New Day Unity Fellowship
"Practical Christianity For Positive Living"

Wednesday ~ March 21, 2007
Webster’s Colligate Dictionary defines “Humility” as Freedom from pride and arrogance”
People with humility are confident with themselves, and this is important for it is showing praise to the creator by demonstrations of your positive attitude in support of the idea of God, His creation, you are.
People with humility do not consider themselves to be better than other people. Humble people are aware that their character is not perfect, that they do have some lower levels of strength and talents. They lead with their stronger talents and call upon their other talents to lend support to their lesser traits of character maintaining control over their bodies.
When Sam Walton was alive I had the opportunity of meeting him several times in Columbia, Missouri through my working association with his granddaughter, bib overalls and all you never got the impression of just what Sam’s empire value was worth.
He was just Grandpa, and he would show up at his stores unannounced and wearing those same bib overalls.
In fact I can think of other CEO’s, Football coaches, church leaders, an actor or two and even a Chicken Restaurant mogul who demonstrate true humility to their employees and those of all levels of proficiency below their authority. These are some of the truly successful business leaders in this country who are not afraid to proclaim, John 14:10 “of myself I can do nothing the father within me does the works,”
They realize that their business success is due from calling upon the universal guidance (in me- through me- from me) for the ideas they seek and acting upon that information with proper recognition back to the source.
Because of this recognition of a universal truth, it is evident that a large part of their success is directly attributed to their personal humility. True they have what is interpreted as big egos yet; it is all so evident that they do not appear to lose sight of their reality.
The “wannabe’s” of business success are people unknowing, subconsciously reaching out for help because they know eventually they will face the less then perfect points of their life experience and they will have to deal with them.
Does this mean that only the wealthy can be humble? Of course not!
A single man some two thousand years ago showed us the way of humility by being equal to lepers, prostitutes, sick people, dying people, soldiers, rich and poor alike, even his very accusers, who He knew were going to cause his death. That man’s name was Jesus, representative of all of us, and therefore demonstrating that humility knows no social levels, races, nor genders, we are all to be just as humble and never lose sight of the of the Christ within.
In other words as you brush your teeth and stare into the mirror tell your self a joke. Giggling, warning do not approach fits of laughter with a toothbrush in your mouth, proclaim to that person staring back at you , “I am the best” “I am a card” “I am a winner” Now keep it to yourself all day-----that is humility.
Ladies, join us for breakfast at 9:00 AM, Saturday, March 24 at Perkins Restaurant on the corner of Dale Mabry and Stall Road (next door to Border’s Bookstore). We will have prayer, food, sharing, laughter and fun. We can't wait to see your shining faces that morning. To RSVP please call 813-546-1461, leave a message and we will get back to you. BTY (Blessings to YOU) Kat >^. .^<> 
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