Nah! Not in today’s society I am sure!
3 points of Stress
Financial- the number one devil, satan, false god that destroys so many marriages each year.
Occupational-dealing with people, hours, quotas, the money god, no real joy in going to your work.
Relationships- I do not care if you are single or married, divorced or engaged. You have got to relate and get along with someone.
I know you do not want a bunch of quips or bullet ideas of instant fixing, the band aid method of dealing with stress, everyone has opinions. We have had enough of “great quotes” like “Get a life!”- “Get a grip!”- “Just deal with it!”-“No pain No gain!”
Well I do not need another book, another Dr. Phil. Another Court Room Judge,
If you are like me you want to know, NOW!
What is a hard practical solution! Now! Right now!
Not tomorrow, surely rambling through 30 pages of a book prior to the authoritative suggestion is not the answer.
I can think of no better place to look then in the bible –Proverbs 12:25 makes the statement “an anxious heart gets weighed down”
Well no kidding Dick Tracy!
That is my problem! That is my stress! So many “things” on me that my heart, my whole body feels like a ton of weight is setting right upon my shoulders.
Then the bible goes on to tell us again in Philippians, “do not be anxious about anything”
Ok so I will speak for us all, look God, we are not talking about a bunch of Romans here, and spears and lions and things, we are talking about our stress here today in the 21st century, I am talking about my life here, now what kind of a solution are you offering us?
Well before you insist on throwing the bible out with the bath water, re-read Phils. 4:6 (all of it) “do not be anxious, but in everything by prayer (from the heart), petition (to ask for), with thanking God, present your request”
The same message we at New Day Unity Fellowship have been repeating Sunday after Sunday, Pray-Meditate, Listen, and React to the positive direction you were given.
As Nike says “Just Do It” and go on with your life.
But the very moment you put faith into your Christ connection to God, the spirit of truth will fill you and great things will happen, your life will turn around.
The word prayer means devotion, if you are devoted to a wife, a husband, a friend don’t you talk with them, sharing your fears-your joys-feelings-baby cloths- hot dates and hair color.
Well the same goes for God! Talk out your stressed points with God, say the words out loud, write your words out if necessary, best therapy you can get for free!---Then---
Listen to God, think about what God is feeding back to you and react with knowledge and confidence that the movement, the decision, the action you are taking, it is the will of God.
The creator is not the head of the “honey do list”---Well actually I may want to rethink that one, the “honey do list” was probably invented by the one power, the one presence, in the universe, God the Good. Undoubtedly for the benefit of women to keep men out of their hair –but—I am sure that will spark some dinner table conversation.
So many times we rush to prayer before God with only “Our to-do list”!
We know we are a child of God, but, we are the spoiled child of God at this precise moment demanding, pleading, begging God to do this or do that! Making empty pledges to do this or that.
“ God will ya please- please- pretty please--- I promise I will change my ways or something like that.-------oh, uh, yah and by the way thank ya God!”
The very first step to relieving stress is to go to God “in everything” Every thing! The good and the not so good. A simple “thank you” for the little things in life can go a long way with people----can you imagine if you were all prayed up or working at being prayed up with God? Saying a few thank you’s to Him. Actually saying what is considered , the absolute ultimate in praise to the Creator of the Universe.
Whew! Defies the comprehension of the mind . That is really all the praise the universe wants, is Thank You!
Philippians 4:8 “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy, think about these things” in your meditation and you will know!
“take captive every thought to make it obedient to you” How ?
Truth is constantly whispering to you to build your life in a positive manor with the one and only, by focusing our attention on God then the stress is going to leave our body system, because we are now aligned with God through the Christ----Simply by using Prayer of the heart-Meditation of a quiet mind-Listening to our inner voice-Reacting decisively in a positive manor..
“What so ever you learned-received-heard or seen from me-put into practice and the God of Peace will be with you” Philippians 4:9
WE FEEL GOOD! A miracle has happened!----- It is magic!------ NO!!!!!!
The power of Prayer from the heart, Meditation of the mind, Listening to the flow coming through the Christ and Reacting on the positive info for your situation
Got rid of the ”Stress Demon”----No mystery! -----JUST GOD!
“I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jer.29:11
One FELLOWSHIP two languages:
Plans are in the works, by September, Sunday Services in Spanish will be held at 1pm . More details will be coming as the staff is lined up. Es possible para mas.
In need of special prayer send your first name, city, state or country and a brief prayer request to prayermasters@aol.com and we will hold it in prayer for 27 days, to be prayed over by our prayer group at 1600 GMT (Greenwich mean time) every Wednesday.
www.dystoniamonologues.blogspot.com for a little something to warm the heart during your wonderfully lengthy stroll down this lane.
Join Brenda and the renowned author and spiritual leader, Sasha for a fun filled adventure of mastery on Carnival Cruise Line November 4-11 for the Odyssy 1 Cruise, leaving from Tampa to sacred sites of the Mayans in the Yucatan region. For further information or reservations contact Brenda Brinn at brendabrinn1@msn.com or 813-786-6311.
Do not forget your “JOY” jars as you join us June 16th at Perkins Restaurant at Stall Rd and Dale Mabry at 9:00 AM. We will be deciding on a future community service project.
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Comments are welcome and always appreciated.

1 comment:
You've an extremely good blog. Many people tend not to fully grasp what mind power can do to one's accomplishment.
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