesday
8012 W Waters
Tampa FL 33615

Oneness Blessing is a non=denominational benediction; a unique and specific blessings, it is the transfer of Divine Energy, which over time is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient. There is no monetary requirement, though love donations are greatly appreciated. For those unable to attend due to a specific challenge or over a great distance from the NDUF simply send a photo via e-mail to: newdayunity@aol.com and one of us in service to the lord, Fred, Louis or Kat will take the photo with us to the prayer blessing and insure your loved one recieves the blessing. For further information contact. https://www.onenessmovement.org/index.cfm?

तत् त्वम् असि

To begin Saturday Morning April 19th, this will be taught by Leneka, more details this next news letter and this Sunday Celebration.....call 574-7028 to sign up.
thank you for your participation.

Abraham Hicks Meetup
First Friday each month
7:00 PM
Great discussions
meet like minded people

Brenda spends, confidential, very informative time with each and every one of those that attend the S.C.I.O. session at N.D.U.F. You will be amazed at what you will find out about yourself! Do not wait call now!!!.
Call 813-786-6311
(love donation only at N.D.U.F.)

S.C.I.O. (Quantum Biofeedback)

Quantum Biofeedback, using the EPFX-SCIO device, is a state-of-the-art software program that balances stressors found on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It considers a person’s reactivity to over 10,000 items in the software matrix and, based on the items/programs chosen, balances those stressors with a neutralizing homeopathic frequency. The EPFX-SCIO system is FDA approved and has been in the U.S. for over 25 years.

Brenda Brinn is a Certified Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Certified Homeo-Therapeutics Consultant. She carries a line of Dr. Recommends Homeopathic Remedies, which is the brand included in the EPFX-SCIO matrix.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
We all know what we put out into the universe will come back to us ten fold and that money is really only a means of energy flow from one level to another.....we at New Day look at your donations as God's money to be used in the directions that we are being guided to touch peoples lives....we ask that you search your heart and with out any reluctance nor trepidation,
utilize www.mychurchdonations.com to send a donation in any amount. we thank you for your continued support to feed the growing number of homeless, those facing new challenges in life, and for the opportunity to reach out a hand to those so crying out from the wilderness ....we realize every penny you donate comes from the heart, and we thank you!
It's tax deductible, too.

If God brings you to it,

He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God..
Every moment, thank God.

Join us for our encouraging celebration this weekend. Enjoy an inspiring time of worship, prayer, and a message from the Bible that applies to today's societyRemember to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to come with you.
APRIL 02, 2008

"You have dwelt long enough on the mountains, behold, I have set these lands before you, go and take possession"
Deuteronomy 1
You do not need to remain trapped in a poor defeated mentality always complaining or fretting about the obstacles between you and your destiny, the answer is before you in prayer and meditation with God, you only need to realize it ,expect the best for you and go after it through your divine guidance.

blessings fred
MARCH 26, 2008

When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce.
Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and arguments.That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding.by Thich Nhat Hahn

blessings fred

MARCH 19, 2008

"It is in the shelter of each other that people live"
~Irish Proverb

May your holiday (holy day) be blessed, safe and fun. We are looking forward to seeing you during this wondrous weekend.

blessings fred

MARCH 12, 2008

Hebrews 13
"Let brotherly love continue and be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware"

I ask you now, have you come across some angels in your life path? Like the ones who bring a smile to your teary eyes with their smiles, who help light the way for others,open a door for someone or allow the other car to go through the intersection first even if you did get there ahead of them, and in whose path the flowers just seem to gently lean towards in a garden or nursery------and have you noticed that some of these ordinary people, just like you and I, do not even know they are angels?
God knows.
blessings fred