New Day Unity Fellowship
Wednesday Message. Nov 22, 2006
When David faced Goliath, he looked Goliath right in the eye and said with a determined voice, Goliath, You come against me with a sword and a shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord-- 1 Sam 17:45
Did you notice David did not whine---why do I always have these big problems--- he did not focus on the magnitude of the obstacle before him. Instead he declared his representation of the lord.
Notice, he spoke the words aloud. He was not looking around to see who might have heard him. He did not care who heard his declaration. Yet he did not scream those words out to impress others with in ear shot, nor mumble the words in weakness, those were words of faith. He was focused on the greatness of God.
He did not merely think those words nor did he simply pray those words. No, he spoke them directly to the mountain of a man that was standing in front of him and took that great recorded step forward. Putting out into his universe that positive action and of course he reaped the benefit. As Paul Harvey would say---you know the rest of the story—page Two!
Stop talking to God about how big your problems are, and start talking to your mountains about how big your God is. We all must stop cursing the darkness and start commanding the light to come. If you want to change your world, you must start now, today by changing your words. 1 John 4-4 assures us---greater is He that is in you, than he of this world--- God will always cause you to triumph. Don't look high and low for the miracle, it is right in your mouth, speak it out to your mountain and step forward.
`1. The yard sale was both a good learning experience, we know now how to improve it all, and it was somewhat profitable, in that every penny went into to vault of N.D.U. another repeat will be conducted on the 2nd of Dec. at the same location. We are open for donations to the sales.
2. Ask any that attended the service and bears picnic and you will find it was one of the most enjoyable times we have had in several months. 60 some odd bears and stuffed animals were collected and given to American Legion Auxiliary members for their annual Christmas party for the less fortunate children and to Children’s Hospitals. Great job N.D.U.
3. Though we are still looking for a leader for our Children’s Ministry, under adult supervision our teens have stepped up to the plate to assist with the teaching of some of the basics to our younger ones.
4. The Dwain Briggs concert will be held Dec. 9th at 7pm, at 3109 Lutz Lake Fern Road, less then a ¼ mile off Dale Mabry, turn left first light north of Cheval. All are welcome to this delightful concert.
Fred & Kat >^. .^<
Christmas eve this year will be something all will remember, details will be coming in due time, just circle your calendar, get the day off, what ever it takes, you will not regret it. We can not let the cat out of the bag just yet.
Services held at 3109 Lutz Lake Fern Road at 10:00 AM Sharp!If you would like to be removed from our weekly email message please reply remove.New Day Unity Fellowship, P,O, Box 891, Odessa, FL 33556
(813) 994-1490 (leave a message, please.)We bless you. We love you.
We recognize the Christ within you. God Blesses You!!!!
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