Wednesday ~ April 25, 2007
“A day without laughter is a day wasted”—Charlie Chaplin
I was raised as a Roman Catholic---catch the word Roman there, just gave my age away did I not? Anyway, one of my finest memories of attending a little Catholic Church in Farmington, Iowa (Which by the way, the ambiance of that little church has not changed in all these years.) was the memory of a hefty jovial priest who I think was called Father Jolly, rather out of love from his parishioners or respect for his birthright, I do not know. I do know that after he came there the place went from a lot of open seats to standing room only and that was outside, no room at all on the inside unless you got there an hour and a half early—many did! Why? Because I think it was due to he loved life, right smack dab in the middle of the mass, he might pause to share something with the congregation that he had forgotten to mention earlier. This would bring roars of healing laughter, a realization that a priest is a human being too, and a great deal of love for the man.
We have to laugh don’t we? Rather it is while hearing a tasteful joke, watching a comedy on TV or movie or as in my case goofing up something….Maybe it is a shared comment of one of our fellowship during the Sunday service that brings the howls of laughter. Whatever, intrinsically, laughter is woven into the very frame work of who we are as humans.
Is it natural to laugh? Of course it is God invented man didn’t he? Now there is a demonstration of the sense of humor of the one power, the one presence in the universe, God the good.
Laughter is a critical, life sustaining component of any culture. It is a gift from God. With respect, this gift has to be managed to mimic our creator and experience a lasting joy for our fellow beings, not against them or at their expense in any way.
This includes ourselves. We must be able to laugh at our own silliness, mistakes and boo- boos. Lighten Up! Enjoy life, cease with taking everything as being so politically correct or it cannot be funny. Think how hard it would be to enjoy your life experience in the short life span not of your choosing, this all work obsessed, negative, ME society of today if we could not laugh and let the steam out of the cooker.
The next time you start to go see one of those brutal, chop them up movies ask your self does this movie
make me feel good about myself, my friends, my family, my society about me, my lady friends, my children?
Does it give me a proper perspective on life according to Proverbs 17:22, “a merry heart does good like medicine”
Is it pleasing to God, after all laughter is the direct product of Joy.
If we are living a full and meaningful life, we will be known by our Joy and our true laughter. Know any good jokes?
Women’s Ministry
We are enjoying our breakfasts together. We have been learning what we have in common and taking concerns to our hearts for prayer. Come join us, we would love to see you at our next breakfast.
For our next breakfast, please bring a jar that would be large enough to place a 4” by 4” label on it. The label will be provided at the next breakfast on the third Saturday of the month. A jar or canister with a lid on it would work best. We will be creating our own “Joy” jars to provide daily inspiration, prayers, and well wishes for our family, friends, neighbors and ourselves. (There might even be a little humor for some days.)
Youth Ministry:
Despite the space crunch we are experiencing as we grow, one of our former youth teachers has stepped up to the plate to work with our young ones just beginning the teen years….thank you Ginger.
At the present time we are in discussion with a young lady who has shown an interest in teaching the “Wee Ones” details will follow.
This month the ole thief of the voice box has been making his rounds, so our chaplains have been sending out some cards as we continue to hold those now in special challenges in our prayers.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU to all from Canada, Puerto Rico, and the fifteen states who have taken time to drop us a brief note at newdayunity@aol.com expressing their enjoyment of our timely messages. We are filled with joy to be able to do this weekly message. You are a blessing and add to our inspiration to continue to be open and receptive for new ways to share with all who will listen. We ask now that you all join us in your daily prayer to send out a blessing to our newest reader from Wales! Not Wales, Florida, rather the part of the United Kingdom. Thank you all for reading and praise be to God.
PRAYERMASTERS@AOL.COM This was an idea that has been on the back burner for sometime, basically anyone in need of a special prayer need only drop us a very short line to the prayermaster’s address with only your first name and state, city, or country you are from. A brief line or two of your request and we will hold it in prayer for 27 days, to be prayed over at 1600Greenwich mean time every Wednesday.
www.dystoniamonologues.blogspot.com, a beautiful, insightful site that really contains a little something for the warmest of heart.. This marvelous site is truly crafted by one who has the apostle Bartholomew foremost upon their shoulders yet combines the talents of so many of our 12 Powers. Take a moment to stroll through this lengthy site and you will be thrilled.
CAN WE PASS THIS ON? Yes by all means please do and for any back messages all the way to November please feel free to go to www.newdayunityfellowship.blogspot.com and spread the word.
April 29th Service 10AM sharp, “Fred’s Gone Wild”
Join Brenda and Sasha for a fun filled adventure of mastery on Carnival Cruise Line,
November 4-11, for the Odyssey I Cruise, leaving from Tampa, to sacred sites, towering vortexes and enchanted places of the Mayans in the Yucatan region.
Hosted by the renowned author and spiritual leader; Sasha White, at www.sashawhite.com.
coordinated and hosted by Brenda Brinn, 813-786-6311 or email brendabrinn1@msn.com for information or reservations.
