Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Part of the Christmastime is presents! Yeah! Big ones! small ones, and teeeny tiny little bitty ones in a stocking hung by the fireplace... OOOOH, Yeah!
But some of the best gifts in the world do not come wrapped up in shiny paper. The gift of friends and family , whether it is the family we were born into or one the universe has provided for us. How do you wrap up love, hugs, laughter and the gift of time spent with loved ones whether born of blood or gathered through your years?
How about camaraderie, harmony, peace and personal prayer? They come to us in various ways during the year, each gift we receive to be treasured for sure, but, how glorious it will be if we will just let it this abundance flow through us to share with others every day throughout the year.
His name is Emmanuel, "God is with you " for ALL men, amen.
fred & kat >^. .^<

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
DECEMBER 12, 2007
"Abide in my love" John 15:9
As you light the 3rd candle of the Advent this Sunday and stare into the flame let us be reminded of that love within our own biological bubble radiating out to all those around us.
Let us all so recall John 14, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you" In order for us to enjoy the flickering flame of love radiating to unite with those children of God within other countries, we have to first establish the peace within. To do so we must remember what comes out of our mouth goes directly to our ears and causes impulses to our body for some sort of activity. With prayer peace comes over you and only sounds of tolerance, love and respect are demonstrated.
Indeed let us rejoice in the time of the year with love flowing out from individual to individual, following that one shinning star in life all around the earth not only just the next few days,,,,,but for days and months beyond
fred & kat >^. .^<

Thursday, December 06, 2007
DECEMBER 5, 2007
Welcome I would like to remind you of our logo.

Please notice the rising sun above a beach with a palm tree. The sun reflects into the stream which flows into New Day Unity Fellowship.
You will also note a butterfly.
Some believe butterflies do not have a long life span, but they believe in error. The butterfly goes through much to become the creature of beauty that it is. It can remain dormant in its pupal/larvae stage even in so much time to survive winters to become a butterfly Adult butterflies can live up to nearly a year.
Humans on average take 266 days to produce a newborn child. Patience wins as eager parents await the birth of their children.
The birthing process also has its drama. Not always so easy and sometimes long and painful, the birth process doesn't always happen as expected.
If we are waiting on a hamster, we will see its young in 16.5 days, a ground squirrel in 28 days or a chipmunk in 31.
But what if you are an elephant do you stomp your feet in impatience? Does an elephant give up because butterflies evolve, children are born? An elephant still waits and those chipmunks and hamsters keep adding up under their feet.
Elephants must wait and average of 645 days for the birth of their young.
Now you are probably wondering what all this talk of birth and transformation is all about.
Time. Patience. Faith. Do we have these three things? Are we willing to give these three things in the birth process of our Fellowship? And your pursuits, you may substitute any other word for Fellowship.
I don’t know about you, but New Day Unity Fellowship is an idea that is bigger than a butterfly, it is bigger than any one of us, I believe it is even bigger than any elephant and if it takes 645 days to bring forth an elephant then I have patience and I have faith and God willing the time to wait upon this miracle we call New Day Unity Fellowship.
fred & kat >^. .^<

