Practical Christianity for Positive Living

When many of us went to school ---oh! Absolute eons ago!!---well maybe just the late 50’s and one or two seasons of the 60’s, the seven major problems reported by schools were:
1. talking in class 2. throwing spit balls
3. chewing gum 4. smoking in the bathroom
5. violating the dress code—Hey! It was the James Dean/Elvis era
6. cheating on exams 7. passing notes.
Now forty years later the seven major problems reported by the schools are:
1. Drug/alcohol abuse 2. pregnancy/rape
3. suicide/murders 4. gangs
5. armed assault on teachers/and other students
6. large amounts of unaccounted for money
7. family’s neglect to discipline children in a loving way preferring to define such infractions as a child “just building their self esteem.”
In proverbs it is asserted by the writer, “the integrity of the upright will guide them, but the falseness of the treacherous will destroy them.”
So I ask the question :
Will Columbine or Virginia Tech just keep repeating itself over and over again?
Will parents continue to think religion is only a “Sunday thing”? Not really for those making money.
Is it really only for those that can Not hit a tail gate party before the football game (church could fortify your tail for the weekly social game of life and keep your foot out of your mouth by the way) At the New Day Fellowship you will even have time to fight all the traffic and arrive in plenty of time for souvenirs and kickoff
Is Religion really only for the other person that can not tee off again after the 18th hole? Again! (possibly church could keep you from being “teed off” over trivia “stuff” during the week, and really be “on your game”----of life)
With the parent unit so absorbed in their own careers, their own methods of relaxation from the pressures of work, their drive not even allowing them to remember what a Sabbath day is for, is it “really” any wonder their mediocre raising of children has caused a rude awakening?
Yet, one day the parent wakes up or turns around and “daddy’s little girl”, that “little man” is now off to their own clearly defined life journey, a child raising a child or they are in the drug rehab or blowing innocents away.
Parents just don’t get it! “The darkness hides nothing as the night shines just as brightly as the day!”
It is the “parent integrity” the child comes in contact with first! The parent’s integrity should be the brightest flame to his child at this forest fire called life.
Instead of me, it should be WE!
It is not up to the school teacher, not up to the Safety officer at school, not up to the bus driver, not up to bathroom walls and whispered conversations to teach young men and women a code of conduct for life.
Ecclesiastes 12:1, “to remember the creator in the days of your youth”
Puts the responsibility smack dab on the shoulders of the Parent to establish the moral boundaries and reinforce them with the Love Truths for a Life. Learning ethical standards from a role model parent becomes like a beacon in the midst of this darkened society vicious, graphic society---a true light of security that steers the parent’s young along the ragged shoreline of moral destruction.
It is not hard to find the kids today that are truly above all that, nothing really seems to bother them, they work, they pray, they know who they are and are proud of it. They treat each other with respect with their actions, language and gestures; truly, they shine above all the rest.
When the Parent’s cry out “Why has thou forsaken me?” Where did the time go? What happened here? Where did I go wrong?
The answer is Very Clear to me….
The cultural forces are undermining American Family Values, cultural forces are influencing Your children, cultural forces are raising Your kids to fit the patterns of society, not YOU influencing your children to raise the standards of society.
Instead of running to the stores on Sunday and letting the moguls run you; how about running in the park with your family, or dog or your friends. Running for love not away from it!
When was the last time you looked over your child’s shoulder at the type of Video game they were playing, the type of movie they went to see?
When was it you listened to your child in prayer at bedtime? How long has it been since you shared prayer with your family?
What you do today only sets the tone for the next generation; are you ringing loud and clear?
To change the direction of things, first change Your mind!
One FELLOWSHIP two languages:
Plans are in the mill work that by September, Sunday Services in Spanish will be held at 1pm . More details will be coming as the staff is lined up.
In need of special prayer send your first name, city, state or country and a brief prayer request to prayermasters@aol.com and we will hold it in prayer for 27 days, to be prayed over by our prayer group at 1600 GMT (Greenwich mean time) every Wednesday.
www.dystoniamonologues.blogspot.com for a little something to warm the heart during your wonderfully lengthy stroll down this lane.
Join Brenda and the renowned author and spiritual leader, Sasha for a fun filled adventure of mastery on Carnival Cruise Line November 4-11 for the Odyssy 1 Cruise, leaving from Tampa to sacred sites of the Mayans in the Yucatan region. For further information or reservations contact Brenda Brinn at brendabrinn1@msn.com or 813-786-6311.
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