New Day Unity Fellowship
Wednesday November 29, 2006
Jeremiah 29:11—I know the plans I have for you, to give you hope and a future.
Hope! The first candle we lit for advent. The first flame to flare up in our heart candle. The first statement in reaffirming our recognition of the Christ spirit with in. The first flame of awareness in our journey of faith and courage that will radiate out in to all those in need by our everyday actions….Doubt that?
Remember : Noah was a drunk, Abraham was too old, Isaac was a daydreamer, Jacob was called liar, Leah was ugly, Joseph was abused, David was only a shepherd. Need I go on? Your thoughts determine your world, you can bet it will be an uplifting day if you keep those thoughts positive. How? Jer. 29:12-13—pray unto me and I will answer, search for me with your heart and you will find me. SOME ONE IS KNOCKING ARE YOU ANSWERING?
Willingness by David Ridge
Let my heart be the vessel of God's Love.
Let my thoughts be the blossom of God's Love.
Let my words be the expression of God's Love.
Let my actions be the fulfillment of God's Love.
Moving/Yard Sale 6505 W. Comanche Saturday, December 2, 3006 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, furniture and assorted items all priced to go to a new home.
Tickets for the Dwain Briggs concert on December 9 at 7:00 PM would make a nice pre Christmas present! Only 10.00 now if you use our mail box 891, Odessa, Fla. 33556, to send your check or call us at 784-7095 or 813-994-1490 to make your pledge and we will hold them at the door for you. Door entry day of the event will be 15.00, please note we have limited space.
A Caribbean style Christmas service will be held 10:00 AM, Christmas eve, what a treat this will be, demonstrating that Christ knows no boundaries…If you only attend one service a year, this is it, bring a friend, come to enjoy.
Upcoming services, mark your calendar:
Dec. 31st, Ginger will conduct the service
Jan 14th, Gary will be our guest speaker explaining a real life realization of God’s presence and power. You will not want to miss this one.
Feb. 4th Fred, holder of the Legion of Honor from the Chapel of the 4 Chaplains, will conduct a Four Chaplain’s ceremony, a touching true life demonstration, which occurred in 1943, emphasizing we are all one! This unselfish sacrifice of a Jewish Rabbi, a Dutch reformed minister, a Protestant minister and a Catholic Priest -presents many lessons that apply still today.
Fred & Kat >^. .^<
Services held at 3109 Lutz Lake Fern Road at 10:00 AM Sharp!
New Day Unity Fellowship, P,O, Box 891, Odessa, FL 33556
We bless you.
We love you.
We recognize the Christ within you.
God Blesses You!!!!
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