NOVEMBER 28, 2007
"No thank you, I ate today, there are those over there worse off then me!"
This was a very unselfish remark from one of the 32 people that the team from New Day encountered Saturday....look at this closely---what a message! How many of us know what day it is by the fact we ate this particular day or not. This person only owned a cardboard box and a small bag of personal treasures yet the interest shown to her as a child of god, went right to her heart. Out of concern for the others around her, she would relinquish the offering of food so that others might eat. Much more of this day could be elaborated upon, but the simple act of this homeless lady said it all of Hebrews 13:16 "do not forget, do good and to share "
The soft stuffed animals are starting to come in now, what a joy, I feel like I am in the middle of a fuzzy warehouse of love. Just knowing all these creatures will be bringing a spark of joy to some yet unknown child this year as they stay in the Haley House of the Tampa VA Hospital. Just fills me with such emotion of gratitude! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you God, for this opportunity to possibly ease the tension of The children seeing their mommies or daddies for the first time after the parent has returned from Iraq or Afghanistan in a wounded state,
Being a veteran, a VA Hospital Chaplain's assistant, I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad recovering in a hospital. The parent in a condition other than the image the day the soldier parent left home as they deployed overseas. In some cases this will be of a traumatic mind setting event for the young child, so it is, that, I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for your donations from your heart to some unknown child....Fred
P.S. Unlike previous conflicts, a number of these maimed returning vets are mothers, daughters and grandmothers. For just $1.07 at Dollar Tree a nine inch,super soft bundle of comfort to a child coping with what they are seeing, can be purchased ---thank you...
If you would like to participate but too far away, send your new bear or soft stuffed animal to our mailing address P.O. Box 891, Odessa, Florida 33556 or bring them any Sunday to service or if you so indicate send a check or money order clearly marked a donation for the use of the purchase of a soft stuffed animal for these families. We have a committee who will go out to get those animals in your name....and your contribution will be duly noted for your tax purposes.
SOUP IS ON!!!!! The team that distributed the soup Saturday was backed by the efforts of many of the members of the fellowship. It would take too many pages to list you all and I am sure I would forget someone,,,(I am just not that good a typist) none the less, thank you all.....two things we found most requested were more of the daily words, and water...the water we will budget for, but, if any of you have any old daily words let us know. I will pick them up locally or please mail them to our post office box and we will ensure they are distributed with each monthly soup distribution.
We will be distributing soup once a month until April when the trend is for the homeless children of God to go back north.
This project requires 8 ounce cups or soup bowls with lids and plastic spoons, we will most graciously accept any donations to assist this endeavor.
December 2, 2007, following the Sunday Celebration Service a meeting will be held for the ratification of leadership of New Day Unity Fellowship,,,,this will only occur by those in attendance, nominations for three two year board members and one position for one year will be accepted at that time. Election will occur on December 9 for terms to become effective January 1, 2008.
Your participation will ensure the success of this fellowship.
A SPECIAL EVENT is to occur December 15th The program of variety and music sharing will start promptly at 7p.m. warming your heart with the powerful tones of Rachel followed by the famed recording star Dwain Briggs appearing at 730 p.m. Tickets are available for a 10.00 donation prior to the concert ....10.00 donation at will call or a 15.00 donation at the door the night of the event.....don't miss this event you will leave amazed at the musical talent this young man was blessed with by the creator of us all.
Feel free to go to for a sample of his music....this young man's voice will delight you, reaching inner points you never thought possible.
* * * * * Don't forget your banks of abundance Last Sunday. of month * * * * *
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
send to
"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks ahead!
P.O. Box 891,
Join us for our encouraging service this weekend. Enjoy an inspiring time of worship, prayer, and a message from the Bible that applys to today's societyRemember to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to come with you.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Oil prices are soaring due to speculation motivated by Fear! Some call it the black gold! But is it really? Are those who are making the big bucks now really prosperous ? or Just wealthy.
It only takes a little concerted effort of a few less trips in the car, may be a hybrid car, may be actually walking or riding a bicycle for that short trip,--saying no to plastic or paper while using a cloth bag for your shopping, (nice sewing project) little things like this can ruin the financial day of the very few egos who think they are controlling oil prices now.
The wealthiest place on the earth is not high rise glass offices, or the oil fields of the middle east, wall street and all those lofty houses on the hill, nor is it the gold of the Yukon streams ---nope, not even the diamond mines in South Africa.
Ironically the wealthiest place on earth is those cemeteries outside of every small town and hamlet in this world. Full of the woulda's, coulda's, shoulda's ---but didn't!!!!!
Why bite into the apple of deception put out by the material egos.
God deposited a gift--a treasure inside of each and every one of his children, gifts, talents or skills that you can do well in a specific area. Do not take that lightly nor for granted, but, you have to do your part to bring it forth.
Do not let your wondrous being join all that wealth underground ---- letting your treasure just lie in a grave---write that book!---Sing that song!---compose that music score and dance that dance. Paint that portrait---love that child.
But most of all laugh and love and be aware of all that is truly valuable going on around you.
You want to start a business, do it! Quit talking about it, praying about it! Move a foot, spark a brain cell, Do something! ---- simply by pausing a little bit each day and go into prayer---meditate---not just listen but-- Hear-- what the universe is responding to you about; take that step toward the dreams and passions of your heart.
Compared to wealth, Your prosperity is unlimited and will carry on for generations to come in the hearts of millions ---unlike the ever changing dollar bill that will never leave the planet.
14 BEARS and a MOOSE: are leaving our residence this coming Sunday to be blessed by the congregation, and donated just prior to Christmas to the Haley House for the family's of wounded veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. These bears of love are Not just for Christmas, indeed the hardest time, but during the whole year as the veterans return and the families must see them for the first time..... Please bring your soft stuffed animal to join the growing collection of united love of this fellowship.

Being a veteran, a VA Hospital Chaplain's assistant, I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad recovering in a hospital. The parent in a condition other than the image the day the soldier parent left home as they deployed overseas. In some cases this will be of a traumatic mind setting event for the young child, so it is, that, I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for your donations from your heart to some unknown child....Fred
P.S. Unlike previous conflicts, a number of these maimed returning vets are mothers, daughters and grand mothers. For just 1.07 at Dollar Tree a nine inch,super soft bundle of comfort to a child coping with what they are seeing, can be purchased ---thank you...
Due to the changing weather up north the monthly soup ministry to the street people of Tampa Florida.will begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving. (November the 24 th )
We will be distributing soup until April when the trend is for the homeless children of God to go back north.

