"for as he thinketh within himself, so is he" Proverbs 23:7
A good habit to cultivate and develop as you stand every morning before that mirror mesmerized at your reflected tooth brushing skills, foamy mouth and all, is to stand there and affirm that every thought you will have today meeting the days challenges and circumstances of life will be only a positive thought.
It is a Positive thought day! It is a New Day.
All are welcome to join us September 16 th at 10 am for an insight into a first hand impression of one who just competed twelve hours as a member of a small group of individuals selected to preview, with the author of "Conversations with God" , Neal Donald Walsh, his new book to be released this October.
When doing the laundry each week, never wash less then a full load or ensure that your washer is adjusted to a correct water level.
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday September 15, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the third chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<>www.mychurchdonations.com. The instructions for New Day Unity Fellowship are very easy to follow and you can designate ministry, tithe, building fund or for any purpose you so feel in your heart.--- or just click on the spot at the top of the newsletter.
A SPECIAL THANKS to Chris for is suggestion of making "Bank of Abundance" boxes for this project, his reasoning is while he is at college and many have other things daily on their minds, these boxes will act as a reminder of N.D.U.F.'s determination to maintain our renowned image as "penny pickers"....thank you Chris, the boxes are done and will be handed out this coming Sunday at the weekly celebration.
One Church Two Languages:
The New Day Unity Fellowship Espanol is conducting celebration services at 12 noon every Sunday..if you know of anyone who only speaks Spanish encourage them to contact Louis at 813-789-8755
Join us in prayer at 7 am E.S.T. September 21st for World Peace Day right from the privacy of your own home...The strength of the combined prayers enhance our world.
October 7 th 9 am Sunday school begins...more details to follow.... Adults will begin to cover
"The Four Agreements" by D.M. Ruiz.
Church Launch October 14, stay tuned for details.

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