Friendship Sunday
July 27, 2008
10:00 AM Service
followed by Oneness Blessing
and carry-in lunch...bring a dish and a friend
(or an entree, if your friend is a dish!)

JULY 23, 2008
Are you seeing the billboards?
Are you seeing the billboards?
In this time when you cannot escape the onslaught of constant media, in some cases, even in the restroom. Some ad agencies think that anywhere is fair game, including one woman's forehead as auctioned on e-Bay.
Perhaps this is not such a new idea after all. The trees, the sky, a blade of grass, a snowflake, the moon, the stars, a mountain, a valley, a waterfall and any number of other marvelous sites have been key advertisements for our one creator, the architect of it all.
Are you buying it?