A SPECIAL EVENT is to occur December 15th The program of variety and music sharing will start promptly at 7p.m. warming your heart with the powerful tones of Rachel followed by the famed recording star Dwain Briggs appearing at 730 p.m. Tickets are available for a 10.00 donation prior to the concert ....10.00 donation at will call or a 15.00 donation at the door the night of the event.....don't miss this event you will leave amazed at the musical talent this young man was blessed with by the creator of us all.
Feel free to go to for a sample of his music....this young man's voice will delight you, reaching inner points you never thought possible.
Thursday, November 08, 2007

November 7, 2007
The next time anyone makes you feel you are not much taller then the travel velocity gnome---pause for a moment and let a warm smile come over your face as you recall: YOU come from a long line of champions! Their D.N.A. is your DNA!
Your Father brought into existence all the stars of the galaxy's--in fact all the galaxy's if you please kind sir/mam--- simply by his word.
Moses parted the sea---that is great faith----David defeated Goliath-the power of love to overcome fear.
Why Samson toppled buildings--demonstrating great inter strength flowing through your veins. To say nothing of Nehemiah going against all odds to rebuild those walls anyway, that certainly explains your determination and persistence.
Who can over look Queen Ester putting her life on the line--demonstrating that sacrifice and heroism is not limited jut to you men, bringing that into perspective I know of a woman in Iowa that took over and runs a construction company--She is a true heroic queen I can relate to.
So what about these times? Well Jessie Owens showed the "Master Race" we are all equal at the Olympic games. Ghandi demonstrated that man can coexist with out senseless bloodshed. and Mother Theresa--the frail lady in the blue habit proving there is great prosperity among all the squalor...
No, do not feel any less of any other human being, just send love and light to them and smile, you are a Child of God with the total free will to accept or ignore the perception of you others may have. You know who you are!
* * * * * Don't forget your banks of abundance Last Sunday. of month * * * * *
If you would like to participate but to far away, send your new bear or soft stuffed animal to our mailing address P.O. Box 891, Odessa, Florida 33556 or bring them any Sunday to service or if you so indicate send a check or money order clearly marked a donation for the use of the purchase of a soft stuffed animal for these familys, we have ladies who will go out and get those animals....and your contribution will be duly noted for your tax purpouses.
Being a veteran, a VA Hospital Chaplain's assistant, I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad recovering in a hospital. The parent in a condition other than the image the day the soldier parent left as they deployed overseas. In some cases this will be of a traumatic mind setting event for the young child, so it is, that, I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for your donations from the heart...
Due to the changing weather up north the monthly soup ministry to the street people of Tampa Florida.will begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving. (November the 24 th )
We will be distributing soup until April when the trend is for the homeless children of God to go back north.
This project will require 8 ounce cups or soup bowls with lids and plastic spoons, we will most graciously accept any donations to assist this endeavor.
A SPECIAL EVENT is to occur December 15th at 730p.m. Tickets are available for a 10.00 donation prior to the concert with famed recording star Dwain Briggs.... 15.00 donation at the door the night of the event.....don't miss this event.
Feel free to go to
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

You are a creature of God and as that creature, you are cared for daily, hourly and moment to moment. You are at the forefront of the mind of God whether it is abundantly apparent to you or not.
Worry blocks the good. If worry sets in sing a song of praise, dance to a song of praise or go for a walk and witness God's glory all around you.
This is not the matrix as glamorous as Hollywood tried to make it seem. This is what was created for your enjoyment and your praise of our Father who makes it entirely possible for all good to happen.
Kat>^. .^<

