Blessings to you all. Do you realize how much we throw blessings around these days?
Some one sneezes. “Bless You”
“Many blessings to you”
“I am blessed”
So what does “blessing” really mean?
Simply put, Blessings: “To be on the receiving end of favor from God, in tune with the universe”
God does bless us with the intangible, like feelings of joy and all that good stuff, but, I believe we are blessed by tangible things too.
The whole world is made of “Matter” all formed into stuff of different shapes and sizes we can see, smell, taste, touch, or hear. ( the five senses)
I just feel we should not limit our definitions of blessing to be only intangible, for if the world is of matter in all shapes forms and sizes, and God made the world, and God only wants good for his children, then good would have to be made of matter too. So if we are on the receiving end, then we are receiving matter in some form or another called the good of God, the favor, the blessing.
In us-- through us-- from us, but to do so we must pray, meditate, listen and react to the good coming to us by giving some of the good out as well.
Blessings, Fred.
New Things Happening:
Over the past few months, many of you have indicated you would like to tithe to the New Day Unity Fellowship or contribute for the continued ministry and growth of N.D.U.F.
Indeed We Thank You, for your inquires, but, we waited to be certain that all legal loop holes were closed to insure that donations to N.D.U.F. went directly to the support and planned growth or as other wise directed by the donor and no where else. We also wanted to insure all donors that no matter how small or substantial their donations amount were All were received properly and recognized at the end of the year.
I am proud to announce we have now completed all legal and security requirements for a simple method for those desiring to make tithes, donations or offerings in any amount that comes from their hearts to N.D.U.F.. Simply click on to www.mychurchdonations.com and follow the easy to read instructions, you will receive a confirmation from the donations center that your money has been properly handled.
In addition our C.P.A. will account for every dollar you send into N.D.U.F., Our financial committee will recommend the amount to be applied to our out reach programs and our requirements for growth. Further more our Fellowship board will safe guard the handling of your spiritual gift, we appreciate every dollar you send.
Programs we presently/have our support:
school supplies to children
items for two local orphanages
aid to two families
www.newdayunityfellowship.blogspot.com-- been there lately? New things happening there to include a permanent link for our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters, directions to find us any Sunday, and very shortly, constantly changing photos. Maybe a sound bite. More to come. Check it out and Pass the word.
Jesus only started telling 12 people now look at the value of word of mouth.
This week
We collected 200 personal notes and added them to “the Million Thanks” boxes that went over to men and women in uniform serving in Iraq. As one who truly knows the value of those little notes, I say thank you for participating.
With encouragement from our congregation Rachael blessed us with the golden tones of a heart felt song that sent shivers down your spine, tears to some eyes and melody to sooth the soul, while lifting our spirits. Thank you.
Women’s Ministry:
Will be meeting at 9am, June 16th, at Perkins Restaurant, located at Stahl road and Dale Mabry bring your joy jars. Ladies join us.
YES! we are looking for musicians who will play high energy music and accompany a new singing group being formed at N.D.U.F.
We are putting out into the universe for a E1505 Dell notebook and projection system to improve our Sunday services.
Some one sneezes. “Bless You”
“Many blessings to you”
“I am blessed”
So what does “blessing” really mean?
Simply put, Blessings: “To be on the receiving end of favor from God, in tune with the universe”
God does bless us with the intangible, like feelings of joy and all that good stuff, but, I believe we are blessed by tangible things too.
The whole world is made of “Matter” all formed into stuff of different shapes and sizes we can see, smell, taste, touch, or hear. ( the five senses)
I just feel we should not limit our definitions of blessing to be only intangible, for if the world is of matter in all shapes forms and sizes, and God made the world, and God only wants good for his children, then good would have to be made of matter too. So if we are on the receiving end, then we are receiving matter in some form or another called the good of God, the favor, the blessing.
In us-- through us-- from us, but to do so we must pray, meditate, listen and react to the good coming to us by giving some of the good out as well.
Blessings, Fred.
New Things Happening:
Over the past few months, many of you have indicated you would like to tithe to the New Day Unity Fellowship or contribute for the continued ministry and growth of N.D.U.F.
Indeed We Thank You, for your inquires, but, we waited to be certain that all legal loop holes were closed to insure that donations to N.D.U.F. went directly to the support and planned growth or as other wise directed by the donor and no where else. We also wanted to insure all donors that no matter how small or substantial their donations amount were All were received properly and recognized at the end of the year.
I am proud to announce we have now completed all legal and security requirements for a simple method for those desiring to make tithes, donations or offerings in any amount that comes from their hearts to N.D.U.F.. Simply click on to www.mychurchdonations.com and follow the easy to read instructions, you will receive a confirmation from the donations center that your money has been properly handled.
In addition our C.P.A. will account for every dollar you send into N.D.U.F., Our financial committee will recommend the amount to be applied to our out reach programs and our requirements for growth. Further more our Fellowship board will safe guard the handling of your spiritual gift, we appreciate every dollar you send.
Programs we presently/have our support:
school supplies to children
items for two local orphanages
aid to two families
www.newdayunityfellowship.blogspot.com-- been there lately? New things happening there to include a permanent link for our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters, directions to find us any Sunday, and very shortly, constantly changing photos. Maybe a sound bite. More to come. Check it out and Pass the word.
Jesus only started telling 12 people now look at the value of word of mouth.
This week
We collected 200 personal notes and added them to “the Million Thanks” boxes that went over to men and women in uniform serving in Iraq. As one who truly knows the value of those little notes, I say thank you for participating.
With encouragement from our congregation Rachael blessed us with the golden tones of a heart felt song that sent shivers down your spine, tears to some eyes and melody to sooth the soul, while lifting our spirits. Thank you.
Women’s Ministry:
Will be meeting at 9am, June 16th, at Perkins Restaurant, located at Stahl road and Dale Mabry bring your joy jars. Ladies join us.
YES! we are looking for musicians who will play high energy music and accompany a new singing group being formed at N.D.U.F.
We are putting out into the universe for a E1505 Dell notebook and projection system to improve our Sunday services.
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