June 20, 2007
AH! The summer is finally upon us! Time to get away and have a little relaxation! We can really believe the words of Matthew 10:28:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”
Yet, when we get even one day off, what do we do?
Why, run around doing all those chores, those “Things” we could not seem to find the time to get done during the other 6 days of the week!
How about some yard work? Pile on the house maintenance! (I’m ready coach! Throw me in!!!) Maybe shopping ourselves to a frazzle! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? You are still working!!!!!!!
According to Expedia.com, the average American gets 7-14 days of vacation a year. Germans get 27 days and the French get a whopping 39 days of vacation a year.
Of America’s workers, 10% will actually take 7 days of vacation, while 32% will only take a long week end or at the very best 5 days. The majority take a day or two here and or there, with a million and one excuses why they do not vacation at all. Pass the Tums, please!
Further more because family’s impose tight schedules and itineraries designed to see, smell, experience as much fun as possible in a short time. Our vacations have become another missed opportunity to get away from the daily stress and strain of everyday life. We usually have nothing left in our emotional and physical tanks, to say nothing of the wallet, by the time we get back.
How long did it take to make the earth? Oh! Really! Then rested you say! Hmmm! Maybe that is symbolic of a universal truth that we, ole mankind here, should rest just a little too from our daily grind.
Mark 6: “tells us to come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest”
I am not saying for you to ignore your vacation time and hibernate, I am just saying use some logic to utilize your vacation time.
In truth a vacation has a two fold purpose:
1. To reconnect with your life partner. When you get clean away from your present work environment, home environment or social requirements, you reconnect emotionally, spiritually, psychologically and yes even physically with the other half of the very strength of your human relationship. Even if you are not married a vacation is about building relationships with family and friends
2. A vacation does not mean a bunch of kids and a wife---that is a family outing. Wonderful times! Every family should have outings to build a strong family and lots of lasting memories, but, outings are not about Relaxation!
Ok, Family people I know you are in an uproar, but pause for a moment and recall what you laugh about now;
While on R & R—(Runny noses and rashes) you “enjoy” tantrums, tears, cotton candy in the hair, ice cream down mickey’s new million dollar t-shirt, an upchuck here or there, sunburns, back seat arguments, countless bathroom stops, ungodly number of “What For” souvenirs still stored in the attic. (puff—puff)
Favorite rocks, new pet frogs, frozen teen frowns for those left “forever” behind, the stress of time tables for planes, boats, or buses, luggage in San Diego (unfortunately you are in Chicago), taxis, headaches and upset stomachs and of course a mountain of dirty laundry to look forward to upon your return. Whew! Did I mention balloons on a stick? No! Well how about bug bites, bee stings and you forgot what! Are you rested now?????
LIFE just does not need to have “a white knuckle grip” on it to survive. LIFE is also about fun, relaxation, rest, enjoyment of God’s wonders, like the Grand Canyon, not only the top, go to the bottom, a whole new world awaits you there. Life is about the Northern Rockies above Calgary, the moose, the deer, the bear, short blonde Mounties,(never did see King, nor a red coat for that matter) the northern lights, a skunk or two, or, maybe streams clear and Freezing, actually run off from the glaciers. Ever inner-tube down a quiet river?
This is the year! It is a New Day if you exercise your Free Will and just-------
Pray—Meditate—Listen—React to God’s directions on how to use your vacation to build fulfillment in life, purpose of breath, appreciation of creation, meaning in your relationship with God and give praise for this Gift called------ Life.
New Day Unity Fellowship Espanol
Launch date Sept. 9th 12noon. Further details coming
Classes will begin this Sept. every Weds. eve details to come
The count down has begun for the Official Launch Date of the New Day Unity Fellowship. Oct. 14th. Watch your mails for exciting information to come from this living church.
We are happy to announce that another part of the vision is falling into place. We have started the building fund! This is another exciting step in the journey of a “living church”.
Women’s Ministry:
We will be reading "The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life" by Marianne Williamson and discussing it at our monthly Women's breakfast. Below is a link to Amazon if you would like to purchase a used copy (a true bargain including shipping charges!).
Amazon.com: Used and New: The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life
If you missed our breakfast in June, no problem. We will begin discussing the introduction and the first chapter at our next breakfast Saturday July 21, 9:00AM at J. Christophers 14366 N. Dale Mabry. 15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, service and tip. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change". Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in the future.
Kat >^. .^< Sept. 5th Wednesday night Study Group will begin, based upon the book “Spiritual Development” authorship: Richard and Jan Potter. To order a new or used book from Amazon go to this link:
Amazon.com: Used and New: Spiritual Development For Beginners: A Simple Guide to Leading a Purpose-Filled Life (For Beginners)
All are welcome. Love donation only.
Be sure to share this message with your friends!
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
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