Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Day Unity Fellowship
Wednesday December 27th, 2006

Many, Many Blessings!


This was so nicely demonstrated to the New Day Unity Fellowship recently in several ways:

During the 10AM Caribbean style service this past Christmas Eve, conducted by Jaclin and supported by the delightful singing talents of her neice Tacia, one could only admire the sincere compassion that went into the well planned and executed explanation of the Christ Child Story. Kudos there Jaclin!

Amid the polite and somewhat reserved outburst of Areeeeeba, laughter, and giggles due to missed musical cues, it became evident that the fellowship’s ears were just not in tune with the island’s musical beat of the conventional seasonal songs. We none the less put our enthusiasm out there and undoubtedly bonded in spirit and rejoiced in the birth of Jesus the Christ.

Through Jaclin’s demonstrative understanding that the Christ is in all of us, we joined the planetary rings in bringing universal love, praise and joy upon the Christ.

Two days prior the Christmas, an unsolicited donation to the New Day Unity Fellowship arrived via a Christmas card from a gracious lady in Iowa. Who, though she has never attended one of our Sunday meetings, is impressed with the Wednesday Messages she received passed on from an other reader. Our gratitude is without measure and we thank our contributors.

January 7, 2010. ---1108 DAYS FROM NOW. Mark it on your calendar.

THE WEB SITE, not to be confused with this weekly information page, is nearing completion and you can bring it up on:


This will be a work constantly in progress with a few trained individuals from N.D.U.F. having access to do the additions and deletions as is necessary to maintain an up to date site.

Our thanks goes out to those who felt we needed an Internet site and donated the fees necessary to maintain proper operation for a while. THANK YOU. (I do not have authorization to release their names just yet, but, they know we all send a heart felt thank you and many blessings their way)

The operational system of this fellowship has continued to improve and gone farther, longer then some gave us credit for, but, my friends it is up to YOU, not just your elected leadership.


I ASK YOU TO GO FORTH AND TELL OTHERS YOU WILL find this inter-faith fellowship any Sunday 10AM in the building at 3109 LUTZ LAKE FERN ROAD.

We have NO intentions to remain the best kept secret in the universe.


We have a message of Love, Life and Joy to give everyone who will receive.

We recognize the Christ in you NOT the clothes you wear.

We are an interfaith fellowship here to spiritually feed you, not beat you. The past was a learning experience for you, with us you experience a new day. . . .a new day to go forth and enjoy life as Jesus and other way showers did.

Wasted time is the hours, days, and years we are paralyzed in "what if" and "maybe." It's the empty space we create when we are obsessing on what will be tomorrow or what went wrong yesterday.

It is written that when a very learned spiritual teacher was on his death bed, all his students gathered around him and asked, "Master, please tell us, what was the most important thing you did in your life?" The teacher thought for a moment and answered, "What I am doing this very minute."

This is a deep concept. Out of all the time he spent learning, teaching, and doing the miraculous, the most important thing was what he was doing at that particular moment. In fact, that moment was the most important thing he had ever done.
What does this teach and reinforce for us? Thinking about the past or worrying about the future is a waste of time. It only takes us away from the importance of the moment we're in.

This doesn't mean to stop planning for the future or learning from past mistakes, but it does mean to be here now, as the pioneering teacher Ram Dass says. "How often are we with our loved ones and our minds are elsewhere? Or we're counseling a friend but we're thinking about the sports scores?"

When we are not completely focused on what we are doing, we are missing opportunities - opportunities to love, to learn, to laugh, to cry.

Doing something absentmindedly is the real definition of a missed opportunity.
Pay attention to how often you are checked out and why. Seek out teachers and friends who are not afraid to tell you when you are hiding and wasting your potential. Be here now...

...or come back later.

We ask you to pray to be led to the rock that is higher than us and join the New Day Unity Fellowship in that pursuit.


Fred & Kat >^. .^<

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wednesday December 20, 2006




Ephesians 2:10 tells us we are the workmanship of God, recreated in the image of Jesus and that we should walk in his ways.


As we continue to grow in our relationship with the lord, through prayer, open worship and fellowship with other believers from all corners of this earth, let us continue to celebrate the birth anew of the Christ within.

