What you do Today WILL affect the Rest of your Life!
For One Day Only, the 100th Human Team invites you to be part of an online movement that offers you the 100th human, an inspirational novel, PLUS 28 Free Bonus Gifts. Bonuses end in 24 hours, so don't wait to get the most important Summer Reading of your life!
the 100th human™A Novel
"An overwhelming adventure of transformationssweeping the human world."Midwest Book Review
Today's bonus gifts include a chance to go to Palenque, Mexico FREE - for the Powerful 2012 Pre-Anniversary Event: "Return of the Gatekeepers" (December 21st, 2009 - a $1859 value!!) Imagine standing at the Temple of Inscriptions, in Palenque at dawn, on the pre-anniversary of The Shift of the Ages.
"It had me up all night reading it!" Kevin C. Snow"You will not be disappointed."Jeffrey Keene
Purchase the 100th human today for only $14.95 to get your 28 Free Bonus Gifts ($2500 value)
Make positive change in your life today:http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1048783938&msgid=5343832&act=6PWS&c=45771&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the100thhuman.com%2FSummerReadingPromo.html
December 2012 predictions are fearful and apocalyptic; the 100th human shows the way to a brighter future. Like The Da Vinci Code, the 100th human reveals secrets while taking you on ride of nail-biting intrigue. Like Celestine Prophecy, the 100th human's adventure reveals ancient truths that can change your life. This novel will capture your imagination and it delivers an ending that will blow your mind.
"100 miles per hour." Inga W. Tomasino
"The Magnum Opus on 2012 and Beyond"Dr. John Jay Harper, author of Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century
"My favorite part of the book was the ending. I found myself with chills all over and a huge lump in my throat, no book has ever made me feel this intense." Lisa Leasure
FREE BONUSES - May 27th ONLYAND WHEN YOU BUY the 100th human TODAY ONLY- You'll also receive these Free Bonus Gifts to Help Transform your life - IN ADDITION to a chance to win a free Mayan Adventure - Return of the Gatekeepers you will receive:
1. Living on Purpose Self Test ebook by Chris Fenwick2. Living on Purpose Reminder Cards - 5 Questions to remind you anytime, any where.3. WeAreMeditating.com's top Meditation Techniques - ebook4. Mind Expanding Video's - 10 of Chris Fenwick's Favorite video's for expanding your mind and experiencing Infinite Possibilities.5. Unity Calendar - Downloadable iCal (for iphones, Google calendar and more) 365 Unity Quotes for every day of the month6. "What you are NOT" Ringtone/Alarm - MP3 audio of ways to stay Correctly Identified7. Freedom=No Fear eCourse - a condensed course on conquering your fears - certificate included.8. 8 Bookmarks from Masters of Breakthrough- Downloadable and Printable9. The Gratitude Workout™ - eBook by Chris Fenwick
MORE Amazing Bonus Gifts from these Remarkable Experts:10. How to Deal With Negativity in Stressful Economic Times: Emotional Freedom in Action video from Best-selling Author, Dr. Judith Orloff11. Free Subscription to Purposeful Pondering Ezine from LifeonPurpose.com12. Overcoming F-F-Fear eBook - How to Transform Your Fears into Your Greatest Allies by Kathy Wilson13. Guy Finley's Self-Improvement Starter Kit14. $100 off any Journey of the Spirits to Peru or Egypt in 200915. Dr. Sheri Rosenthal's - 52 Days of Forgiveness to lighten your heart and heal your mind.16. Excerpt from Brad Swift's award winning book (Best Books 2007 Award), Life on Purpose: Six Passages to an Inspired Life17. Special multi-lingual recording of Amazing Grace by Sharon Janis18. Loose Your Mind - Find Your Heart eBook by CK Reyes founder of Devine Purpose Unleashed19. The Empower Your Inner Light RAYdiant Resource Kit - from Sierra Sullivan 20. 30 Day Free Subscription to Conscious Media Network21. Love is Everything - Healing Your Life with Unconditional Love eBook by Martin Lass with Dr. John Demartini22. Secrets of Spiritual Happiness - by Sharon Janis23. Online Coaching Video - the Purposeful Prosperity ONLINE Program by Brad Swift24. Joanie Springer offers 15% off her one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted gemstone jewelry and tumbled stones25. Doing Business in the New Age eBook - by Laurence Harrould at Aviel26. Create an Extraordinary Life! eBook by Piercarla Garusi27. Heart Rhythm Meditation eBook - from The Institute for Applied Meditation
All FREE if you purchase the 100th human today, May 27th.http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1048783938&msgid=5343832&act=6PWS&c=45771&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the100thhuman.com%2FSummerReadingPromo.html
Within this story, there are 8 applicable keys to transforming your life. This book is about YOU - and what you need to create the life you know, in your heart, you deserve. It is also about the planet and how we each make a difference.