If you would like to participate but too far away, send your new bear or soft stuffed animal to our mailing address P.O. Box 891, Odessa, Florida 33556 or bring them any Sunday to service.
Being a veteran I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad in a condition other than their young minds remember their parent the day they went overseas. I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for your donations. Fred
Due to the changing weather up north the monthly soup ministry to the street people of Tampa Florida.will begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving. (November the 24 th )
We will be distributing soup until April when the trend is for the homeless children of God to go back north.
This project will require 8 ounce cups or soup bowls with lids and plastic spoons, we will most graciously accept any donations to assist this endeavor.
PENNY PICKERS!! Our hats are off to you, our elite,dedicated group who refuse to step over a cast off penny in the parking lots of Dennies, McDonald's or 7-11's---keep up the good work. Each penny brings us one penny closer on the building fund.
A SPECIAL EVENT is to occur December 15th at 730p.m. Tickets are available for a 10.00 donation prior to the concert with famed recording star Dwain Briggs.... 15.00 donation at the door the night of the event.....don't miss this event.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Be sure to share this message with your friends!
OCTOBER 24, 2007
Recently I was compelled by my four brothers and a sister to do a portion of our mother's funeral. Some would say our mother was full of vim and vinegar, after her children left home she simply adopted any and all children of the community from 9 days to 90 years old. She so enjoyed all those around her from great grandchildren, to baseball teams of local kids, from the members of her church, bingo, senior citizen center,community or her most endeared society of police officers. In short she enjoyed life and passed this feeling on through her cookies of love to all those around her. I, quite frankly, was not certain that I could maintain my composure doing this funeral with out blubbering all over the place and making a general mess of things. Just because my brothers thought all the funerals I have done would qualify me to do our mother's funeral----come on!
* * * * * * * * * *Don't forget your banks of abundance this Sunday.* * * * * * * * * *
BEARS OF LOVE: November 15th-- We will begin to collect the bears of love to be blessed by this congregation and donated to the Haley House and the Fisher House for the family's of wounded veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
If you would like to participate but to far away, send your new bear or soft stuffed animal to our mailing address P.O. Box 891, Odessa, Florida 33556 or bring them any Sunday to service or if you so indicate send a check or money order clearly marked a donation for the use of the purchase of a soft stuffed animal for these familys, we have ladies who will go out and get those animals....
Being a veteran, a VA Hospital Chaplain's assistant, I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad recovering in a hospital. The parent in a condition other than the image the day the soldier parent left as they deployed overseas. In some cases this will be of a traumatic mind setting event for the young child, so it is, that, I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for your donations from the heart...
Due to the changing weather up north the monthly soup ministry to the street people of Tampa Florida.will begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving. (November the 24 th )
We will be distributing soup until April when the trend is for the homeless children of God to go back north.
This project will require 8 ounce cups or soup bowls with lids and plastic spoons, we will most graciously accept any donations to assist this endeavor.
A SPECIAL EVENT is to occur December 15th at 730p.m. Tickets are available for a 10.00 donation prior to the concert with famed recording star Dwain Briggs.... 15.00 donation at the door the night of the event.....don't miss this event.
Feel free to go to for a sample of his music....this young man's voice will delight you, reaching inner points you never thought possible.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
OCTOBER 17, 2007
During the reading of "The Toltec book of Wisdom," an ancient writing of the Myans ,a point stuck in my craw, my thought pattern. Unless we wake up, all our lives we bite the apple of social agreement to be what other's perceive us to be, forever searching within our selves for some peace in the knowledge of who we really are.
We create an image of how we should be in order to be accepted by everyone, then reject, abuse,punish ourselves when we do not reach that perfect image GOD IS LIFE AND LIFE FLOWS THROUGH MAN, OUR BIGGEST FEAR IS NOT DEATH,---- RATHER OUR BIGGEST FEAR IS TAKING THE RISK TO BE ALIVE---THE RISK OF NOT LIVING OUR LIVES AS OTHERS PERCIEVE US TO LIVE IT.
Who are you? I DO NOT KNOW! YOU ARE YOU-- AND-- I AM I--- BOTH CONNECTED TO THE SAME GOD, SO WHY NOT Take that personal question to prayer--meditation--listening (hearing) and acting upon those positive thoughts coming to you. After all where did the positive aspects of this universe come from?
Maybe something is trying to tell you to be who you really are. Is that so bad to say of a person, "they are in alignment with the source of us all?"
BEARS OF LOVE: November 15 th We will begin to collect the bears of love to be blessed by this congregation and donated to the Haley House and the Fisher House for the family's of wounded veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
If you would like to participate but to far away, send your new bear or soft stuffed animal to our mailing address P.O. Box 891, Odessa, Florida 33556 or bring them any Sunday to service.
Being a veteran I can not express enough the comfort these little stuffed animals will bring to a child that has to face his mom or dad in a condition other than their young minds remember their parent the day they went overseas. I thank you with a deepest heartfelt thank you in advance for
your donations. Fred
Due to the changing weather up north the monthly soup ministry to the street people of Tampa Florida.will begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving. (November the 24 th )
We will be distributing soup until April when the trend is for the homeless children of God to go back north.
This project will require 8 ounce cups or soup bowls with lids and plastic spoons, we will most graciously accept any donations to assist this endeavor.
PENNY PICKERS!! Our hats are off to you, our elite,dedicated group who refuse to step over a cast off penny in the parking lots of Dennies, McDonald's or 7-11's---keep up the good work. Each penny brings us one penny closer on the building fund.
Gozar de nuestro servicio español en 12 del mediodía cada domingo. Luis está mirando adelante a verte allí.
They are here!
The "purple wrist bands" joining millions the world over to strive for a complaint free world...What started in Kansas City MO as a simple project, has now reached world wide proportions including an appearance on the Oprah Show. Our first batch of 300 lasted but two weeks. For directions on how to use the wristband go to
A SPECIAL EVENT is to occur December 15th at 730p.m. Tickets are available for a 10.00 donation prior to the concert with famed recording star Dwain Briggs.... 15.00 donation at the door the night of the event.....don't miss this event.
Feel free to go to for a sample of his music....this young man's voice will delight you, reaching inner points you never thought possible.
Sunday school for Adults will begin the first part of a series exploring the manuscript, "Happier Then God" , by Neale Donald Walsch,to be released in book form this coming March.
The Masonic lodge has extended an invitation to their "all you can eat" spaghetti dinner on November 4 immediately following services. Cost is $6.00 per person.
The celebration was on the 14th as you can see by the cake made by Ginger, this first year was celebrated in style, thanks to all of you that could attend, it was fun.
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

