SEPTEMBER 12, 2007
In the words of Peter from “The Message”
“I'm glad from the inside out, ecstatic
I've pitched my tent in the Land of Hope” (Acts 2:26)
What do you do when your well has gone dry?
By definition, a well is said to have gone dry when the level of water drops below the pump intake. In this same definition it goes on to state that a dry well doesn’t mean it will never have water in it again.
This is a thought to ponder.
Bedouins will leave one oasis after their well goes dry and search the desert until another is found. The cycle continues as each subsequent well goes dry. There is never any mention of one particular well being better than any other well just that it quenches the thirst and provides the necessary fluid to maintain life. Many search their lifetime and never find their oasis.
Settlers on the other hand will take one of three routes only taking the third after the first two do not succeed. The debate is whether prayer or digging deeper is the first step or action. Some say this is done simultaneously. Possibly the settler will find another location on their property to dig another well. Only after following through with digging and/or prayer without success will they consider moving on.
Travelers the world over can remember the sweet taste of the water at their home and develop a yearning to sip that memorable flavor once again. Just because you visit other wells does not mean you cannot return to the well your heart remembers.

PROJECT GREEN: Never hose your driveway, patio or sidewalk -- use a broom instead.
NEW DAY SINGERS: exciting details coming soon, Play an instrument, love to sing let us know.
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday September 15, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the third chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
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