Our goal is to build momentum for this powerful book, which can help you answer life's most important questions. By purchasing this book Today, you immediately become part of our community of friends and family. We invite you to join the 100th Human Team.
This is the Time of Change
Discover the 8 Keys to Transform your life!
"A clever and inspiring adventure that ultimately reveals the simple and practical keys to living and experiencing life with unconditional love."Harold W. Becker, The Love Foundation, Inc.
"A roadmap for life and consciousness."Trina Hoefling, author of Working Virtually
BEST SUMMER READINGthe 100th human is a fast-paced fictional journey, that takes place in December of the Year 2012. It brings Jack, Alana and Apu together in Mayan Country, Mexico and follows their adventures as they travel throughout the western United States. There, they search for the keys to save humanity, while the Veni Victus, a fraternity dedicated to keeping the keys a secret, does everything it can do to stop them.
All if you purchase the 100th human today, May 27th.http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1048783938&msgid=5343832&act=6PWS&c=45771&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the100thhuman.com%2FSummerReadingPromo.html
"A book that you can't put down." Jeff Belyea, PhD., The One Minute Mindgoal Method
"This is the most remarkable book I have ever read!" Phire, Maine
Today is the day you decide to make a difference.
Today is the day you decide to make a change.
Today is your Day to discover the KEYS to 2012 - To a SHIFT in Consciousness - To Personal and Global Transformation.
the 100th human is a novel, a story, a tale - a tale of what is happening now, what is right around the corning and what CAN BE! Let its messages of hope and clarity move into your life and awaken your destiny!
December 21, 2012 is only 3 ½ years away. Without a Doubt, this is a time for CHANGE. Make THE change of the AGES NOW, right now, Today.
DON'T buy the 100th human for the bonus gifts! Buy the book, because you are ready for the ride of your life! You are ready for Breakthrough!Buy it TODAY for the bonus Gifts!
This offer is only good for 24 hours!http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1048783938&msgid=5343832&act=6PWS&c=45771&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the100thhuman.com%2FSummerReadingPromo.html
Blessings,The 100th Human Team
P.S. Please let us know if you have any questions about your bonus gifts at: mailto:connect@the100thhuman.com
the 100th human™A Novel
"An overwhelming adventure of transformationssweeping the human world."Midwest Book Review
Today's bonus gifts include a chance to go to Palenque, Mexico FREE - for the Powerful 2012 Pre-Anniversary Event: "Return of the Gatekeepers" (December 21st, 2009 - a $1859 value!!) Imagine standing at the Temple of Inscriptions, in Palenque at dawn, on the pre-anniversary of The Shift of the Ages.
"It had me up all night reading it!" Kevin C. Snow"You will not be disappointed."Jeffrey Keene
Purchase the 100th human today for only $14.95 to get your 28 Free Bonus Gifts ($2500 value)
Make positive change in your life today:http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1048783938&msgid=5343832&act=6PWS&c=45771&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the100thhuman.com%2FSummerReadingPromo.html
December 2012 predictions are fearful and apocalyptic; the 100th human shows the way to a brighter future. Like The Da Vinci Code, the 100th human reveals secrets while taking you on ride of nail-biting intrigue. Like Celestine Prophecy, the 100th human's adventure reveals ancient truths that can change your life. This novel will capture your imagination and it delivers an ending that will blow your mind.
