Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 28, 2008
Isaiah 9:7 "Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end"

Today while coming to church, I noticed several people out jogging and riding bicycles, they had beautiful bodies.....tanned.....toned and shapely muscled. Earthy! I assumed they were attempting to find a little peace in this land of moog.

They wore all the correct equipment to present the right public image. Nice! I certainly do not have anything against those that take care of the package God gave them,I just caution to not jog away to get the things of the world and lose contact with the very soul of the earth you trod upon..
Trying not to sound to critical, I just wondered how many of those I saw did recognize that all you have, all you give and all you receive is by the grace of God.

That the very universe thrives because of motion, an energy exchange.
The kingdom of God is not just spiritual! Not just something you can pop into when ever there is no sports events,no special tv program to watch, really nothing else to do, Spirituality is not pertaining to any specified age- sex- or color. God's kingdom is also physical and earthly,---we are not just here to mend our selves from some ancient past error and then go off to the heaven of our choosing---in fact the church is no longer the end in salvation itself.

We are here to go beyond ourselves, to do those things and much more.To learn to reach within ourselves and listen, fully relying on God, to pick that foot up one more time, or recalculate those figures just one more time, to drive just one day less, the right to ask the oil company how come your profit is more than four billion made off the backs of God's people.
The strength to demand of employers the right to have an hour for church, to plant a tree instead of burning off acres. Maybe open a door for a person or to show compassion by taking a flower to a shut-in, understanding, love and forgiveness in a troubled relationship.

Just one more time--- thank you God!

Let His governing truly be our guidelines and the true peace will be ours. WE must own the problems of this world--- because they are the problems of all mankind. Our best weapon is two or more in his name in prayer---nothing but powerful positive energy going forth into those troubled areas...what goes out comes back to you and all that, so that must mean nothing but positive ideas of correction and progress would come back------interesting thought!

Jesus and the wayshowers taught us to pray for God's "kingdom to come and His will be done upon this earth". We are not talking about a bunch of angels swooping in to do this earthly house work----we are talking about those who do come into the light of awareness and listen to what the universe is saying around you----- We are talking those that put aside the petty arguments of correct worship and just allow that divine connection within accomplish "Greater works than these" as a result of our co-existing with one another, coming together in a collective conciousness and being led by spirit to correct the errors, to say no more to big oil speculators. We must call upon the one power in the whole universe God and mend this world ourselves....



Monday, May 26, 2008

May 21, 2008

Memorial Day--A day to remember.

So many times we just want to remember those fallen in wars long ago fought and put to rest. We want to remind every one that what they have today is because of the survivors, the veterans and the ones who did not survive--those we remember this special day.

Man's history tells us once again it is the old men who convince the young ones of the empty glories of days gone by, the futility of being the only right kid on the world block.

Another generation ordinary men and women called upon to do extraordinary things---it is time to pay attention to the figures of Iraq and Afghanistan, those young men and women are no less important when it comes to the waste of a life that war causes.

So I ask you to remember all the fallen on this day of days, forget the orange tag sales---the institutions plying upon the carnage of a few--- instead honor the fallen by being with your families, spend time as a family together, appreciate them and above all say a prayer to bless your family for they are indeed the true peacemakers.

The young spouses of today are going through the same personal sacrifices, fears, losses and raising of families alone as they did all the way back to the Revolutionary War --------how nice it would be to remember Jesus words "To love one another as I have loved you" and just co-exist after all it is the same God----- just your cultural method of worship that makes us different----find one real difference, not variation, difference, that defines a race and I might reconsider we are all ONE.



Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 14, 2008
Nehemiah 12; "in the days of David there were songs of praise and thanksgiving for the lord"

There is an individual in our fellowship that never takes a wrist band off his right wrist that proclaims F.R.O.G., there is a frog license plate on his truck and a multitude of frogs all over the dashboard of that very same truck, why, I hear it rumored he even has a pair of frog pajamas; in fact a couple of the days of the week he wears a ballcap that says "Do you have Frogs" and should anyone read this hat aloud, they will be the recipient of a squishy frog (in a variety of colors I might add) with the verbal explanation of each letter of FROG.

I had another awareness this weekend. From my apartment in the city, I could hear a cacophony of frogs singing their own song as the sun went down, after dark and audaciously continuing through the whole night. I can't remember ever hearing them sing so loudly before, even when I used to live in the country.

I say these were their own raspy songs, because it was the repetitious melody of numerous frogs that appeared to chroak in their own synchronism---- One could compare them to the tune up time of the musicians--you know, like an orchestra sounds before the conductor raps his music stand three times. Each musician absorbed totally in those notes he must play tuning out the rest or the world around him.

