New Day Unity Fellowship
"Practical Christianity for Positive Living"

“He did not let any follow him but Peter, James, and John” Mark 5:37
“Jesus, took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray” Luke 9:28
There are even more passages where these three appear to be the closest to Jesus—Mark 14:32-33 during his final hours. Luke 8:51 during the time of a special event.
Notice something here?
To the casual eyes they were his buddies, his homeboys, his comrades, those Jesus called brother--- his friends. We do not just fall upon people and proclaim them friends, quality friendships are a matter of our free choice, people will know the type of person you are, your character, your true nature will be revealed by the friends you keep long before those others ever meet you.
Do you ever wonder who you truly are?
Ever wonder just where you are going in the future?
All you have to do is take a close look at your friends.
It is hard for us to imagine Jesus even needing friends with all he could do or gain, but since he was a human finding his divinity, he too was “wired for sound”, he needed some friends to make him laugh, to cry, to eat with, share intimate conversations with, moments of discovery with, all those things that true friends do with one another, through the thick and the thin of it all. And he loved them.
Finally, yes, a true friend is one that you would lay down your life for. John 15:13
So if Jesus needed friends, what makes one think they do not need another person on this earth?
If you look at his example just a tad bit further you see where we are being instructed as to what kind of friends we are to have.
Jesus representative of man, he chose his companions carefully, always had Peter one who had faith in God, was faithful and loyal to the friendship, John someone filled with compassion, with love of man, love of God, love of strangers about him and finally James, some one full of wisdom, logical, sensible about those things in life .
There are so many things in our life journey we must deal with and get under control, things we are faced with daily. If we take these basic three as our base into prayer and add to them the power of two or more of our God given traits, our Apostles if you will, meditate, clear your mind, listen, be open and receptive, then act upon what the universe is telling us, what God is telling us, then we have Our universe in alignment with daily life experiences and all is well and we have lasting solid friendships.
You have some today, I bet, that have been with you for what seems like forever, well at least a long time, praise be for if you look close you I venture to say you will find some familiar ground here.
Up and coming events:
April 21st Women’s Ministry Breakfast, 9am, North Dale Mabry at Perkin’s Pancake House.
April 22nd Earth Day! Service 10am sharp, “Well Just What Would Jesus Do?”
April 29th Service 10AM sharp, “Fred’s Gone Wild”
Join Brenda and Sasha for a fun filled adventure of mastery on Carnival Cruise Line,
November 4-11, for the Odyssey I Cruise, leaving from Tampa, to sacred sites, towering vortexes and enchanted places of the Mayans in the Yucatan region.
Hosted by the renowned author and spiritual leader; Sasha White, at http://www.sashawhite.com/.
coordinated and hosted by Brenda Brinn, 813-786-6311 or email brendabrinn1@msn.com for information or reservations.
“Jesus, took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray” Luke 9:28
There are even more passages where these three appear to be the closest to Jesus—Mark 14:32-33 during his final hours. Luke 8:51 during the time of a special event.
Notice something here?
To the casual eyes they were his buddies, his homeboys, his comrades, those Jesus called brother--- his friends. We do not just fall upon people and proclaim them friends, quality friendships are a matter of our free choice, people will know the type of person you are, your character, your true nature will be revealed by the friends you keep long before those others ever meet you.
Do you ever wonder who you truly are?
Ever wonder just where you are going in the future?
All you have to do is take a close look at your friends.
It is hard for us to imagine Jesus even needing friends with all he could do or gain, but since he was a human finding his divinity, he too was “wired for sound”, he needed some friends to make him laugh, to cry, to eat with, share intimate conversations with, moments of discovery with, all those things that true friends do with one another, through the thick and the thin of it all. And he loved them.
Finally, yes, a true friend is one that you would lay down your life for. John 15:13
So if Jesus needed friends, what makes one think they do not need another person on this earth?
If you look at his example just a tad bit further you see where we are being instructed as to what kind of friends we are to have.
Jesus representative of man, he chose his companions carefully, always had Peter one who had faith in God, was faithful and loyal to the friendship, John someone filled with compassion, with love of man, love of God, love of strangers about him and finally James, some one full of wisdom, logical, sensible about those things in life .
There are so many things in our life journey we must deal with and get under control, things we are faced with daily. If we take these basic three as our base into prayer and add to them the power of two or more of our God given traits, our Apostles if you will, meditate, clear your mind, listen, be open and receptive, then act upon what the universe is telling us, what God is telling us, then we have Our universe in alignment with daily life experiences and all is well and we have lasting solid friendships.
You have some today, I bet, that have been with you for what seems like forever, well at least a long time, praise be for if you look close you I venture to say you will find some familiar ground here.
Up and coming events:
April 21st Women’s Ministry Breakfast, 9am, North Dale Mabry at Perkin’s Pancake House.
April 22nd Earth Day! Service 10am sharp, “Well Just What Would Jesus Do?”
April 29th Service 10AM sharp, “Fred’s Gone Wild”
Join Brenda and Sasha for a fun filled adventure of mastery on Carnival Cruise Line,
November 4-11, for the Odyssey I Cruise, leaving from Tampa, to sacred sites, towering vortexes and enchanted places of the Mayans in the Yucatan region.
Hosted by the renowned author and spiritual leader; Sasha White, at http://www.sashawhite.com/.
coordinated and hosted by Brenda Brinn, 813-786-6311 or email brendabrinn1@msn.com for information or reservations.
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