"EHYEH ASHER EHYEH"------"I AM that I AM" a constant remaking of every order of creation, life, ~Exodus 3
One only need to gaze at the images of the cosmos which the Hubble telescope is generating back to earth to be in awe of the nature of God. I can only ponder, why is it in our world today there are those who are testing God?
Can the limited minds of man be so vain as to believe God only exists within man's three dimensional conception of the universe immediately around him?
I am of the belief when we open our eyes, our ears,our minds, if we release ourselves from all the vain endeavors of this illusion we call society, if we see above the insignificant dim of man's daily living, there are universes of wonder and testimony to the one power the one presence in all these universes---God.
Universes full of love powered emanations and thresholds that man is being divinely guided to experience, through this journey we call life, this path from planetary ego driven riches to co-existing with mankind in spiritual eternal prosperity.
blessings fred

NEW EXCITEMENT: Interested in expanding your communication skills?
On April 13th Michelle an associate of The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services will be instructing an eight week course to meet every Sunday, at 1:30 pm, at the New Day Center. Her cost is $ 7.00 per session, she will provide all the training materials. Tell your friends, open to all who are interested .
for information call 813-574-7028
What, well go to www.freerice.com and with each word you improve on -----20 grains of rice are sent to aid the starving in third world countries through the U.N. Try it--- turns out to be fun.
Special Note: Recently we received a phone call from a little town in Iowa from one of our beloved readers, she played the game at www.freerice.com ten minutes and found it quite fun. She reported as a result of her word knowledge 50 thousand grains of rice were sent in to the United Nations to feed the hungry.
Ann from Lutz, went to the web site and has reported she contributed 10 thousand grains in just a few minutes! Thank you Ann and Lou Ann and all of you who are sending in your input on the News letter and the site...Blessings Fred and Kat
On the Local Scene--project HOPE-the Nehemiah Action
With repression evident in the economy we have noticed an increase in the number of first time hungry homeless on our streets. We are sending
representatives to show support from New Day before a City Council meeting Monday Evening April 6th in support of efforts by Larry and project HOPE. HOPE's goal is to provide some medical care and fair price housing to those on our streets.
Late Note: There were over a thousand people packing this well planed and announced meeting place with representatives from many church's, civic organizations and concerned parties in attendance, yet only two council men found the time
We are asking everyone to bring canned goods to N.D.U.F. The collection box will be inside the main door as you come in. We will deliver what we collect to Metropolitan Ministries to assist in feeding the homeless.
thank you.
Upcoming Events:
Oneness Blessing
7:00 PM
every Tuesday
8012 W Waters
Tampa FL 33615

Oneness Blessing is a non=denominational benediction; a unique and specific blessings, it is the transfer of Divine Energy, which over time is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient. There is no monetary requirement, though love donations are greatly appreciated. For those unable to attend due to a specific challenge or over a great distance from the NDUF simply send a photo via e-mail to:
newdayunity@aol.com and one of us in service to the lord, Fred, Louis or Kat will take the photo with us to the prayer blessing and insure your loved one recieves the blessing. For further information contact. https://www.onenessmovement.org/index.cfm?तत् त्वम् असि
To begin Saturday Morning April 19th, this will be taught by Leneka, more details this next news letter and this Sunday Celebration.....call 574-7028 to sign up.
thank you for your participation.
Abraham Hicks Meetup
First Friday each month
7:00 PM
Great discussions
meet like minded people
Brenda spends, confidential, very informative time with each and every one of those that attend the S.C.I.O. session at N.D.U.F. You will be amazed at what you will find out about yourself! Do not wait call now!!!.
Call 813-786-6311
(love donation only at N.D.U.F.)
S.C.I.O. (Quantum Biofeedback)
Quantum Biofeedback, using the EPFX-SCIO device, is a state-of-the-art software program that balances stressors found on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It considers a person’s reactivity to over 10,000 items in the software matrix and, based on the items/programs chosen, balances those stressors with a neutralizing homeopathic frequency. The EPFX-SCIO system is FDA approved and has been in the U.S. for over 25 years.
Brenda Brinn is a Certified Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Certified Homeo-Therapeutics Consultant. She carries a line of Dr. Recommends Homeopathic Remedies, which is the brand included in the EPFX-SCIO matrix.
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We all know what we put out into the universe will come back to us ten fold and that money is really only a means of energy flow from one level to another.....we at New Day look at your donations as God's money to be used in the directions that we are being guided to touch peoples lives....we ask that you search your heart and with out any reluctance nor trepidation,
It's tax deductible, too.
If God brings you to it,
Join us for our encouraging celebration this weekend. Enjoy an inspiring time of worship, prayer, and a message from the Bible that applies to today's societyRemember to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to come with you.
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