"know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and the Spirit dwells within you"
~1 Corinthians
Question? If there are 108 Sanskrit names for different aspects of God's existence--why is it that only certain levels of religious leadership can use a name of God--and only in a physical temple---very softly! It has been drilled into us from birth that we are all children of God and we are expected to intimately call God --the father! So why can't we know and use a name of God?
When God gave Moses the Holy Name to free the Israelites, it seems to me an intimacy was established between God and humanity that had never existed before this time.
When God gave Moses the Holy Name to free the Israelites, it seems to me an intimacy was established between God and humanity that had never existed before this time.
When you meet someone and want to become trusting friends, what do you do? Give them your name of course. It is hard to have a genuine conversation with someone who is all title, a rank, a name you do not know. Intimacy after all is the purpose of communion--the result of deep conversation.
So much of our social structure is of some formal title, so that the intention is not to join as one, but remain separate and apart from what our ego dictates as man's "proper position". Of course we are considered an intricate part of the social machinery--- except to some we are considered intricate enough for the cause of God's work on earth, yet not to be considered capable of being intimate enough with God to know his name. Children of God ---- but!
When we call upon the name of God from any social level, in either the Past-Present or Future tense---with the "prayerful intention" in the oneness with God--when we come into alignment with the universal creator's laws--a connection is created that allows us to do works we call miracles. Is this then "the line"? the line that certain ego's must be the only ones doing the healing's, maintain that absolute limited connection to God?
This prayerful intention of connecting with the will of God, offered to us as children of God, our birth right, combined with the name of God, creates an intimacy with God that unites us with the creators main function in the universe--------and what is that function of God?
To create!
You are here aren't you?
Ann & Jim toast their 25th Anniversary
after renewing their vows this past Sunday
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