OCTOBER 10, 2007
Do not resist life passing through you because that is the breath of God-----that is God----that is God flowing through you. The very fact of your existence prove the existence of life and energy itself....your very existence demonstrates the presence of God!
So if God is Life! God is life in action through you.
Then as I see it, the best way to say "thank you God" is by letting go of wishing things to be different then they way they are right---- NOW!
A full life is enjoying what is happening right now, that is living!
Just be that child of life, that joy to the heavens--that praise to the father by enjoying life NOW!
In the words of Wayne Gretzky the famous hockey player:
"You miss 100% of the shots you never take"
We are looking for volunteers to assist us with the monthly soup ministry to the large influx of street people that will be here very shortly due to the changing weather up north. Send us an email. This project will require 8 ounce cups with lids and plastic spoons. All donations of time, talent or treasure will be appreciated.
PENNY PICKERS!! This month we had 14.50 in pennies picked up for the building fund, thank each and every one of you who participates in this endeavor . blessings---happy picking---NDUF
Gozar de nuestro servicio español en 12 del mediodía cada domingo. Luis está mirando adelante a verte allí.
They are here!
The "purple wrist bands" joining millions the world over to strive for a complaint free world...What started in Kansas City MO as a simple project, has now reached world wide proportions including an appearance on the Oprah Show. Our first batch of 300 lasted but two weeks. For directions on how to use the wristband go to
Our supply of purple bracelets will be available each Sunday during the 10 am celebration.

Feel free to go to for a sample of his music....this young man's voice will delight you, reaching inner points you never thought possible.
Advanced tickets 10.00 each, at the door night of event 15.00 each.
Sunday school for all ages begins October 7 at 9:00 AM.
Children will take nose counts-- by Mr. Fred
Adults will begin the first part of a series exploring the manuscript, "Happier Then God" , by Neale Donald Walsch,to be released in book form this coming March.

October 14th the first birthday celebration of New Day following the service.
"The Masonic family has extended an invitation to their "all you can eat" spaghetti dinner on November 4 immediately following services. Cost is $6.00 per person.

Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"THE 23rd PSALM: What is really being implied?

The lord is my shepherd------Relationship
I shall not want ------Supply
He makes me to lie down in green pastures-----Rest
He leads me beside the still waters----Refreshment
He restores my soul-----Healing
He leads me in the paths of righteousness-----Guidance
For his name sake-----Purpose
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death---Testing
I will fear no evil----Protection
For thou are with me ----Faithfulness
Thy rod and thy staff comfort me----Discipline
Thou prepare a table for me in the presence of mine enemies---Hope
Thou annoints my head with oil----Consecration
My cup runneth over ---- Abundance
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the day of my life---Blessings
And I will dwell in the house of the lord----Security
Forever----Eternal promise
Amen----claim it
PROJECT GREEN: Just the simple act of unplugging your cell phone charger when not in use saves energy.
Gozar de nuestro servicio español en 12 del mediodía cada domingo. Luis está mirando adelante a verte allí.
They are here! The"purple wrist bands" joining millions the world over to strive for a complaint free world...What started in Kansas City Mo. as a simple project has now reach world wide proportions, to include the Oprah Show. Our first batch of 300 lasted but two weeks,,,,,they will be given out each Sunday during the 10 am celebration.
SPECIAL EVENT to occur the first part of December. Tickets will go on sale for another concert with famed recording star Dwain Briggs.... details coming soon....don't miss this event. Feel free to go to
Advanced tickets 10.00 each, at the door night of event 15.00 each.
Sunday school for all ages begins October 7 at 9:00 AM.
Children will take nose counts-- by Mr. Fred
Adults will begin the first part of a series exploring the manuscript, "Happier Then God" , by Neale Donald Walsch,to be released in book form this coming March.
October 14th the first birthday celebration of New Day following the service.