As I went about doing other projects during the evening. Occasionally I would pause and re-direct my attention to the frog voices, allowing their various rhythms to fill my senses. I noticed they became increasingly louder and even more distinct almost as if they were in different sections of an all frog choir.
At midnight as I blessed my day and yes even God's wonderful noisy frogs, with prayer, I could still differentiate a number of earthy tones per group and I wondered how I was ever to get to sleep with all that racket. Little did I remember from my country life the power of the rhythmic night sounds of God's nocturnal creatures.

I awoke briefly at two am and noticed the frogs had fewer distinct sounds. the room was lit by the dull radio alarm clock therefore it assured my fuzzy brain, I was not dreaming for it did appear those frogs were unifying their sound into a sweet harmony so I quickly fell back asleep.

I awoke again just before sunrise and the frogs were in full harmony appearing to have only two sounds resembling breathing in and breathing out. I listened for awhile to the repetitive sound and realized , just as there were thousands of frogs of that one little universe, that pond, so are there men, nation of men, of this planet, who sing the song just a little different. Yet, with just a little persistence, harmony and coexistence eventually they joined together in unified praise , centered, in the flow of our one creator. It didn't matter that each frog had it's own song to sing at the beginning of the evening, now they vocalized, coexisting together in rhyming peace for a singular song of alignment with the creator before sunrise to greet the day. They were Fully Relying On God for A New Day!
Shouldn't we?

Tuesday May 13th N.D.U.E. began its first weekly radio broadcast on 1520 AM radio with a simultaneous video at WWW.WPSO.COM
(click on wxyb ---live radio)
Plans are fast coming together for a podcast on the Internet for the
10 am and 12 noon Sunday Celebration, more details shortly.

Need Acupuncture?
Contact Twyla at 813 732-3122 for appointment
starting Monday, May 19, 2008
Spirit Care Acupuncture

Regardless of age or flexibility, Amrit Yoga allows everyone to experience the real depth of yoga by meditative inward focus promoting happiness, longevity, relieving stress, therefore enhancing every aspect of your life.
You are literally taking care of your health while you are healthy.
Bring your mat, towel and water.
Join Lenka--Amrit Yoga, Saturday mornings, at 9:30 am until 11 am
Love donation at the door only

Cinema Sunday
MAY 18, 2008
10:00 AM
Spiritual Cinema Network presentsan entitled entertainment production
Directed by Michael Goorjian
The only person who could change the story of his life was the father he never knew.

www.freerice.com FEED OTHERS OF THE WORLD.
Upcoming Events:

Spanish Prayer and Meditation Every Wednesday at 7 pm

by Twyla


Oneness Blessing
7:00 PM
every Tuesday
8012 W Waters
Tampa FL 33615
Oneness Blessing is a non=denominational benediction; a unique and specific blessings, it is the transfer of Divine Energy, which over time is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient. There is no monetary requirement, though the transference of energy through love donations are greatly appreciated.

"Chakra Dhyana" ~ A guided meditation to assist you in clearing the seven chakras, from root chakra to crown chakra. It is similar to the one of the meditations Agi uses in the Tuesday evening Oneness Blessing to prepare each of us for receiving a blessing.
Translation of the "Moola Mantra"
OM - the primordial sound of the universe
Sat - truth
Chit - pure consciousness
Ananda - bliss
Parabrahma - the supreme creator
Purushothama - the energy which incarnates as an avatar to guide us
Paramatma - the divinity present in every being
Sri Bhagavati - the female aspect of creation
Sametha - in communion with
Sri Bhagavate - the male aspect of creation
Namaha - salutations
Hari Om Tat Sat - OM, the divine absolute truth

"A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle Discussion group is forming, let us know if you are interested in joining us.....
There are many paths to the one creator,
but do not forget to join us for

Sunday Morning Celebration
English at 10 am
Spanish at 12 noon and Weds. at 7 pm.
We will welcome you home!

Cannot attend a celebration service or one of the diversified presentations?Want to be a part of something big, something growing? Your tax deductible donation in any amount insures N.D.U.F. continues to reach out into the world community . All we ask is that you give from the heart and know we of New Day are here to Spiritually feed you not Emotionally beat you!

utilize www.mychurchdonations.com to send a donation in any amount.

If God brings you to it,
He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
At all times Fully Rely On God

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

May 7, 2008

Mother's Day May

Historically this is a tradition dating back to almost as far as mother's themselves.
A number of ancient cultures paid tribute to mothers as Goddesses (a tribute that I am sure if you were to ask any youngster they would place mama right at that level) "Rhea" the Greek mother of gods---"Cybele" mother goddess of the Romans---the Celtic pagans linked their goddess "Brigid" with the first coming of spring---new birth.

During the 17th Century, those living in the British Isles initiated a religious celebration call "Motherly Sunday" to be held on the fourth Sunday of lent

Mother's Day experienced a series of false starts as a holiday in America, the holiday's popularity pretty much faded out during the 19th century only to be reincarnated during World War II right along side of Betty Grable--apple pie--and mom!