"100 miles per hour." Inga W. Tomasino
"The Magnum Opus on 2012 and Beyond"Dr. John Jay Harper, author of Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century
"My favorite part of the book was the ending. I found myself with chills all over and a huge lump in my throat, no book has ever made me feel this intense." Lisa Leasure
FREE BONUSES - May 27th ONLYAND WHEN YOU BUY the 100th human TODAY ONLY- You'll also receive these Free Bonus Gifts to Help Transform your life - IN ADDITION to a chance to win a free Mayan Adventure - Return of the Gatekeepers you will receive:
1. Living on Purpose Self Test ebook by Chris Fenwick2. Living on Purpose Reminder Cards - 5 Questions to remind you anytime, any where.3. WeAreMeditating.com's top Meditation Techniques - ebook4. Mind Expanding Video's - 10 of Chris Fenwick's Favorite video's for expanding your mind and experiencing Infinite Possibilities.5. Unity Calendar - Downloadable iCal (for iphones, Google calendar and more) 365 Unity Quotes for every day of the month6. "What you are NOT" Ringtone/Alarm - MP3 audio of ways to stay Correctly Identified7. Freedom=No Fear eCourse - a condensed course on conquering your fears - certificate included.8. 8 Bookmarks from Masters of Breakthrough- Downloadable and Printable9. The Gratitude Workout™ - eBook by Chris Fenwick
MORE Amazing Bonus Gifts from these Remarkable Experts:10. How to Deal With Negativity in Stressful Economic Times: Emotional Freedom in Action video from Best-selling Author, Dr. Judith Orloff11. Free Subscription to Purposeful Pondering Ezine from LifeonPurpose.com12. Overcoming F-F-Fear eBook - How to Transform Your Fears into Your Greatest Allies by Kathy Wilson13. Guy Finley's Self-Improvement Starter Kit14. $100 off any Journey of the Spirits to Peru or Egypt in 200915. Dr. Sheri Rosenthal's - 52 Days of Forgiveness to lighten your heart and heal your mind.16. Excerpt from Brad Swift's award winning book (Best Books 2007 Award), Life on Purpose: Six Passages to an Inspired Life17. Special multi-lingual recording of Amazing Grace by Sharon Janis18. Loose Your Mind - Find Your Heart eBook by CK Reyes founder of Devine Purpose Unleashed19. The Empower Your Inner Light RAYdiant Resource Kit - from Sierra Sullivan 20. 30 Day Free Subscription to Conscious Media Network21. Love is Everything - Healing Your Life with Unconditional Love eBook by Martin Lass with Dr. John Demartini22. Secrets of Spiritual Happiness - by Sharon Janis23. Online Coaching Video - the Purposeful Prosperity ONLINE Program by Brad Swift24. Joanie Springer offers 15% off her one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted gemstone jewelry and tumbled stones25. Doing Business in the New Age eBook - by Laurence Harrould at Aviel26. Create an Extraordinary Life! eBook by Piercarla Garusi27. Heart Rhythm Meditation eBook - from The Institute for Applied Meditation
All FREE if you purchase the 100th human today, May 27th.http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1048783938&msgid=5343832&act=6PWS&c=45771&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the100thhuman.com%2FSummerReadingPromo.html
Within this story, there are 8 applicable keys to transforming your life. This book is about YOU - and what you need to create the life you know, in your heart, you deserve. It is also about the planet and how we each make a difference.
Our goal is to build momentum for this powerful book, which can help you answer life's most important questions. By purchasing this book Today, you immediately become part of our community of friends and family. We invite you to join the 100th Human Team.
This is the Time of Change
Discover the 8 Keys to Transform your life!
"A clever and inspiring adventure that ultimately reveals the simple and practical keys to living and experiencing life with unconditional love."Harold W. Becker, The Love Foundation, Inc.
"A roadmap for life and consciousness."Trina Hoefling, author of Working Virtually
BEST SUMMER READINGthe 100th human is a fast-paced fictional journey, that takes place in December of the Year 2012. It brings Jack, Alana and Apu together in Mayan Country, Mexico and follows their adventures as they travel throughout the western United States. There, they search for the keys to save humanity, while the Veni Victus, a fraternity dedicated to keeping the keys a secret, does everything it can do to stop them.
All if you purchase the 100th human today, May 27th.http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1048783938&msgid=5343832&act=6PWS&c=45771&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the100thhuman.com%2FSummerReadingPromo.html
"A book that you can't put down." Jeff Belyea, PhD., The One Minute Mindgoal Method
"This is the most remarkable book I have ever read!" Phire, Maine
Today is the day you decide to make a difference.
Today is the day you decide to make a change.
Today is your Day to discover the KEYS to 2012 - To a SHIFT in Consciousness - To Personal and Global Transformation.
the 100th human is a novel, a story, a tale - a tale of what is happening now, what is right around the corning and what CAN BE! Let its messages of hope and clarity move into your life and awaken your destiny!
December 21, 2012 is only 3 ½ years away. Without a Doubt, this is a time for CHANGE. Make THE change of the AGES NOW, right now, Today.
DON'T buy the 100th human for the bonus gifts! Buy the book, because you are ready for the ride of your life! You are ready for Breakthrough!Buy it TODAY for the bonus Gifts!
This offer is only good for 24 hours!http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1048783938&msgid=5343832&act=6PWS&c=45771&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the100thhuman.com%2FSummerReadingPromo.html
Blessings,The 100th Human Team
P.S. Please let us know if you have any questions about your bonus gifts at: mailto:connect@the100thhuman.com
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