"The Masonic family has extended an invitation to their "all you can eat" spaghetti dinner on November 4 immediately following services. Cost is $6.00 per person.

Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

SEPTEMBER 19, 2007
"The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way" Proverbs 8:22
Thoughts held in mind produce a spark for you to change the direction of your life, you pray for it surely you are listening and hearing what the universe is sending back. There are no flashing neon signs blinking "Get ready! Get ready! Here we come to do something big in your life today!"
It is simply a "meat and potatoes" type of conversation!
Here is what is needed to be done to reach a goal your wish. He can direct you but, you are the person who is going to have to move, get up off that couch from in front of the TV or computer and do whatever is needed---don't wait for the cymbals or drum roll, they are not coming...
PROJECT GREEN: Just the simple act of unplugging your cell phone charger when not in use saves energy.

Gozar de nuestro servicio español en 12 del mediodía cada domingo. Luis está mirando adelante a verte allí.
"The Masonic family has extended an invitation to their "all you can eat" spaghetti dinner on November 4 immediately following services. Cost is $6.00 per person.
Sunday school for all ages begins October 7 at 9:00 AM.
Children will take nose counts--
Adults will begin the first part of a series exploring the manuscript, "Happier Then God" , by Neale Donald Walsch,to be released in book form this coming March.
October 14th the first birthday celebration of New Day following the service.
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

SEPTEMBER 12, 2007
In the words of Peter from “The Message”
“I'm glad from the inside out, ecstatic
I've pitched my tent in the Land of Hope” (Acts 2:26)
What do you do when your well has gone dry?
By definition, a well is said to have gone dry when the level of water drops below the pump intake. In this same definition it goes on to state that a dry well doesn’t mean it will never have water in it again.
This is a thought to ponder.
Bedouins will leave one oasis after their well goes dry and search the desert until another is found. The cycle continues as each subsequent well goes dry. There is never any mention of one particular well being better than any other well just that it quenches the thirst and provides the necessary fluid to maintain life. Many search their lifetime and never find their oasis.
Settlers on the other hand will take one of three routes only taking the third after the first two do not succeed. The debate is whether prayer or digging deeper is the first step or action. Some say this is done simultaneously. Possibly the settler will find another location on their property to dig another well. Only after following through with digging and/or prayer without success will they consider moving on.
Travelers the world over can remember the sweet taste of the water at their home and develop a yearning to sip that memorable flavor once again. Just because you visit other wells does not mean you cannot return to the well your heart remembers.

PROJECT GREEN: Never hose your driveway, patio or sidewalk -- use a broom instead.
NEW DAY SINGERS: exciting details coming soon, Play an instrument, love to sing let us know.
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday September 15, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the third chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"for as he thinketh within himself, so is he" Proverbs 23:7
A good habit to cultivate and develop as you stand every morning before that mirror mesmerized at your reflected tooth brushing skills, foamy mouth and all, is to stand there and affirm that every thought you will have today meeting the days challenges and circumstances of life will be only a positive thought.
It is a Positive thought day! It is a New Day.
All are welcome to join us September 16 th at 10 am for an insight into a first hand impression of one who just competed twelve hours as a member of a small group of individuals selected to preview, with the author of "Conversations with God" , Neal Donald Walsh, his new book to be released this October.
When doing the laundry each week, never wash less then a full load or ensure that your washer is adjusted to a correct water level.
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday September 15, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the third chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<> The instructions for New Day Unity Fellowship are very easy to follow and you can designate ministry, tithe, building fund or for any purpose you so feel in your heart.--- or just click on the spot at the top of the newsletter.
A SPECIAL THANKS to Chris for is suggestion of making "Bank of Abundance" boxes for this project, his reasoning is while he is at college and many have other things daily on their minds, these boxes will act as a reminder of N.D.U.F.'s determination to maintain our renowned image as "penny pickers"....thank you Chris, the boxes are done and will be handed out this coming Sunday at the weekly celebration.
One Church Two Languages:
The New Day Unity Fellowship Espanol is conducting celebration services at 12 noon every Sunday..if you know of anyone who only speaks Spanish encourage them to contact Louis at 813-789-8755
Join us in prayer at 7 am E.S.T. September 21st for World Peace Day right from the privacy of your own home...The strength of the combined prayers enhance our world.
October 7 th 9 am Sunday school begins...more details to follow.... Adults will begin to cover
"The Four Agreements" by D.M. Ruiz.
Church Launch October 14, stay tuned for details.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 22, 2007

