Practical Christianity for Postitve Living

June 27, 2007
Enough is Enough all ready!
“you have stayed long enough at this mountain, turn and take your journey.”
Deut. 1:6
The fields of medicine and science are pathways that assist some people to overcome their fears. All well and good, however, there is another surefire way, a lot safer, and far less expensive. That is to “tell it to the lord!” Face that mountain, find a quiet place in the back yard, on a hiking trail, or riding your bike somewhere, fishing or just sitting in your car at a safe designated pull over. Scream, if necessary, at that mountain, telling it to get behind you, pray-meditate giving it to God, listen to what is coming back to you from the universe and then react, take that positive step and get on with your life.
“Anyone who kneels before the Lord can stand up to anything” Cindy Halley g.p.inc.
Picture yourself screaming do you? A smile comes over your face, good you have just made the first step.
In Japan part of the C.E.O. training course is that the candidates must go out into the ordinary street at rush hour and scream out for five minutes that which was frustrating them that day….Now there is a thought to make a shrink in America smile.
It was the opinion of the group attending the showing of “Evan Almighty” on Saturday July 23, this is a worthwhile movie to see. Not only in it’s comedic aspect-- one to keep you in stitches, it contains several very tasteful and respectful references to the teaching of the word of God. It was noted each of us came away with a little something different from the movie…With bubbling enthusiasm we rapid-fire compared notes of “Did you hear the part of ---“
We highly recommend you take time to treat yourself to a couple of hours of good clean fun your whole family can enjoy.
We are looking forward to you joining us in the very near future when once again we will meet for the 10am Saturday morning movie at the Veterans Movie Complex located on Anderson Road, just north of Waters Ave.…the cost is only 5.00 pr person but the enjoyment of the camaraderie is “Priceless”
Other trips such as a picnic trip to “Bok Tower” this fall is being discussed.
GREAT NEWS: Yes, it was such a nice surprise when Susan the leader of our Finance Team announced this past Sunday another two blocks in the foundation of The New Day Unity Fellowship were recently put in place with the mortar of God. Beth a noted C.P.A. has joined our finance staff, welcome Beth, and the building fund has been officially initiated.
Please bring you vision contributions for our newly improved vision board. Come share our vision for the future of New Day Unity Fellowship.
New Day Unity Fellowship Espanol Launch date Sept. 9th 12noon.
Further details coming
Classes will begin this Sept. every Weds. eve details to come
The count down has begun for the Official Launch Date of the New Day Unity Fellowship. Oct. 14th. Watch your mail for exciting information to come from this living church.
Women’s Ministry:
We will be reading "The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life" by Marianne Williamson and discussing it at our monthly Women's breakfast. Below is a link to Amazon if you would like to purchase a used copy (a true bargain including shipping charges!).
Amazon.com: Used and New: The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life
If you missed our breakfast in June, no problem. We will begin discussing the introduction and the first chapter at our next breakfast Saturday July 21, 9:00AM at J. Christophers 14366 N. Dale Mabry. 15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, service and tip. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change". Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in the future.
If you would like to make a "Joy Jar" ask me, I will provide with a sticker and a packet of messages to place inside your jar .

Kat >^. .^<
Enough is Enough all ready!
“you have stayed long enough at this mountain, turn and take your journey.”
Deut. 1:6
The fields of medicine and science are pathways that assist some people to overcome their fears. All well and good, however, there is another surefire way, a lot safer, and far less expensive. That is to “tell it to the lord!” Face that mountain, find a quiet place in the back yard, on a hiking trail, or riding your bike somewhere, fishing or just sitting in your car at a safe designated pull over. Scream, if necessary, at that mountain, telling it to get behind you, pray-meditate giving it to God, listen to what is coming back to you from the universe and then react, take that positive step and get on with your life.
“Anyone who kneels before the Lord can stand up to anything” Cindy Halley g.p.inc.
Picture yourself screaming do you? A smile comes over your face, good you have just made the first step.
In Japan part of the C.E.O. training course is that the candidates must go out into the ordinary street at rush hour and scream out for five minutes that which was frustrating them that day….Now there is a thought to make a shrink in America smile.
It was the opinion of the group attending the showing of “Evan Almighty” on Saturday July 23, this is a worthwhile movie to see. Not only in it’s comedic aspect-- one to keep you in stitches, it contains several very tasteful and respectful references to the teaching of the word of God. It was noted each of us came away with a little something different from the movie…With bubbling enthusiasm we rapid-fire compared notes of “Did you hear the part of ---“
We highly recommend you take time to treat yourself to a couple of hours of good clean fun your whole family can enjoy.
We are looking forward to you joining us in the very near future when once again we will meet for the 10am Saturday morning movie at the Veterans Movie Complex located on Anderson Road, just north of Waters Ave.…the cost is only 5.00 pr person but the enjoyment of the camaraderie is “Priceless”
Other trips such as a picnic trip to “Bok Tower” this fall is being discussed.
GREAT NEWS: Yes, it was such a nice surprise when Susan the leader of our Finance Team announced this past Sunday another two blocks in the foundation of The New Day Unity Fellowship were recently put in place with the mortar of God. Beth a noted C.P.A. has joined our finance staff, welcome Beth, and the building fund has been officially initiated.
Please bring you vision contributions for our newly improved vision board. Come share our vision for the future of New Day Unity Fellowship.
New Day Unity Fellowship Espanol Launch date Sept. 9th 12noon.
Further details coming
Classes will begin this Sept. every Weds. eve details to come
The count down has begun for the Official Launch Date of the New Day Unity Fellowship. Oct. 14th. Watch your mail for exciting information to come from this living church.
Women’s Ministry:
We will be reading "The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life" by Marianne Williamson and discussing it at our monthly Women's breakfast. Below is a link to Amazon if you would like to purchase a used copy (a true bargain including shipping charges!).
Amazon.com: Used and New: The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life
If you missed our breakfast in June, no problem. We will begin discussing the introduction and the first chapter at our next breakfast Saturday July 21, 9:00AM at J. Christophers 14366 N. Dale Mabry. 15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, service and tip. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change". Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in the future.
If you would like to make a "Joy Jar" ask me, I will provide with a sticker and a packet of messages to place inside your jar .

Kat >^. .^<