"Practical Christianity for Positive Living"

Wednesday ~ March 28, 2007
Romans 5:3-4: “we glory in tribulation that worketh for patience and patience makes experience”
Practical Christian lessons come at us daily from all directions, sometimes in major life changing events and sometimes in just simple trivial, everyday life experiences, Yet they all combine to ensure we have a memorable journey as we come through this life passage rather then just being here to breath air, take up time- space & oxygen.
Today mine came in the form of sanding. “Wax On---Wax Off!”
At the New Day Unity Fellowship we do not ask you for an offering during the service.
Our four letter word is G-I-F-T and we feel offering is a monetary gift from the heart, not to be expected, demanded nor dictated as to the amount, that portion or none at all is between you and God.
Each of our Sunday programs has an envelope inside so that you may deposit a love offering in any heartfelt amount into the container next to the door as you leave.
We are not talking those that tithe here, we come under a different set of accountability rules they expect for their records at the end of the year, rather, we are talking about those that come on a Sunday when they can.
We do not feel any of God’s children should let the spiritual experience of New Day be dictated by pennies in one’s pockets, our concern was that you were spiritually fed not financially bled.
We have been using a set of cupped hands statuary to accept these envelopes, at first this was adequate, then it became evident by the number we find on the floor that it was time to build a offering box.
I found just the right wooden box! The last one!
On sale at JoAnn’s Fabrics!
Kat found that perfect wrought iron sun shaped stand!
Thank you God! All is in Divine Order!
With a great deal of excitement I rushed home to begin the project with songs of praise blaring from my CD player and my off key voice assaulting my ears. I felt filled with Joy, just me and God would sand this thing and paint it and whip it out for next weekend.
Hallelujah! No TV blaring. No radio. No one around talking. Just me and God, thinking, planning, visualizing.
OOOPS forgot something!
The tribulation was quite evident as I ran around between Walmart and Target getting needed supplies—sanding—applying wood putty –sanding—getting paint and brushes, sanding and more sand paper and you got it—sanding. Misplacing my electric palm sander—man oh man the paint can is clogged—sanding –painting—wife home—no not smooth enough—sanding—more paint--- oh, yeah did I mention sanding?!
Finally patience paid off and I gained a great deal of experience with---- you can guess it--- sanding!
As I look back the Joy came with the realization, that indeed it was just God and I talking through my mind and my heart as my hands worked. I—was-- being still and knowing God through this molding and shaping of a box of wood. That peace, that quiet, that calmness, despite the trepidation of the running around in silly traffic, that moment with being one with the universe was keeping me patient and a box was taking shape.
The Joy is coming in as Kat can now do her edge work and make the box a thing of beauty.
The Joy is coming with the realization that one more piece of the puzzle has been patiently set in place for God directed project that bears the title The New Day Unity Fellowship.
So maybe we do not need the Giant Proverbial Cosmic 2 X 4 to bring us a lesson daily for our life track, maybe we only need to stop-look-and listen to the train of Goodness coming at us from above. Then get on board!
April 1st, Sunday, Palm Sunday, Kat Rich speaking on Is The Christ Within?
April 8th, Easter Sunday, 9am Pancake breakfast followed by Easter Service.
April 15th, Last two apostles and bringing it all together
The Women’s Ministry group met for the first time March the 24th at Perkins Restaurant for breakfast and get together. From the longevity of the meeting and the joyous faces that came out of the meeting it appears it was a good time for the ladies. The next get together is set for April 21st, 9am, again at Perkins on North Dale Mabry and Stall Road. You can sign up at the Sunday services or call Kat at 546-1461.
This is not your “Granny’s Sunday Meetin Grup”—come and enjoy.
We are looking for a high energy, imaginative, enthusiastic person who must pass a police back ground check and be versed in truth principles. This person must be willing and be able to organize and bring our Children’s Ministry up to the same energy level of the congregation.
If you know of anyone please have them call Fred at 748-7095 for an interview.
Our search is on for high energy musical persons to be able to play 15 minutes prior to the Sunday service and at the end of the service.
Please contact Danny Lord at 973-7889, for an interview.