All this strange weather going on, Hawaii, Mexico the Caribbean islands with hurricanes, flooding in the plains states and central northern states, earth quakes and volcano’s erupting or near it, typhoons and tsunamis, Ice bergs melting. And of course…Heat! Heat! Heat! Some say : IT IS THE END TIMES! JUST PRAY!
Could it be the universe is trying to tell us something folks?!
Like maybe this global warming thing is real!
We have lived in Florida since 86 and can see the difference in the climate here, at the present rate they are cutting down the trees and putting up way overpriced buildings, of which people are not buying, soon this will be the great Florida desert from the middle of the state south to the Keys. But you will have plenty of room to park your car, just no air to walk from it to what ever.
I can definitely agree that praying will help, think of the positive energy that “two or more in His name” can create! Magnify that positive human input by the “coexistence” of the world prayer and what a New Day upon this earth that would be!
I wonder maybe all it takes if for us to pause for just a moment and quit worrying about how various religious fractions prayed to the One Power the One Presence in the universe, God and just took a single, teeny-weeny, little step--- towards the global warming problem---- maybe just maybe that could possibly assist with a peace beyond comprehension.
This Sunday, at Noon, August 26, will be the first weekly celebration totally in Spanish and will continue weekly from that time on with more exciting details coming forth.
For those not speaking Spanish join us at 10 am for the weekly celebration.
Jesus never told his apostles to bring people into a church, a holding place, rather that the apostles should go forth to the people.
To all of you that expressed how some of our messages have reached you at important times in your life and to all of you that have utilized to insure the continued growth of the New Day Unity Fellowship----we The Fellowship Board wish to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support.
Keep the air cleaner by:
Conserve energy—at home, at work, everywhere. • Follow gasoline refueling instructions for efficient vapor recovery. Be careful not to spill fuel and always tighten your gas cap securely. • Keep car, boat, and other engines tuned up according to manufacturers' specification. • Be sure your tires are properly inflated. • Carpool, use public transportation, bike, or walk whenever possible. • Use environmentally safe paints and cleaning products whenever possible. • Some products that you use at your home or office are made with smog-forming chemicals that can evaporate into the air when you use them. Follow manufacturers' recommendations for use and properly seal cleaners, paints, and other chemicals to prevent evaporation into the air.
Rachel will begin to vocalize her musical tones this weekend for those of you who have not joined us in hearing and enthusiastically singing with Rachel we so encourage you to join us at 10 am for our weekly celebration . More details coming soon
We are still looking for a enthusiastic key board player.
Well it is that time to count the pennies and change dropped into the container this month once again, this is all ways fun and will continually move our building fund on the up ward direction. To all you dropping those x-tra pennies and coins we thank you, next weeks weds will reflect your efforts...
If you would like to make a donation to the building fund you may do so at The instructions or any purpose you so feel in your heart.--- or just click on the spot at the top of the newsletter.
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday September 15, 9:00AM at
"J. Christopher’s" 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the third chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<>
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

August 15, 2007

Most people want to do this project or reach that goal or maybe have this job or that career. As you talk to them about it, you realize that all they can see is a mountain in their way. The “I can’t” is sung the loudest of the tunes, they think their simple, little efforts will not even dent that mountain.
Recently I saw on tv a young man not quite the teenager yet that had defied the odds.
The young man turned a deaf ear to all those negative singers and went out to successfully climb Kilimanjaro.
How? One foot in front of the other, step after step from the bottom to the summit.
Why? He described it as an over whelming inner urge to do it.
I prefer to think it was the creator of the universe using this boy to show all of us that no matter how big our problem appears,--- nor how high frustration towers over us. No matter how rocky our road, or challenging our climb may be from where we are now to where we want to be-----all we need to do is put down one step after the other and move in a focused direction------ That first step is prayer! Then mediate! Then listen and hear! Finally bring that foot forward again with the forth step.
Suddenly you are not over there----you are over here!
After all the mountain was formed one bit of matter at a time.
Louis is at the final phase of his training now, and will be returning this week end, the first Spanish service will be at 12 noon August 26 if you know of anyone who might be interested please pass the word . The official launch date is still September 9, however, this gives our new graduate some extra practice to work out the bugs.
NEW DAY SINGERS: exciting details coming soon
Boy Scouts keep coming up to help me cross the parking lots of the Walgreen drug store, the grocery stores and restaurants do to the fact I am all ways traveling my head slightly angled towards the ground, that one eye open to spot that penny, dime, nickel and yes even two dollar bills this week they think I am a challenged individual needing assistance. Thank you for the basket of pennies that came in this past week for the building fund, every one of those pennies and coins is deeply appreciated and accounted for towards the building fund.
If you would like to make a donation to the building fund you may do so at The instructions for New Day Unity Fellowship are very easy to follow and you can designate ministry, tithe, building fund or for any purpose you so feel in your heart.--- or just click on the spot at the top of the newsletter.
Just bring them in any amount, any Sunday and toss them into the special jar,,,,Danny as been successfully shanghaied, along with Fred to roll them at the end of the month. (P.S. you betcha we will take rolled coins too)
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday August 18, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the second chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
Alert!!! Alert!!!! We didn't get enough people to make a group to see "Menopause, the Musical" this past week. The good news is the musical has been extended until the end of September, so we can share a chuckle, a giggle and possibly some really good belly laughs on September 23, 2007 at 2:00 PM. Make your plans to join us for a matinee of "Menopause, the Musical" on that date. All it takes is for 12 women to join together to attend to qualify for a group rate, please email back with your response by August 22 or call Kat at 813-546-1461 to let her know you are joining the group. Invite your friends to join us, the more the merrier and we will save money on our ticket price.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<>
Comments are welcome and always appreciated.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

