Wednesday, May 9, 2007
“Blessed art thou among women” Luke 1:28
We hear of “Mother Mary”, “Mother Teresa” and “Mother Earth” and truly it is a blessing that some women continue the branches of the tree of life,
propagate the species, bear the fruit of love.
But is that all there is to it?
Mathew 12 tells us of Jesus asking someone, “who is my mother? And who are my brethren?” then stretching out his arm he indicates, “behold my mother and my brethren”
How many times have we seen or heard of a story of young mothers who become single parents whether as a result of divorce or never marrying? Often these women are placed in a position of abandonment when the churches they had enthusiastically supported and attended now are constantly making them feel guilty. Some even going so far to imply these women had created the ultimate sin of which she and her offspring could never recover. Many times making these parents feel as though they could no longer be entitled to receive God’s love.
A woman had a child out of wedlock, so did Mary, mother of Jesus. Mother Teresa never gave birth to children yet had thousands who looked to her for motherly advise, care and love. Mother Earth conceives new life daily and takes care of all the species of the planet. What is the common denominator, the jewel of not only these mothers mentioned, but women the world over? Love, a most tremendous and powerful love that binds our species together.
A tremendous Love and Compassion, the mother instinct of the creator, men are fixers and women are healers. The arm out stretched to indicate “My brethren” to me indicates we all, men and women are of a higher spiritual consciousness and connected together.
While “behold my mother” in the same body stance is indicating All of the women of the world are cemented together in that which we call the “motherly love” for all of mankind .
At the New Day Unity Fellowship we recognize we are all a child of God. That NO life is an error, God has a plan and a journey through life for each and everyone of us.
So at N.D.U.F. you will not find one who can cast the first stone, but, you will find a lot of cheerleaders along the roadside of life.
We do not care where you come from, how you are dressed, we only care that we put some practical spiritual food on your table to give you the strength to continue your life journey
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL WOMEN may your blessings abound in the joy of the lord in all matters that you tend too, the joy of children at day care centers, the medically challenged in a hospital, female officers protecting the citizens of this nation, the women in uniform in the streets of Baghdad, those women fighting the fires, the tending of little animals at vet clinics, or, those administering the kiss of a mother doctor for the cut or bruise in your own household.
Blessings Moms
It is all in divine order:
We have said all along God has a definite plan for us at The New Day Unity Fellowship. We are right where we are supposed to be at the time God would have us. Well guess what? Today, NDUF received 57 donated hymnals, “The Wings of Song,” in excellent condition.
It is only a matter of God’s time before that lovely voice of Jackie, and her two other volunteers have some high energy music accompanying us to sing our praise unto the lord.
.One FELLOWSHIP two languages:
Plans are in the mill work that by September, Sunday Services in Spanish will be held at 1pm . More details will be coming as the staff is lined up. Prayers are with Luis as he continues his training for the ministry. Muchas suerte!
In need of special prayer? Send your first name, city, state or country and a brief prayer request to prayermasters@aol.com where we will hold it in prayer for 27 days, to be prayed over by our prayer group at 1600 GMT (Greenwich mean time) every Wednesday.
www.dystoniamonologues.blogspot.com for a little something to warm the heart during your wonderful stroll down this lane.
Join Brenda and the renowned author and spiritual leader, Sasha for a fun filled adventure of mastery on Carnival Cruise Line November 4-11 for the Odyssey 1 Cruise, leaving from Tampa to sacred sites of the Mayans in the Yucatan region. For further information or reservations contact Brenda Brinn at brendabrinn1@msn.com or 813-786-6311.
Be sure to share this message with your friends!
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
Thank you for your encouraging comments from our friends in Canada, Orlando, Florida; Missouri and Arizona!
“Blessed art thou among women” Luke 1:28
We hear of “Mother Mary”, “Mother Teresa” and “Mother Earth” and truly it is a blessing that some women continue the branches of the tree of life,
propagate the species, bear the fruit of love.
But is that all there is to it?
Mathew 12 tells us of Jesus asking someone, “who is my mother? And who are my brethren?” then stretching out his arm he indicates, “behold my mother and my brethren”
How many times have we seen or heard of a story of young mothers who become single parents whether as a result of divorce or never marrying? Often these women are placed in a position of abandonment when the churches they had enthusiastically supported and attended now are constantly making them feel guilty. Some even going so far to imply these women had created the ultimate sin of which she and her offspring could never recover. Many times making these parents feel as though they could no longer be entitled to receive God’s love.
A woman had a child out of wedlock, so did Mary, mother of Jesus. Mother Teresa never gave birth to children yet had thousands who looked to her for motherly advise, care and love. Mother Earth conceives new life daily and takes care of all the species of the planet. What is the common denominator, the jewel of not only these mothers mentioned, but women the world over? Love, a most tremendous and powerful love that binds our species together.
A tremendous Love and Compassion, the mother instinct of the creator, men are fixers and women are healers. The arm out stretched to indicate “My brethren” to me indicates we all, men and women are of a higher spiritual consciousness and connected together.
While “behold my mother” in the same body stance is indicating All of the women of the world are cemented together in that which we call the “motherly love” for all of mankind .
At the New Day Unity Fellowship we recognize we are all a child of God. That NO life is an error, God has a plan and a journey through life for each and everyone of us.
So at N.D.U.F. you will not find one who can cast the first stone, but, you will find a lot of cheerleaders along the roadside of life.
We do not care where you come from, how you are dressed, we only care that we put some practical spiritual food on your table to give you the strength to continue your life journey
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL WOMEN may your blessings abound in the joy of the lord in all matters that you tend too, the joy of children at day care centers, the medically challenged in a hospital, female officers protecting the citizens of this nation, the women in uniform in the streets of Baghdad, those women fighting the fires, the tending of little animals at vet clinics, or, those administering the kiss of a mother doctor for the cut or bruise in your own household.
Blessings Moms
It is all in divine order:
We have said all along God has a definite plan for us at The New Day Unity Fellowship. We are right where we are supposed to be at the time God would have us. Well guess what? Today, NDUF received 57 donated hymnals, “The Wings of Song,” in excellent condition.
It is only a matter of God’s time before that lovely voice of Jackie, and her two other volunteers have some high energy music accompanying us to sing our praise unto the lord.
.One FELLOWSHIP two languages:
Plans are in the mill work that by September, Sunday Services in Spanish will be held at 1pm . More details will be coming as the staff is lined up. Prayers are with Luis as he continues his training for the ministry. Muchas suerte!
In need of special prayer? Send your first name, city, state or country and a brief prayer request to prayermasters@aol.com where we will hold it in prayer for 27 days, to be prayed over by our prayer group at 1600 GMT (Greenwich mean time) every Wednesday.
www.dystoniamonologues.blogspot.com for a little something to warm the heart during your wonderful stroll down this lane.
Join Brenda and the renowned author and spiritual leader, Sasha for a fun filled adventure of mastery on Carnival Cruise Line November 4-11 for the Odyssey 1 Cruise, leaving from Tampa to sacred sites of the Mayans in the Yucatan region. For further information or reservations contact Brenda Brinn at brendabrinn1@msn.com or 813-786-6311.
Be sure to share this message with your friends!
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
Thank you for your encouraging comments from our friends in Canada, Orlando, Florida; Missouri and Arizona!
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