I believe we as a fellowship are indeed demonstrating that there is but one power, one presence in the universe God the Good.

The fellowship experienced a birthing and a recognition of the wise men, now as we approach this coming weekend let each of us acknowledge the Christ within us and all those around us.
Boldly and confidently lift your voice in praise and gratitude for you have begun a New Day.

Rejoice in the fact the lord will continue to direct us to continue the way that the New Day Star will continue rising. To capitalize upon the song something or another, “We Have Only Just Begun”

God bless you all and have a very Merry Christmas and joyous Holidays.


Fred & Kat >^. .^<

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

December 12, 2006

The concert was a success! Thank you God!

Thank you Brenda and Dusty for extending your hospitality and aid in making Dwain feel welcome in our part of Florida.

His concert provided the opportunity to converse and share the joy of his music with some of our friends we have not seen in several months and those we have just met. The voice of Dwain Briggs provided soothing and inspiring entertainment to all ages of those in attendance.

This Sunday will be the final lighting of the advent candle, peace.

The following week Jaclin and designated parties will conduct a Caribbean style Christmas service at 10 AM sharp December 24. Please feel free to join us and bring a friend. All are Joyously welcome!

God is constantly planting new seeds of thought inside us for the growth and betterment of this fellowship. I am thoroughly convinced that His plans for this fellowship are to increase and enlarge our vision.

One of the signs N.D.U.F. is aligning with the universal good is through this whole process of our inception, the right people in the right position with the right talent have consistently stepped forward as a beacon of light. Thank you all for exercising your free will and accepting God's plan for you.

Newdayunityfellowship.com or Newdayunityfellowship org. contains beautiful photos and a few comments at this time. It is currently under construction with a deadline to be fully operational by the first of the year. A committee is being formed to discuss all the input we have for just the right message to put out that will favorably present our image and purpose. We encourage you to go to the sites and send us any constructive comments you might have for the improvement of these sites. To

The 31st, New Year's Eve Day, is our fifth Sunday. We remember and honor our children and those less fortunate as we bring school supplies to our service to assist the Masons in their project

The COQUI (pronounced Ko-Kee) is a one inch frog found only in Puerto Rico, yet it can be heard nightly throughout the island. Though we are not heard nightly, we can be heard daily and we can be enjoyed weekly. It is up to each and every one of us to go forth and multiply our numbers, let us not fall into the pattern of a best kept secret, rather let us be as determined as the Coqui, to let the truth of it’s existence and place in society be heard

~ Dalai Lama

Friday evening, December 15, marks the beginning of Hanukkah. In English, there are at least 16 ways to spell Chanukah, including: Channuka, Channukah, Chanuka, Chanukah, Chanuko, Hannuka, Hanukkah, Hanuka, Hanukkah, Kanukkah, Khannuka, Khannukah, Khanuka, Khanukah, Khanukkah and Xanuka. The literal translation means "dedication," but the word also shares the same root in Hebrew as "educate." Any way you spell it, the meaning is still the same in our hearts. It is a wonderful Festival of Light.During the eight days of Chanukah candles shine to brighten the night, and family and friends gather to add warmth and their own light. Prayers are said prior the kindling of the candles. Three are said on the first night with the first two prayers said each night thereafter.

"Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to kindle the Hanukkah lights."

"Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who performed wondrous deeds for our ancestors, in those days, at this season."

Only the first night the prayer said prior to lighting the candles: "Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has kept us in life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season."

After lighting the candles this prayer is said: "We light these lights For the miracles and the wonders, for the redemption and the battles that you made for our forefathers, in those days at this season, through your holy priests. During all eight days of Hanukkah these lights are sacred, and we are not permitted to make them serve except for to look at them in order to express thanks and praise to Your great Name for your miracles, Your wonders and Your salvations."

The holiday is filled with tradition, delicious foods—including latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (doughnuts)—games, presents, songs and the story of Judah Maccabee.

May all your celebrations be filled with the joy of the season and the love of our creator. These wonderful memories and feelings being created during this time are to be enjoyed everyday as we celebrate our relationship with God and the Christ within.


