New Day Unity Fellowship Practical Christianity For Positive Living
Did everyone have a happy Easter?
We at the Fellowship certainly did! It was heartwarming to see the turn out of those that came to eat with us at the pancake breakfast.
Prepared by Ginger & Danny while being served by Susan and the set up by the boys and Jaclin, and probably a couple of others I have overlooked to recognize, but to you all who pitched in ------- thank you!
Last night one of the major networks had a program called What Would Jesus Do?
As I had already announced one of my Sunday morning messages was to be about those little bracelets that are so popular and asking the question: “Just What Would Jesus Do?” I made the attempt to watch the program as soon as I could upon my late arrival home. I admit I missed a good portion of the show.
I guess I came away with the point that seemed to make the most impression on me was the statement by a guest speaker “If Jesus was married. So What?
Did this make the truth of his teachings any less significant?”
I tend to agree, if He was married would this not make his human experience even more fulfilling?
I have always asked the question, “If Jesus was God on earth, how could we as humans condemned to Sin, ever hope to reach the perfection of Jesus while on earth ourselves?”
Yet, there does seem to be some truth in the matter that Jesus was a man, who recognized he was a part of God, connected to God, and this was “The Way” to travel this time span of our human experience. Undeniably the body returns to the ground, but it seems to me that by following the rules of the universe, life can be filled with Joy in this unspecified time we have here on earth.
I have never quite understood anyway, if God created everything, knows everything past- present- future and foresees everything, and the bible states in, Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the thoughts I think of you.”
If we are at one with the universe, we are Christ connected, His thoughts are our thoughts, our thoughts His thoughts, thoughts produce action, action produces cause and effect, then what has God got to experience?
I am not going into the mind-idea-expression and a whole bunch of other things that popped into my head. I am merely bringing out the fact Jesus is reported to have said for us to question authority not defy it.
We profess to be Christian and follow the teaching of Jesus the Christ, and then should we not also question some of the things we hear and see on the radio and TV?
The truth cannot set us free if we do not seek it first!
This morning as I came across the big bridge of the inner bay, I was listening to a Christian radio show and they were commenting about how many individuals would die for Jesus.
True, I admire what Jesus did; you have to admit it took a lot of moxie, a lot of faith for Him to go on through all he did even after trying to get out of it in the garden.
I could not help but wonder have we missed the boat.
It takes very little to die for, but, it can take a whole lot to live for.
So why are we continually harping on the death of Jesus for us, when we should ask how did Jesus live for us.
Especially for all that Jesus did stand for. So many lessons of life are presented here.
My question is are we wrapped up in the name “Jesus” so much that we are forgetting what Jesus stood for?
Sacrifice or teacher?
Excuse or inspiration?
Representative of man or God
Does dying for give human kind an excuse to do?
Are we worshipping the man or worshiping the man’s way back to the father?
John 14:5-6: Thomas asked how can we know the way? And Jesus said; “I am the way, the truth, the life: no one comes to the father, but by me”
By my way, as I am doing, as I show you, by my example through LIFE!
Notice he did not say through dying like me.
So if Jesus did not command us to die like him, rather He came to bring us life, abundantly, why in the world do we have to proclaim “to die for”, to keep crucifying ourselves over our sins, whatever they are again and again and again.
Why not take the drama of his sacrifice, the lesson he presented for us into a practical application for our daily lives.
With so many people having fragmented and superficial relationships in life today, Why not change our negative situation by changing our minds to a positive thought?
Through Prayer, Meditation, Listening and Reacting, Our outer action will be reflective of our inner connection with God through the Christ within us all.
It stands to me our world would be more peaceful, if we would be honoring the Father, the image of Jesus, the very idea of mankind if “we lived for”, if we lived the way of Jesus.
Man = Jesus = the Father = all the universe has to offer. John 10:30 “I and my father are one”
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