Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 25, 2008

"The mystery of life does not flow from man's pen and lie upon parchment, but is written in the Book of Life by Life itself."
~Jim Rosemary

Make your words sweet enough to eat as you may have eat your words has been heard for a very long time.
How many times have we witnessed a mother or a father speaking sweet words to their children and in the next breath hiss out a venomous array of filth from their mouths directed at a service person। You know who I am speaking of, the girl behind the counter at the grocery store, the man in the convenience store, the rental car, at the airlines and any number of public places.
Is this the way to raise a child? So much is learned in a child's formative years; seeing their parents treat others as though they have no value can begin negative talk as their inner voice in the future।

This extends to driving with children in your vehicle and exhibiting road rage in their presence, or speaking ill of others teaches children it is okay for them to do the same.
I can remember being told as a child "do as I say, not as I do" but personally, and I know this can seem difficult, I feel the correct phrase is "Do as I do, my example is the way"। Is this not what we were taught by our wayshower?

Be the light in your children's lives, in your own life and feel the difference।


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