Fred and Kat >^. .^<

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New Day Unity Fellowship
Wednesday December 6th, 2006

Christmas is a time for sharing memories of the past and for making precious memories for future years.
Expensive Christmas gifts are not really necessary at this house. What is most important is showing our love for our spiritual family, all those we come in contact with and in finding joy in remembering why we celebrate Christmas.

ON THE FIRST DAY OF CHRISTMAS, MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME! Now who can not recall that song sung every year at this time….and yet have you ever pondered over the words?

For years I have had an old newspaper article tucked away for just such an occasion as today, so here it is …The 12 Days of Christmas, often thought of by people as the days preceding the festive holy day. Actually Christmas is a season of the Christian year that lasts for days beginning December 25 and lasting until January 6-the Day of Epiphany –when the church celebrates the revelation of Jesus as the light of the world. We celebrate the reaffirmation of the birth of the Christ within.

From 1558 until 1829 people in England were not allowed to practice their faith openly. During this era someone wrote ---The Twelve Days of Christmas---as a kind of secret catechism that could be sung in public without risk of persecution.

The song has two levels of interpretation, the surface meaning and the hidden meaning known only to certain members. Each element in the Christmas carol is a code word for a reality.

1. The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus the Christ.
2. Two turtledoves are the Old and New Testaments.
3. Three French hens stand for faith—hope—and love
4. The four calling birds are the four Gospels
5. Five gold rings recall the torah, the first five books of the Old Testament
6. Six geese laying are the six days of creation-remember the seventh He rested
7. Seven swans swimming represent the sevenfold gifts of Spirit
8. Eight maids milking are the eight beatitudes
9. Nine ladies dancing are the nine fruits of Spirit—Gal:5-22-23
10. Ten lords leaping are the Ten Commandments
11. Eleven pipers piping stand for the eleven faithful disciples
12. Twelve drummers drumming symbolize the 12 point of belief of the Apostles Creed

Now when you sing this carol you will truly know who your true love is.

December 9th, Saturday evening 7:00 pm, New Day will host the singing talent of Dwain Briggs for a one time concert. You may go to
www.dwainbriggs.com to hear his wonderful voice. Once you hear him, you will want to hear more.

Dusty and Brenda Brinn are hosting a screening of The Secret in their home on Monday December 18 at 7:00 PM. It's free, but feel free to bring a snack or drink if you want. Their address is 1721 Ryan Drive Lutz. Anyone who wants to come can call Brenda on 813-786-6311 to RSVP so they will know about how many people to expect.


Fred & Kat >^. .^<>

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New Day Unity Fellowship
Wednesday November 29, 2006

Jeremiah 29:11—I know the plans I have for you, to give you hope and a future.
Hope! The first candle we lit for advent. The first flame to flare up in our heart candle. The first statement in reaffirming our recognition of the Christ spirit with in. The first flame of awareness in our journey of faith and courage that will radiate out in to all those in need by our everyday actions….Doubt that?

Remember : Noah was a drunk, Abraham was too old, Isaac was a daydreamer, Jacob was called liar, Leah was ugly, Joseph was abused, David was only a shepherd. Need I go on? Your thoughts determine your world, you can bet it will be an uplifting day if you keep those thoughts positive. How? Jer. 29:12-13—pray unto me and I will answer, search for me with your heart and you will find me. SOME ONE IS KNOCKING ARE YOU ANSWERING?

Willingness by David Ridge
Let my heart be the vessel of God's Love.
Let my thoughts be the blossom of God's Love.
Let my words be the expression of God's Love.
Let my actions be the fulfillment of God's Love.


Moving/Yard Sale 6505 W. Comanche Saturday, December 2, 3006 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, furniture and assorted items all priced to go to a new home.

Tickets for the Dwain Briggs concert on December 9 at 7:00 PM would make a nice pre Christmas present! Only 10.00 now if you use our mail box 891, Odessa, Fla. 33556, to send your check or call us at 784-7095 or 813-994-1490 to make your pledge and we will hold them at the door for you. Door entry day of the event will be 15.00, please note we have limited space.

