Wednesday, January 24, 2007
1 Thess. 5:17, Pray without ceasing
The demands of every day existence tend to occupy most of our thoughts during the hours we are awake. Other thoughts on how God is Spirit and we are Spiritual, generally are but fleeting thoughts during the day.
Webster’s dictionary tells us, anything that is dynamic is active.
One of the Great lessons we can learn is that true prayer is creative-active-forceful. Things definitely occur. How many times have we said, “Let just us pray about it?”
Just implies that since we think nothing really can be done, we'll just throw it out to the universe and hope that God will do something.
First of all you can not just throw your items out into the universe, because nothing is for free. The hole you created must be filled with something---praise-prayer-signs of gratitude.
Prayer does not consist of mimicking programmed words and “Just Hoping” for any desired results.
Jesus the Christ often clearly outlined a method for us to follow in obtaining certain goals in our lives. He gave us methodical instructions on how to pray in Matthew Chap. 6, and I see nothing that implies that we just pray in some indifferent manner and then hope for the best results.
Prayer is communion with God, when we commune with God we place ourselves in the great stream of creative life that will bring all the wisdom, love, understanding to solve any of life’s problems. Instead of telling God how big our problems are, tell the problem how great our God is! Through positive prayer you can do just that! Changing your consciousness thereby changing your very situation.
We do not need to wait until some crisis comes into our lives to concentrate on our praying…..Start NOW! A whole new confidence and enthusiasm for living a positive life will be born in the depths of your consciousness. You will build up a prayer reserve that will give you strength in times of challenge. Matthew 6:20-21 “lay up treasures in heaven where your treasures are, your heart will be”
Fred & Kat >^. .^<>
1 Thess. 5:17, Pray without ceasing
The demands of every day existence tend to occupy most of our thoughts during the hours we are awake. Other thoughts on how God is Spirit and we are Spiritual, generally are but fleeting thoughts during the day.
Webster’s dictionary tells us, anything that is dynamic is active.
One of the Great lessons we can learn is that true prayer is creative-active-forceful. Things definitely occur. How many times have we said, “Let just us pray about it?”
Just implies that since we think nothing really can be done, we'll just throw it out to the universe and hope that God will do something.
First of all you can not just throw your items out into the universe, because nothing is for free. The hole you created must be filled with something---praise-prayer-signs of gratitude.
Prayer does not consist of mimicking programmed words and “Just Hoping” for any desired results.
Jesus the Christ often clearly outlined a method for us to follow in obtaining certain goals in our lives. He gave us methodical instructions on how to pray in Matthew Chap. 6, and I see nothing that implies that we just pray in some indifferent manner and then hope for the best results.
Prayer is communion with God, when we commune with God we place ourselves in the great stream of creative life that will bring all the wisdom, love, understanding to solve any of life’s problems. Instead of telling God how big our problems are, tell the problem how great our God is! Through positive prayer you can do just that! Changing your consciousness thereby changing your very situation.
We do not need to wait until some crisis comes into our lives to concentrate on our praying…..Start NOW! A whole new confidence and enthusiasm for living a positive life will be born in the depths of your consciousness. You will build up a prayer reserve that will give you strength in times of challenge. Matthew 6:20-21 “lay up treasures in heaven where your treasures are, your heart will be”
Fred & Kat >^. .^<>
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