If you enjoyed this message please share it with your friends!
Romans 5:3-4: “we glory in tribulation that worketh for patience and patience makes experience”
Practical Christian lessons come at us daily from all directions, sometimes in major life changing events and sometimes in just simple trivial, everyday life experiences, Yet they all combine to ensure we have a memorable journey as we come through this life passage rather then just being here to breath air, take up time- space & oxygen.
Today mine came in the form of sanding. “Wax On---Wax Off!”
At the New Day Unity Fellowship we do not ask you for an offering during the service.
Our four letter word is G-I-F-T and we feel offering is a monetary gift from the heart, not to be expected, demanded nor dictated as to the amount, that portion or none at all is between you and God.
Each of our Sunday programs has an envelope inside so that you may deposit a love offering in any heartfelt amount into the container next to the door as you leave.
We are not talking those that tithe here, we come under a different set of accountability rules they expect for their records at the end of the year, rather, we are talking about those that come on a Sunday when they can.
We do not feel any of God’s children should let the spiritual experience of New Day be dictated by pennies in one’s pockets, our concern was that you were spiritually fed not financially bled.
We have been using a set of cupped hands statuary to accept these envelopes, at first this was adequate, then it became evident by the number we find on the floor that it was time to build a offering box.
I found just the right wooden box! The last one!
On sale at JoAnn’s Fabrics!
Kat found that perfect wrought iron sun shaped stand!
Thank you God! All is in Divine Order!
With a great deal of excitement I rushed home to begin the project with songs of praise blaring from my CD player and my off key voice assaulting my ears. I felt filled with Joy, just me and God would sand this thing and paint it and whip it out for next weekend.
Hallelujah! No TV blaring. No radio. No one around talking. Just me and God, thinking, planning, visualizing.
OOOPS forgot something!
The tribulation was quite evident as I ran around between Walmart and Target getting needed supplies—sanding—applying wood putty –sanding—getting paint and brushes, sanding and more sand paper and you got it—sanding. Misplacing my electric palm sander—man oh man the paint can is clogged—sanding –painting—wife home—no not smooth enough—sanding—more paint--- oh, yeah did I mention sanding?!
Finally patience paid off and I gained a great deal of experience with---- you can guess it--- sanding!
As I look back the Joy came with the realization, that indeed it was just God and I talking through my mind and my heart as my hands worked. I—was-- being still and knowing God through this molding and shaping of a box of wood. That peace, that quiet, that calmness, despite the trepidation of the running around in silly traffic, that moment with being one with the universe was keeping me patient and a box was taking shape.
The Joy is coming in as Kat can now do her edge work and make the box a thing of beauty.
The Joy is coming with the realization that one more piece of the puzzle has been patiently set in place for God directed project that bears the title The New Day Unity Fellowship.
So maybe we do not need the Giant Proverbial Cosmic 2 X 4 to bring us a lesson daily for our life track, maybe we only need to stop-look-and listen to the train of Goodness coming at us from above. Then get on board!
April 1st, Sunday, Palm Sunday, Kat Rich speaking on Is The Christ Within?
April 8th, Easter Sunday, 9am Pancake breakfast followed by Easter Service.
April 15th, Last two apostles and bringing it all together
The Women’s Ministry group met for the first time March the 24th at Perkins Restaurant for breakfast and get together. From the longevity of the meeting and the joyous faces that came out of the meeting it appears it was a good time for the ladies. The next get together is set for April 21st, 9am, again at Perkins on North Dale Mabry and Stall Road. You can sign up at the Sunday services or call Kat at 546-1461.
This is not your “Granny’s Sunday Meetin Grup”—come and enjoy.
We are looking for a high energy, imaginative, enthusiastic person who must pass a police back ground check and be versed in truth principles. This person must be willing and be able to organize and bring our Children’s Ministry up to the same energy level of the congregation.
If you know of anyone please have them call Fred at 748-7095 for an interview.
Our search is on for high energy musical persons to be able to play 15 minutes prior to the Sunday service and at the end of the service.
Please contact Danny Lord at 973-7889, for an interview.
If you enjoyed this message please share it with your friends!
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