A Caribbean style Christmas service will be held 10:00 AM, Christmas eve, what a treat this will be, demonstrating that Christ knows no boundaries…If you only attend one service a year, this is it, bring a friend, come to enjoy.

Upcoming services, mark your calendar:

Dec. 31st, Ginger will conduct the service

Jan 14th, Gary will be our guest speaker explaining a real life realization of God’s presence and power. You will not want to miss this one.

Feb. 4th Fred, holder of the Legion of Honor from the Chapel of the 4 Chaplains, will conduct a Four Chaplain’s ceremony, a touching true life demonstration, which occurred in 1943, emphasizing we are all one! This unselfish sacrifice of a Jewish Rabbi, a Dutch reformed minister, a Protestant minister and a Catholic Priest -presents many lessons that apply still today.


Fred & Kat >^. .^<
Services held at 3109 Lutz Lake Fern Road at 10:00 AM Sharp!
New Day Unity Fellowship, P,O, Box 891, Odessa, FL 33556
We bless you.
We love you.
We recognize the Christ within you.
God Blesses You!!!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wednesday Message November 22, 2006

New Day Unity Fellowship

Wednesday Message. Nov 22, 2006

When David faced Goliath, he looked Goliath right in the eye and said with a determined voice, Goliath, You come against me with a sword and a shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord-- 1 Sam 17:45
Did you notice David did not whine---why do I always have these big problems--- he did not focus on the magnitude of the obstacle before him. Instead he declared his representation of the lord.

Notice, he spoke the words aloud. He was not looking around to see who might have heard him. He did not care who heard his declaration. Yet he did not scream those words out to impress others with in ear shot, nor mumble the words in weakness, those were words of faith. He was focused on the greatness of God.

He did not merely think those words nor did he simply pray those words. No, he spoke them directly to the mountain of a man that was standing in front of him and took that great recorded step forward. Putting out into his universe that positive action and of course he reaped the benefit. As Paul Harvey would say---you know the rest of the story—page Two!

Stop talking to God about how big your problems are, and start talking to your mountains about how big your God is. We all must stop cursing the darkness and start commanding the light to come. If you want to change your world, you must start now, today by changing your words. 1 John 4-4 assures us---greater is He that is in you, than he of this world--- God will always cause you to triumph. Don't look high and low for the miracle, it is right in your mouth, speak it out to your mountain and step forward.

`1. The yard sale was both a good learning experience, we know now how to improve it all, and it was somewhat profitable, in that every penny went into to vault of N.D.U. another repeat will be conducted on the 2nd of Dec. at the same location. We are open for donations to the sales.

2. Ask any that attended the service and bears picnic and you will find it was one of the most enjoyable times we have had in several months. 60 some odd bears and stuffed animals were collected and given to American Legion Auxiliary members for their annual Christmas party for the less fortunate children and to Children’s Hospitals. Great job N.D.U.

3. Though we are still looking for a leader for our Children’s Ministry, under adult supervision our teens have stepped up to the plate to assist with the teaching of some of the basics to our younger ones.

4. The Dwain Briggs concert will be held Dec. 9th at 7pm, at 3109 Lutz Lake Fern Road, less then a ¼ mile off Dale Mabry, turn left first light north of Cheval. All are welcome to this delightful concert.


Fred & Kat >^. .^<

Christmas eve this year will be something all will remember, details will be coming in due time, just circle your calendar, get the day off, what ever it takes, you will not regret it. We can not let the cat out of the bag just yet.

Services held at 3109 Lutz Lake Fern Road at 10:00 AM Sharp!If you would like to be removed from our weekly email message please reply remove.New Day Unity Fellowship, P,O, Box 891, Odessa, FL 33556
(813) 994-1490 (leave a message, please.)We bless you. We love you.
We recognize the Christ within you. God Blesses You!!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wednesday Message, November 15, 2006

We are fast approaching the time of the season where energy seems to be in short quantity. Always something to do, somewhere to be and you start wishing you had a clone. Somebody always seems to want just a little bit more of you. You know them, they mean well, but, they just drain all the energy and vitality out of you. These people just can’t find the joy in anything. Why?

