R.W. Emerson once wrote “man looks forward with smiles, but backward with sighs”
2007 is now upon us and over the past few days I know there are times when we yearn for the days past, the good ole days, actually these days we are going through now will be the good ole days in a few months, any way, the days of, if nothing had just changed. If they had just remained so-so, if only! If only! If only!
Oh how safe. Settled we were. Robotically going to church on a non athletic Sundays, if we thought about it! Keeping the social blinders in place so we just pulled our life carriage straight between the prescribed lines and not really questioning the path we are on, almost as if we were doing a by the numbers painting. We just do the numbers of the paint and know it will come out beautiful according to someone’s standards.
Well to put it bluntly, Get over it! 2006 is over, and here we go into 2007 and it is going to be a ride!
2 Corinthians 6 tells us: “We, as workers together with Him will not receive grace in vain”
So it is with a lump in our throats, a tightness in our chest, with butterflies in the stomach we begin to Fully Rely On God and think where we are going in 2007. All of us. Together! We will see the formation of the Women’s ministry, organization of our Children’s ministry, continued improvement of our temporary sanctuary and elaboration of the praise ministry.
James Dillet Freeman said it far more eloquently then I in his poem from his book What God Is Like:
One Step More
A hill is not too hard to climb
Taken one step at a time.
One step is not too much to take;
One try is not too much to make.
One step, one try, one song, one smile
Will shortly stretch into a mile.
And everything worthwhile was done
By small steps taken one by one.
To reach the goal you started for,
Take one step more, take one step more!
In the book of Isaiah, 43:18-19
“remember not the former things nor consider the things of old for behold I will do a new thing it shall spring forth. I will even make a way in the wilderness---clearing undisciplined thoughts----and rivers in the desert----overcoming man’s impressions of lack.”
Is it any wonder that 2007 to the New Day Unity Fellowship means more than just another year? We will continue to provide an even brighter beacon in the fog to those side tracked, lost, wandering from the home of the heart they once knew. We must recognize the difficulties in life are there for a beneficial reason. In Indian lore one must walk a mile in their shoes. NOW is the time for all of us, you, I, all of us, to go that extra mile. Remember that the only mile that counts is the extra mile. Let us extend our interfaith arms openly in a sincere welcome so that any may feel sheltered among friends, nourished from the bread of God and loved at the New Day Unity Fellowship.
Got a personal idea for 2007? Step out on the edge of your comfort zone, it is time to enlarge your vision, see yourself getting that promotion, your family prospering, your marriage improving, 2007 can be the greatest time of your life….you must vision it in your mind and believe it is possible with His help IF you ever hope to experience what ever it is you so desire.
Over the next few weeks invite friends and people you know who are just setting out there wanting something but, not knowing where to go, invite them to experience New Day Unity Fellowship. We are here to feed you not beat you!
Happy New Year!
Fred & Kat >^. .^<
Join us 10am Sunday Jan 7th as Fred will present The Dash
Don't forget to visit to our website:
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
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