Practical Christianity for Positive Living

May 16, 2007
Fried Chicken! Mountains of French Fries! Bowls of Onion Rings! Bring it on! Eat till you pop!
OH! Alka-Seltzer! Rolaids! Chewy Tabs----- where art thou when I need you the most?
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of God, You are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Yes, I am a temple but I have a granary bin in side me the size of Manhattan that needs filling. Now!
So who do we listen too?
Not the FDA that lists all the additives to our food supply, so much so that the word “imitation” will appear on many labels….any farmer or rancher can tell you there is nothing like “real” as compared to “imitation”, I just can not understand imitation strawberry preserves---what?
Not the Surgeon General, or the advertising on TV from all ages, who show smoking Will kill you, after all we got to die some time! Huh?
Not to Granny who used to say, the age old proof that is in the pudding, is in the bible?
It is so much easier to listen to Cosmos, Glamour Magazine., or GQ to find the latest trend to our fragile vanities and let others exploit our bodies---- with tattoos for instance, then to pause just a second and ask how long is that thing going to be with my skin? As a person who has one I will tell you emphatically ---Forever! No, surgery still leaves a scar and you will all ways have a ghost tattoo.
So who do we listen too? The ego of course! We all do, I love hot dogs! Ever read any of the “bi-product contents” labels that tell you what they really are. Just cover it up with your artificial catsup and imitation sauerkraut and it is delicious!
What you fill your mind, your heart, your body up with you will become!
So why not do as it is suggested in Romans 12:1—“to offer your bodies as a spiritual representation of worship, as a living act of sacrifice to God?”
Want to diet? Even the smallest tweaks in your routine can take you to giant peaks!
God did more then just speak us into existence, in Genesis 2 the bible explains how Adam was formed from the dust of the earth, and woman. I am under the impression He designed woman as an updated model of this homo sapiens thing. But regardless “He formed,” and from there on we were formed atom by atom, molecule by molecule in the wombs of countless numbers of women into a race of mankind, a nursery of belligerent children towards their father, who is in heaven.
In the Old Testament, God was in a house, in the New Testament we are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, we are the house, the temple of God. We are that image exactly how the universal creator made us, designed us, I still do not see where there was a billboard clause that states someone else can put their drawings on us.
Jesus was the son of God right, what did he wear when he was here on earth? A body!
Well then if we are all one, all connected to God, then is not the living God dwelling in our house? We should do everything in our power to make it a place God can use us to our full potential.
There is a song out there we sing “Here I am lord”, making me an instrument.
Are we just mouthing the words or feeling it?
I am not stating we need to give up everything that is good to us to eat or drink, I am just saying we do it in moderation and with full knowledge of the product of use.
Just think who it is really paying homage too.
If we believe that Jesus was one of the Way showers and if we are following His ways, then the way we treat our bodies should have huge implications of our spirituality...
Fried Chicken! Mountains of French Fries! Bowls of Onion Rings! Bring it on! Eat till you pop!
OH! Alka-Seltzer! Rolaids! Chewy Tabs----- where art thou when I need you the most?
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of God, You are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Yes, I am a temple but I have a granary bin in side me the size of Manhattan that needs filling. Now!
So who do we listen too?
Not the FDA that lists all the additives to our food supply, so much so that the word “imitation” will appear on many labels….any farmer or rancher can tell you there is nothing like “real” as compared to “imitation”, I just can not understand imitation strawberry preserves---what?
Not the Surgeon General, or the advertising on TV from all ages, who show smoking Will kill you, after all we got to die some time! Huh?
Not to Granny who used to say, the age old proof that is in the pudding, is in the bible?
It is so much easier to listen to Cosmos, Glamour Magazine., or GQ to find the latest trend to our fragile vanities and let others exploit our bodies---- with tattoos for instance, then to pause just a second and ask how long is that thing going to be with my skin? As a person who has one I will tell you emphatically ---Forever! No, surgery still leaves a scar and you will all ways have a ghost tattoo.
So who do we listen too? The ego of course! We all do, I love hot dogs! Ever read any of the “bi-product contents” labels that tell you what they really are. Just cover it up with your artificial catsup and imitation sauerkraut and it is delicious!
What you fill your mind, your heart, your body up with you will become!
So why not do as it is suggested in Romans 12:1—“to offer your bodies as a spiritual representation of worship, as a living act of sacrifice to God?”
Want to diet? Even the smallest tweaks in your routine can take you to giant peaks!
God did more then just speak us into existence, in Genesis 2 the bible explains how Adam was formed from the dust of the earth, and woman. I am under the impression He designed woman as an updated model of this homo sapiens thing. But regardless “He formed,” and from there on we were formed atom by atom, molecule by molecule in the wombs of countless numbers of women into a race of mankind, a nursery of belligerent children towards their father, who is in heaven.
In the Old Testament, God was in a house, in the New Testament we are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, we are the house, the temple of God. We are that image exactly how the universal creator made us, designed us, I still do not see where there was a billboard clause that states someone else can put their drawings on us.
Jesus was the son of God right, what did he wear when he was here on earth? A body!
Well then if we are all one, all connected to God, then is not the living God dwelling in our house? We should do everything in our power to make it a place God can use us to our full potential.
There is a song out there we sing “Here I am lord”, making me an instrument.
Are we just mouthing the words or feeling it?
I am not stating we need to give up everything that is good to us to eat or drink, I am just saying we do it in moderation and with full knowledge of the product of use.
Just think who it is really paying homage too.
If we believe that Jesus was one of the Way showers and if we are following His ways, then the way we treat our bodies should have huge implications of our spirituality...

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