If you have ever prayed the Lord’s Prayer and begun it by saying---OUR FATHER---then you are automatically acknowledging that you are a child of god. Being a child of God makes you a remarkable person, so if you are and we are all one in the father’s eyes, does not the person draining you have the same potential for life?
Genesis 1:26-27 states, let us make man in our image and have domination over----- MAN--- that is mankind, it did not say Bruce Kind, Harriet Kind, nor Billy Kind, has dominion over your world.
What the Bible passage is saying is that man is made in the image-likeness of God. If that is true, then YOU who are a member of the generic species of man, are made in and after that likeness of Spirit. Now to me that is a remarkable person, and makes a person potentially capable of being successful in anything undertaken, more then anything ever dreamed possible, YOU are holding the thoughts in your mind that will produce like kind. To fly, Peter Pan, you must have happy thoughts.
As you stand before the mirror brushing those teeth look at the person looking back at you, AS YOU BELIEVE, SO BE IT DONE UNTO YOU.
Protect your self with a shield of gleaming spiritual armor by quoting from Phil. 4: 13,
If you only have two teeth that will be a short quote, for those of you with a full mouth of teeth, that could take some time, but, regardless God’s armor will protect you.

Amazingly, you can’t have an attitude and keep it a secret, or so many motivational speakers will tell you. Add this one new practice and watch attitudes change.

Friday, November 17, is World Peace Day. The peace guy has a prayer that we ask you pray today, tomorrow and Friday to join together for world peace.

Peaceguy’s Prayer

May the people on this planet be changed.
Changed from hatred to love,
Changed from greed to giving,
Changed from selfishness to selflessness,
Changed from apathy to action,
Changed from jealousy to joy over someone’s accomplishments,
Changed from fighting to peace,
Changed from fighting to peace,
Changed from killing to protecting life,
Changed from censorship to freedom,
Changed from ignorance to education,
Changed from fearing our differences to rejoicing our variety.

May we take it upon ourselves to feed the hungry, cure the sick,
House the homeless, educate the illiterate, love the unloved,
Compete to do the right thing instead of winning at any cost,
Be heroes that teach our children to
make the world a better place instead of glorifying violence and war,
stand up and speak out against things that are wrong
instead of sitting back and waiting for someone else,
demand honesty from our governments,
demand honesty from ourselves.

May we each take responsibility for our own actions
And realize that by refusing to change ourselves,
we condone all the evils of the world.
If one person changes, they teach others by example,
who in turn change and teach more,
one person becomes as a pebble rolling down a mountain,
picking up more pebbles as it continues,
becoming an avalanche of change.
It can happen, it must happen, it will happen.

To make this prayer work, you have to change yourself.

Copyright 1997 Don Morris

Feel free to use this anywhere and any place.
All that is asked is to reference this website if you do.


Here is our pebble to start this avalanche, . . . hopefully you will add
your pebble and together we can demonstrate how easy it is to make
a grassroots movement work.

Feel free to share this with your friends. Imagine if you shared it with six other people the change that could occur.

1. Yard Sale this Saturday at 6505 W. Comanche Ave at 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Pricing will occur Friday morning, if you would like to help or donate items.

2. December 9th, Saturday evening 7:00 pm, New Day will host the singing talent of Dwain Briggs for a one time concert. You may go to
www.dwainbriggs.com to hear his wonderful voice. Once you hear him, you will want to hear more. Tickets are available for a love offering of $10.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door. You can request tickets by mail or by phone.


Fred & Kat >^. .^<

Christmas eve this year will be something all will remember, details will be coming in due time, just circle your calendar, get the day off, what ever it takes, you will not regret it. We can not let the cat out of the bag just yet.

Services held at 3109 Lutz Lake Fern Road at 10:00 AM Sharp!If you would like to be removed from our weekly email message please reply remove.New Day Unity Fellowship, P,O, Box 891, Odessa, FL 33556
(813) 994-1490 (leave a message, please.)We bless you. We love you.
We recognize the Christ within you. God Blesses You!!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Exciting news today fellow Truth Seekers, but, first a word from our sponsor:

Are you ready to “get a grip” on your life? Take hold of yourself!