“A day without laughter is a day wasted”—Charlie Chaplin
I was raised as a Roman Catholic---catch the word Roman there, just gave my age away did I not? Anyway, one of my finest memories of attending a little Catholic Church in Farmington, Iowa (Which by the way, the ambiance of that little church has not changed in all these years.) was the memory of a hefty jovial priest who I think was called Father Jolly, rather out of love from his parishioners or respect for his birthright, I do not know. I do know that after he came there the place went from a lot of open seats to standing room only and that was outside, no room at all on the inside unless you got there an hour and a half early—many did! Why? Because I think it was due to he loved life, right smack dab in the middle of the mass, he might pause to share something with the congregation that he had forgotten to mention earlier. This would bring roars of healing laughter, a realization that a priest is a human being too, and a great deal of love for the man.
We have to laugh don’t we? Rather it is while hearing a tasteful joke, watching a comedy on TV or movie or as in my case goofing up something….Maybe it is a shared comment of one of our fellowship during the Sunday service that brings the howls of laughter. Whatever, intrinsically, laughter is woven into the very frame work of who we are as humans.
Is it natural to laugh? Of course it is God invented man didn’t he? Now there is a demonstration of the sense of humor of the one power, the one presence in the universe, God the good.
Laughter is a critical, life sustaining component of any culture. It is a gift from God. With respect, this gift has to be managed to mimic our creator and experience a lasting joy for our fellow beings, not against them or at their expense in any way.
This includes ourselves. We must be able to laugh at our own silliness, mistakes and boo- boos. Lighten Up! Enjoy life, cease with taking everything as being so politically correct or it cannot be funny. Think how hard it would be to enjoy your life experience in the short life span not of your choosing, this all work obsessed, negative, ME society of today if we could not laugh and let the steam out of the cooker.
The next time you start to go see one of those brutal, chop them up movies ask your self does this movie
make me feel good about myself, my friends, my family, my society about me, my lady friends, my children?
Does it give me a proper perspective on life according to Proverbs 17:22, “a merry heart does good like medicine”
Is it pleasing to God, after all laughter is the direct product of Joy.
If we are living a full and meaningful life, we will be known by our Joy and our true laughter. Know any good jokes?
Women’s Ministry
We are enjoying our breakfasts together. We have been learning what we have in common and taking concerns to our hearts for prayer. Come join us, we would love to see you at our next breakfast.
For our next breakfast, please bring a jar that would be large enough to place a 4” by 4” label on it. The label will be provided at the next breakfast on the third Saturday of the month. A jar or canister with a lid on it would work best. We will be creating our own “Joy” jars to provide daily inspiration, prayers, and well wishes for our family, friends, neighbors and ourselves. (There might even be a little humor for some days.)
Youth Ministry:
Despite the space crunch we are experiencing as we grow, one of our former youth teachers has stepped up to the plate to work with our young ones just beginning the teen years….thank you Ginger.
At the present time we are in discussion with a young lady who has shown an interest in teaching the “Wee Ones” details will follow.
This month the ole thief of the voice box has been making his rounds, so our chaplains have been sending out some cards as we continue to hold those now in special challenges in our prayers.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU to all from Canada, Puerto Rico, and the fifteen states who have taken time to drop us a brief note at newdayunity@aol.com expressing their enjoyment of our timely messages. We are filled with joy to be able to do this weekly message. You are a blessing and add to our inspiration to continue to be open and receptive for new ways to share with all who will listen. We ask now that you all join us in your daily prayer to send out a blessing to our newest reader from Wales! Not Wales, Florida, rather the part of the United Kingdom. Thank you all for reading and praise be to God.
PRAYERMASTERS@AOL.COM This was an idea that has been on the back burner for sometime, basically anyone in need of a special prayer need only drop us a very short line to the prayermaster’s address with only your first name and state, city, or country you are from. A brief line or two of your request and we will hold it in prayer for 27 days, to be prayed over at 1600Greenwich mean time every Wednesday.
www.dystoniamonologues.blogspot.com, a beautiful, insightful site that really contains a little something for the warmest of heart.. This marvelous site is truly crafted by one who has the apostle Bartholomew foremost upon their shoulders yet combines the talents of so many of our 12 Powers. Take a moment to stroll through this lengthy site and you will be thrilled.
CAN WE PASS THIS ON? Yes by all means please do and for any back messages all the way to November please feel free to go to www.newdayunityfellowship.blogspot.com and spread the word.
April 29th Service 10AM sharp, “Fred’s Gone Wild”
Join Brenda and Sasha for a fun filled adventure of mastery on Carnival Cruise Line,
November 4-11, for the Odyssey I Cruise, leaving from Tampa, to sacred sites, towering vortexes and enchanted places of the Mayans in the Yucatan region.
Hosted by the renowned author and spiritual leader; Sasha White, at www.sashawhite.com.
coordinated and hosted by Brenda Brinn, 813-786-6311 or email brendabrinn1@msn.com for information or reservations.

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