Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 28, 2008
Isaiah 9:7 "Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end"

Today while coming to church, I noticed several people out jogging and riding bicycles, they had beautiful bodies.....tanned.....toned and shapely muscled. Earthy! I assumed they were attempting to find a little peace in this land of moog.

They wore all the correct equipment to present the right public image. Nice! I certainly do not have anything against those that take care of the package God gave them,I just caution to not jog away to get the things of the world and lose contact with the very soul of the earth you trod upon..
Trying not to sound to critical, I just wondered how many of those I saw did recognize that all you have, all you give and all you receive is by the grace of God.

That the very universe thrives because of motion, an energy exchange.
The kingdom of God is not just spiritual! Not just something you can pop into when ever there is no sports events,no special tv program to watch, really nothing else to do, Spirituality is not pertaining to any specified age- sex- or color. God's kingdom is also physical and earthly,---we are not just here to mend our selves from some ancient past error and then go off to the heaven of our choosing---in fact the church is no longer the end in salvation itself.

We are here to go beyond ourselves, to do those things and much more.To learn to reach within ourselves and listen, fully relying on God, to pick that foot up one more time, or recalculate those figures just one more time, to drive just one day less, the right to ask the oil company how come your profit is more than four billion made off the backs of God's people.
The strength to demand of employers the right to have an hour for church, to plant a tree instead of burning off acres. Maybe open a door for a person or to show compassion by taking a flower to a shut-in, understanding, love and forgiveness in a troubled relationship.

Just one more time--- thank you God!

Let His governing truly be our guidelines and the true peace will be ours. WE must own the problems of this world--- because they are the problems of all mankind. Our best weapon is two or more in his name in prayer---nothing but powerful positive energy going forth into those troubled areas...what goes out comes back to you and all that, so that must mean nothing but positive ideas of correction and progress would come back------interesting thought!

Jesus and the wayshowers taught us to pray for God's "kingdom to come and His will be done upon this earth". We are not talking about a bunch of angels swooping in to do this earthly house work----we are talking about those who do come into the light of awareness and listen to what the universe is saying around you----- We are talking those that put aside the petty arguments of correct worship and just allow that divine connection within accomplish "Greater works than these" as a result of our co-existing with one another, coming together in a collective conciousness and being led by spirit to correct the errors, to say no more to big oil speculators. We must call upon the one power in the whole universe God and mend this world ourselves....



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