If you “dare” to take charge of your life and discipline in your thoughts- God will take you to places you’ve never dreamed of.

It may be a little painful to not always get your way; sure, it hurts at times to keep a good attitude when the bottom falls out.

I’m not saying it will always be easy. I’m not saying there won’t be a price to pay.
But now is the time to begin to focus on your life, you are never too old, nor too young.
Go for it! Go for that change of consciousness. Practice positive thoughts over and over again and again. They will develop into habits. Good habits.

I’m not out to make anyone feel queasy about their past! All of us have done things we raise an eyebrow over. (Boy can I give you a list!) But God has given us tools to help us accomplish our attempt at getting a grip. 2 Timothy 7, “God has not given us fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

This simply means You and I have the ability to override our emotional and physical feelings. We have the God given ability to take charge of our lives, but, discipline of thought and self control must be claimed, they must be exercised.

Do you want to just dream or do you wish to experience your dreams?

Just what is the value of your life journey,
Live A Life That Matters or http://susie1114.com/LiveALife.html

But how would you know what to change? Change can only come from within ourselves and as we change we view others with a pure heart and recognize everyone is doing the very best they can.

As any Kabbalist will tell you, find the behaviors you think are "impossible" to change, and you'll have your answer.

When we talk to people, we want to talk to their souls, not their reactions. By the same token, addiction (or any dysfunctional behavior) is also a reaction. If we wish to uproot it permanently, we must look beneath it to the cause level - lack.

We must find the lack we are trying to fill.

This week, we have the support of the cosmos to look beyond our behaviors and into the emptiness that fuels them.

A great exercise to get you started is listing the things that are hardest for you to change. Once you do, find moments throughout the week to sit with your list and think:

What is really making me act this way?

What lack is the behavior trying to fill?

When we open our hearts to God and open spaces within, spirit has room to move within our lives and create even greater opportunities than we ever imagine.

1. Congratulations to our Fellowship Board Members:
Ginger Wilson, President; Vonn Weaver, Secretary; Susan Lord, Treasurer; Luis Jansen, and Greg Weaver. If you would like to contact Ginger, she has asked that you put New Day Unity in the subject line for any correspondence.

2. As of November. 5th, New Day Unity Fellowship officially became a non-profit organization.

3. Teddy Bear Picnic, Sunday Nov. 12th at Don and Ginger Wilson’s, 19615 Michigan Ave, Odessa. Go to map quest for an accurate directions and look for the road signs. A short program remembering the veterans who have provided this country with the freedom to worship in any manner without retribution! Or not worship!

4. November 18, a yard sale will be held at 6505 W Comanche Avenue in Town and Country, just off Golden Circle, across from Verizon via Hillsborough Avenue. It will start at 8:00 AM. All proceeds to go to the Fellowship. More information to come, maps will be provided at our picnic.

5. December 9th, Saturday evening 7:00 pm, New Day will host the singing talent of Dwain Briggs for a one time concert. You may go to
www.dwainbriggs.com to hear his wonderful voice. Once you hear him, you will want to hear more. We will have more information in the coming weeks.


Fred & Kat >^. .^<

Monday, October 30, 2006

Wednesday Message November 1, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Exciting news today fellow Truth Seekers, but, first a word from our sponsor:

Are you ready to “get a grip” on your life?

Take hold of yourself!If you “dare” to take charge of your life and discipline in your thoughts- God will take you to places you’ve never dreamed of.It may be a little painful to not always get your way; sure, it hurts at times to keep a good attitude when the bottom falls out.

I’m not saying it will always be easy. I’m not saying there won’t be a price to pay.But now is the time to begin to focus on your life, you are never too old, nor too young.Go for it! Go for that change of consciousness. Practice positive thoughts over and over again and again. They will develop into habits. Good habits.

I’m not out to make anyone feel queasy about their past! All of us have done things we raise an eyebrow over. (Boy can I give you a list!) But God has given us tools to help us accomplish our attempt at getting a grip. 2 Timothy 7, “God has not given us fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

This simply means You and I have the ability to override our emotional and physical feelings. We have the God given ability to take charge of our lives, but, discipline of thought and self control must be claimed, they must be exercised.