The author of "the Battle Hymn of the Republic" Anna Reeves Jarvis, during the Civil War instituted from her West Virginia home a mother's day to raise the awareness of sanitary conditions on both sides of the battlefield. After her transition to another plain of life in 1905 her daughter, who ironically never was a mother, took up her mother's campaign and succeeded in getting the attention of clergy, civic leaders and politicians alike, therefore in 1912 President Woodrow Wilson, signed the bill establishing a national Mother's Day to be: " a day of sentimental value not one for profit"

So to all you mothers out there on both sides of the veil---look past the commercialism and know, no matter where you are, we love you mom and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY--

Wow!!! It is already May, we have just celebrated May Day and Cinco de Mayo.

For me, May Day is a memory of my childhood of gathering flowers from the fields, roadsides and the occasional garden, making paper baskets and placing flowers, mostly violets and pansies, along with some candies inside these baskets. I now realize how small these baskets actually were and how insignificant they may have seemed in their size, but the heartfelt love being placed into the making of these baskets fill my heart with joy whenever the thought enters my mind. Amazingly, as I remember the tradition, we made these baskets and left them on doorsteps of people in our neighborhood, rang the doorbell, ran and hid in the bushes while the occupant came to the door to find flowers and candy hanging on their doorknobs, the object, I was taught was to give without recognition for the joy of giving and the beauty of seeing another smile from a thoughtful gift from an anonymous donor. I did this in my small town and now I realize neighborhoods in larger cities are no different for their opportunities, you could go to the grocery store and someone who had received your gift would be talking to the grocer about the nice flowers and the sweet candy they had just received. I can remember my mother holding her index finger to her lips to caution me to not burst out saying "I did that", but I am sure my smile gave me away more often than not.

We have so many memories and hopefully, they fill us with joy and encouragement as a guidepost to our future. It is not the size of the gift, but the intent of the heart that matters most, but always give as it enlarges one's heart and their scope.
In adult life, I have learned from many teachings and they all point to one must give in order to receive. In fact, we always say what we give out comes back ten fold. Another lesson is to give without expecting to receive for in that you are truly blessed,but most of all to give from the heart---that is true abundance!

Acts: 20:35 " remember the words of Jesus the Christ, It is more blessed to give than to receive"

Kat >^. .^<

Join Lenka--Amrit Yoga, Saturday mornings, at 9:30 am until 11 am to experience the unique yoga class that restores spiritual depth in the practice of Hatha Yoga! Regardless of age or flexibility, Amrit Yoga allows everyone to experience the real depth of yoga by meditative inward focus promoting happiness, longevity, relieving stress, therefore enhancing every aspect of your life. You are literally taking care of your health while you are healthy. Bring your mat, towel and water.
Love donation at the door only Cinema Thursday May 8, 2008 7:00 PM
Cinema Sunday
MAY 18, 2008
10:00 AM
Spiritual Cinema Network presents an entitled entertainment production

Directed by Michael Goorjian
The only person who could change the story of his life was the father he never knew.

Upcoming Events:



Oneness Blessing
7:00 PM
every Tuesday
8012 W Waters
Tampa FL 33615
Oneness Blessing is a non-denominational benediction; a unique and specific blessings, it is the transfer of Divine Energy, which over time is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient. There is no monetary requirement, though the transference of energy through love donations are greatly appreciated.

don't forget Aigi's return, May 13th, 7pm

"Chakra Dhyana" ~ A guided meditation to assist you in clearing the seven chakras, from root chakra to crown chakra. It is similar to the one of the meditations Agi uses in the Tuesday evening Oneness Blessing to prepare each of us for receiving a blessing.
Translation of the "Moola Mantra"
OM - the primordial sound of the universe

Sat - truth

Chit - pure consciousness

Ananda - bliss

Parabrahma - the supreme creator

Purushothama - the energy which incarnates as an avatar to guide us

Paramatma - the divinity present in every being

Sri Bhagavati - the female aspect of creation

Sametha - in communion with

Sri Bhagavate - the male aspect of creation

Namaha - salutations

Hari Om Tat Sat - OM, the divine absolute truth

"A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle Discussion group is forming, let us know if you are interested
in joining us.....
There are many paths to the one creator,
but do not forget to join us for

Sunday Morning Celebration
English at 10 am
Spanish at 12 noon and Weds. at 7 pm.
We will welcome you home!

www.mychurchdonations.com to send a donation in any amount.

If God brings you to it,

He will bring you through it.

Happy moments, praise God.

Difficult moments, seek God.

Quiet moments, worship God.

Painful moments, trust God.

Every moment, thank God.

Join us for our encouraging celebration this weekend. Enjoy an inspiring time of worship, prayer, and a message from the Bible that applies to today's societyRemember to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to come with you. If you would like to be included in our mailing list, which we share with no one else, please send an e-mail to NewDayUnity@aol.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
We bless you. We love you.
We recognize the Christ within you. God Blesses You!!!!
P.O. Box 260013,