August 8, 2007
Life's Challenge
If times like this were constant
and not just once in a while,
Life would be too sublime
to develop one's individual style.
Let bad times roll off your shoulders
and a smile smooth away the tears.
Or the troubles become boulders
blocking your way to coming years.
Your path may be a smooth one
if you choose to see it that way,
Believe that things will get better
and it will just soon one day.
If you believe that things are rough
and you just can't go another mile.
Your heart may feel like it's breaking
but it only lasts for a while.
Give thanks for the moment of learning
and praise for the chance to believe
that life is just an adventure
with new chapters there to retrieve.
Pregunta y petición
¿Hablas español? Ensamblarnos el 26 de agosto en 12:00 P.M. para nuestro primer servicio español. ¡Bienvenida!

A few weeks ago we started putting the “Magic” back into the penny, to all of you who have dropped those reclaimed pennies from the chest of mother earth, WE THANK YOU and to those that have yet to join those of us with our noses to the ground as we walk out of 7-11, grocery stores or malls, please feel free to assist us with putting the magic back into the penny as each and every coin is going towards the growing building fund.
Just bring them in any amount, any Sunday and toss them into the special jar,,,,Danny as been successfully shanghaied, along with Fred to roll them at the end of the month. (P.S. you betcha we will take rolled coins too)
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday August 18, 9:00AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry. $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the second chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<
"I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, one's own family or nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace."
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

August 1st, 2007
Dr. Will Dungy
So much to do, the moment our eyes are open we are into the shower, and out the door to begin to tackle all the hassle of the day.
Problems just seem to pile up around us, getting heavier and heavier upon our shoulders until we just do not know what to do! We are so frustrated!
As Emily Cady states “our hearts cry out”
Why doesn’t God Help Me?
maybe “you didn’t ask”.
All that joy and beauty we want to know through out the day but can not find, well maybe “you didn’t seek”
At moments we have a fleeting thought of a prayer to find the solace of God,
maybe “you did not knock”.
Make a situation better?
I done know maybe if tomorrow as my eyes pop open, I would just pause and say a prayer of thanks, then stating I am open and receptive to the positive guidance for that day”
Maybe if I will just listen for and hear the reply from the universe then follow the instructions given through out the day.
Maybe if I would just put god first in all that I do I wouldn’t even have to be concerned about what kind of day I was going to have.
The first of the month we asked the fellowship to put the “magic” back into the penny by letting no penny lay upon ground where ever we find it. Dropping it in the little smiling penny jug on their way into Sunday service, Well this first month we collected $14.00!!! That is right, fourteen dollars to be added to the building fund. Thank you all who are participating and yes we are continuing with the endeavor.
Would you like to share a chuckle, a giggle and possibly some really good belly laughs? Make plans to join us for a matinee of "Menopause, the Musical" When we get 12 women to join together to attend on August 12, 2007 at 2:00 PM we will qualify for a group rate, please email back with your response ASAP or call Kat at 813-546-1461 to let her know you are joining the group.
Our plans are to see you at our next breakfast Saturday August 18, 9:00 AM at J. Christopher’s 14366 N. Dale Mabry $15.00 will cover your breakfast, taxes, tip and meeting room. Please join us in reading and discussing "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson. We will be discussing the second chapter. Even if you are unable to attend our breakfast, please read along and add your vibration to our discussion.
We look forward to seeing you in our future.
Kat >^. .^<