Do you want to just dream or do you wish to experience your dreams?

Just what is the value of your life journey, Live A Life That Matters or http://susie1114.com/LiveALife.html

But how would you know what to change?
Change can only come from within ourselves and as we change we view others with a pure heart and recognize everyone is doing the very best they can.

As any Kabbalist will tell you, find the behaviors you think are "impossible" to change, and you'll have your answer.When we talk to people, we want to talk to their souls, not their reactions. By the same token, addiction (or any dysfunctional behavior) is also a reaction. If we wish to uproot it permanently, we must look beneath it to the cause level - lack.

We must find the lack we are trying to fill.

This week, we have the support of the cosmos to look beyond our behaviors and into the emptiness that fuels them.A great exercise to get you started is listing the things that are hardest for you to change. Once you do, find moments throughout the week to sit with your list and think:

What is really making me act this way?

What lack is the behavior trying to fill?When we open our hearts to God and open spaces within, spirit has room to move within our lives and create even greater opportunities than we ever imagine.
1. Congratulations to our Fellowship Board Members:Ginger Wilson, President; Vonn Weaver, Secretary; Susan Lord, Treasurer; Luis Jansen, and Greg Weaver. If you would like to contact Ginger, she has asked that you put New Day Unity in the subject line for any correspondence.
2. As of November. 5th, New Day Unity Fellowship officially became a non-profit organization.
3. November 18, a yard sale will be held at 6505 W Comanche Avenue in Town and Country, just off Golden Circle, across from Verizon via Hillsborough Avenue. It will start at 8:00 AM. All proceeds to go to the Fellowship. More information to come, maps will be provided at our picnic.
4. December 9th, Saturday evening 7:00 pm, New Day will host the singing talent of Dwain Briggs for a one time concert. You may go to http://www.dwainbriggs.com/ to hear his wonderful voice. Once you hear him, you will want to hear more. We will have more information in the coming weeks.
Blessings,Fred & Kat >^. .^<
Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Proverbs 11:3 says, “the integrity of the upright shall guide them.”

I do not always know the right decisions to make in life, but, I grew up in the farm belt of this great country and of all the things my dad taught me was that a person’s word was worth more then all the coin in a bank. You said what you mean and you meant what you said. No hidden agendas or ulterior motives, if you told some one you were going to be there, you were. If you were going to help with a crop, you did. If you owed someone a dime, you would pay it back by that date or as soon as you saw them after that date, debts were not just forgotten and if you told someone a fact it was Life was just as simple as that.

If you and I are going to experience God’s abundance we’re going to have to live open and honest lives and try our best to go that extra mile to walk in integrity. You know what, a life of peace comes, it is just as simple as that Regardless of whether anyone is watching or not, by maintaining integrity toward one another, your spouse, your business associates or even strangers we are honoring God, and what we put out into the universe will come back to us a hundred fold.

People of integrity stand out today, because we are experiencing an integrity crisis in this country. The lines between right and wrong are not always clearly defined. Many of the key individuals prefer to maintain personal standards to obtain their goals. This is evident from the very actions of some of the politicians, clergy and CEO’s at the helm of some of our most respected institutions.

However, if we will keep as pure a heart as possible and choose the way of integrity God will guide us and protect us from stumbling along on this life journey. This is one of our main pledges at the New Day Unity Fellowship, each day is a New Day for us and we will Fully Rely On God (F.R.O.G.) and we Will live the life that rightly belongs to every child of God. Another of our pledges to you is to have you leave fed with the spirit of the universe, not your wallet fleeced, nor your consciousness beaten.

For those of you still out there on the edge wondering if New Day is going to continue, We invite you and/or a friend of yours to come to the service on Sunday Nov. 5th. Join us in boisterous praise to the one power in the universe, then listen to the visions unfold as these section leaders of integrity explain how they are coming on line with the main vision. Look about you and see we are well organized, determined and dedicated. We honor you as you observe that we are going only one way, UP! We become just a little larger each week. We encourage you to enjoy the New Day God has given you as you leave the fellowship with regenerated spring of energy for a New Day in your step.

Fred & Kat >^. .^<